wix / Detox

Gray box end-to-end testing and automation framework for mobile apps
MIT License
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Crash when choosing a specific web view #4459

Open sergiomap opened 1 month ago

sergiomap commented 1 month ago

What happened?

When I have multiple web views and want to select a specific one I got:

The pending request #88 ("invoke") has been rejected due to the following error:
    The app has crashed, see the details below:


And it sends the app to background.

What was the expected behaviour?

Select the element in the desired web view.

Was it tested on latest Detox?

Did your test throw out a timeout?

Help us reproduce this issue!

const cookieProView = web(by.id('onetrust-banner-sdk'));

const cookiePro = cookieProView.element(by.web.id('onetrust-accept-btn-handler'));

await cookiePro.tap();

In what environment did this happen?

Detox version: 20.20.2 React Native version: 0.73.3 Has Fabric (React Native's new rendering system) enabled: (yes/no) Node version: 21.5.0 Device model: iPhone 15 iOS version: 17.2 macOS version: 14.4.1 Xcode version: 15.3 Test-runner (select one): jest

Detox logs

Detox logs ``` 10:31:04.888 detox[73793] i ws-client send message data: {"type":"invoke","params":{"type":"webAction","predicate":{"type":"id","value":"onetrust-banner-sdk","isRegex":false},"webPredicate":{"type":"id","value":"onetrust-accept-btn-handler"},"webAction":"tap"},"messageId":89} 10:31:04.889 detox[73793] B ws-client perform web view action: tap data: { "type": "webAction", "predicate": { "type": "id", "value": "onetrust-banner-sdk", "isRegex": false }, "webPredicate": { "type": "id", "value": "onetrust-accept-btn-handler" }, "webAction": "tap" } stack: Object.tap (/e2e/screens/beneficiaryScreen.js:64:19) Generator.next () asyncGeneratorStep (/node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/asyncToGenerator.js:3:24) _next (/node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/asyncToGenerator.js:22:9) tryCallOne (/node_modules/promise/lib/core.js:37:12) /node_modules/promise/lib/core.js:123:15 flush (/node_modules/asap/raw.js:50:29) processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:77:11) RUNS e2e/specs/transactions/a2a/transact/withdraw.spec.js 10:31:04.889 detox[73792] i ws-server@60121 get data: {"type":"invoke","params":{"type":"webAction","predicate":{"type":"id","value":"onetrust-banner-sdk","isRegex":false},"webPredicate":{"type":"id","value":"onetrust-accept-btn-handler"},"webAction":"tap"},"messageId":89} 10:31:04.890 detox[73792] i ws-server@60640 send data: { "type": "invoke", "params": { "type": "webAction", "predicate": { "type": "id", "value": "onetrust-banner-sdk", "isRegex": false }, "webPredicate": { "type": "id", "value": "onetrust-accept-btn-handler" }, "webAction": "tap" }, "messageId": 89 } 10:31:05.072 detox[73792] i ws-server@60640 get data: {"params":{"exceptionReason":"No elements found for “MATCHER(id == “onetrust-banner-sdk”)”","queueName":"com.apple.main-thread","exceptionName":"DetoxException","threadNumber":1,"errorDetails":"THIS SHOULD NOT HAVE HAPPENED AND IS A BUG IN DETOX LOGIC. PLEASE OPEN AN ISSUE IN https:\/\/github.com\/wix\/Detox\/issues\/new\/choose AND POST THIS CRASH\n\nDetoxException\nNo elements found for “MATCHER(id == “onetrust-banner-sdk”)”\n(\n\t0 CoreFoundation 0x00000001129ee751 __exceptionPreprocess + 226\n\t1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x0000000112380904 objc_exception_throw + 48\n\t2 CoreFoundation 0x00000001129ee25f -[NSException init] + 0\n\t3 Detox 0x0000000111c53058 +[DTXAssertionHandler handleFailureInFunction:file:lineNumber:viewDescription:description:arguments:] + 67\n\t4 Detox 0x0000000111c6ad8f Detox.Element.(views in _14E24C92C1353FEA1FC68E698CB917EF).getter : Swift.Array<__C.NSObject> + 751\n\t5 Detox 0x0000000111c6adf1 Detox.Element.view.getter : __C.NSObject + 49\n\t6 Detox 0x0000000111c6fbb5 function signature specialization of static (extension in Detox):__C.WKWebView.findView(by: Swift.Optional, atIndex: Swift.Optional) throws -> __C.WKWebView + 165\n\t7 Detox 0x0000000111c8b1fc Detox.WebAction.perform(completionHandler: (Swift.Optional>, Swift.Optional) -> ()) -> () + 348\n\t8 Detox 0x0000000111c68174 function signature specialization of function signature specialization >, Swift.Optional) -> () in closure #2 () -> () in Detox.DetoxManager.webSocket(_: Detox.WebSocket, didReceiveAction: Swift.String, params: Swift.Dictionary, messageId: __C.NSNumber) -> (), Argument Types : [Detox.DetoxManager__C.NSNumber]> of static Detox.InvocationManager.invoke(dictionaryRepresentation: Swift.Dictionary, completionHandler: (Swift.Optional>, Swift.Optional) -> ()) -> () + 2900\n\t9 Detox 0x0000000111c84f6f closure #2 () -> () in Detox.DetoxManager.webSocket(_: Detox.WebSocket, didReceiveAction: Swift.String, params: Swift.Dictionary, messageId: __C.NSNumber) -> () + 63\n\t10 Detox 0x0000000111c861c9 merged reabstraction thunk helper from @escaping @callee_guaranteed () -> () to @escaping @callee_unowned @convention(block) () -> () + 25\n\t11 DetoxSync 0x0000000179867f6c __36+[DTXSyncManager _tryIdleBlocksNow:]_block_invoke.130 + 188\n\t12 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000123cdba90 _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 12\n\t13 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000123cdcd3a _dispatch_client_callout + 8\n\t14 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000123cebac0 _dispatch_main_queue_drain + 1420\n\t15 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000123ceb526 _dispatch_main_queue_callback_4CF + 31\n\t16 CoreFoundation 0x000000011294adc4 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_SERVICING_THE_MAIN_DISPATCH_QUEUE__ + 9\n\t17 CoreFoundation 0x00000001129456ff __CFRunLoopRun + 2463\n\t18 CoreFoundation 0x000000011294497d CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 557\n\t19 GraphicsServices 0x000000012d21308f GSEventRunModal + 137\n\t20 UIKitCore 0x000000014e41f53d -[UIApplication _run] + 972\n\t21 DetoxSync 0x000000017986389e __detox_sync_UIApplication_run + 362\n\t22 UIKitCore 0x000000014e423fab UIApplicationMain + 123\n\t23 xxxxxxx 0x0000000104584b70 main + 96\n\t24 dyld 0x0000000110f103e0 start_sim + 10\n\t25 ??? 0x0000000208870366 0x0 + 8733000550\n)"},"messageId":-10000,"type":"AppWillTerminateWithError"} 10:31:05.073 detox[73792] i ws-server@60121 send data: { "params": { "exceptionReason": "No elements found for “MATCHER(id == “onetrust-banner-sdk”)”", "queueName": "com.apple.main-thread", "exceptionName": "DetoxException", "threadNumber": 1, "errorDetails": "THIS SHOULD NOT HAVE HAPPENED AND IS A BUG IN DETOX LOGIC. PLEASE OPEN AN ISSUE IN https://github.com/wix/Detox/issues/new/choose AND POST THIS CRASH\n\nDetoxException\nNo elements found for “MATCHER(id == “onetrust-banner-sdk”)”\n(\n\t0 CoreFoundation 0x00000001129ee751 __exceptionPreprocess + 226\n\t1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x0000000112380904 objc_exception_throw + 48\n\t2 CoreFoundation 0x00000001129ee25f -[NSException init] + 0\n\t3 Detox 0x0000000111c53058 +[DTXAssertionHandler handleFailureInFunction:file:lineNumber:viewDescription:description:arguments:] + 67\n\t4 Detox 0x0000000111c6ad8f Detox.Element.(views in _14E24C92C1353FEA1FC68E698CB917EF).getter : Swift.Array<__C.NSObject> + 751\n\t5 Detox 0x0000000111c6adf1 Detox.Element.view.getter : __C.NSObject + 49\n\t6 Detox 0x0000000111c6fbb5 function signature specialization of static (extension in Detox):__C.WKWebView.findView(by: Swift.Optional, atIndex: Swift.Optional) throws -> __C.WKWebView + 165\n\t7 Detox 0x0000000111c8b1fc Detox.WebAction.perform(completionHandler: (Swift.Optional>, Swift.Optional) -> ()) -> () + 348\n\t8 Detox 0x0000000111c68174 function signature specialization of function signature specialization >, Swift.Optional) -> () in closure #2 () -> () in Detox.DetoxManager.webSocket(_: Detox.WebSocket, didReceiveAction: Swift.String, params: Swift.Dictionary, messageId: __C.NSNumber) -> (), Argument Types : [Detox.DetoxManager__C.NSNumber]> of static Detox.InvocationManager.invoke(dictionaryRepresentation: Swift.Dictionary, completionHandler: (Swift.Optional>, Swift.Optional) -> ()) -> () + 2900\n\t9 Detox 0x0000000111c84f6f closure #2 () -> () in Detox.DetoxManager.webSocket(_: Detox.WebSocket, didReceiveAction: Swift.String, params: Swift.Dictionary, messageId: __C.NSNumber) -> () + 63\n\t10 Detox 0x0000000111c861c9 merged reabstraction thunk helper from @escaping @callee_guaranteed () -> () to @escaping @callee_unowned @convention(block) () -> () + 25\n\t11 DetoxSync 0x0000000179867f6c __36+[DTXSyncManager _tryIdleBlocksNow:]_block_invoke.130 + 188\n\t12 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000123cdba90 _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 12\n\t13 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000123cdcd3a _dispatch_client_callout + 8\n\t14 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000123cebac0 _dispatch_main_queue_drain + 1420\n\t15 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000123ceb526 _dispatch_main_queue_callback_4CF + 31\n\t16 CoreFoundation 0x000000011294adc4 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_SERVICING_THE_MAIN_DISPATCH_QUEUE__ + 9\n\t17 CoreFoundation 0x00000001129456ff __CFRunLoopRun + 2463\n\t18 CoreFoundation 0x000000011294497d CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 557\n\t19 GraphicsServices 0x000000012d21308f GSEventRunModal + 137\n\t20 UIKitCore 0x000000014e41f53d -[UIApplication _run] + 972\n\t21 DetoxSync 0x000000017986389e __detox_sync_UIApplication_run + 362\n\t22 UIKitCore 0x000000014e423fab UIApplicationMain + 123\n\t23 xxxxxxx 0x0000000104584b70 main + 96\n\t24 dyld 0x0000000110f103e0 start_sim + 10\n\t25 ??? 0x0000000208870366 0x0 + 8733000550\n)" }, "messageId": -10000, 10:31:05.075 detox[73793] i ws-client get message data: {"params":{"exceptionReason":"No elements found for “MATCHER(id == “onetrust-banner-sdk”)”","queueName":"com.apple.main-thread","exceptionName":"DetoxException","threadNumber":1,"errorDetails":"THIS SHOULD NOT HAVE HAPPENED AND IS A BUG IN DETOX LOGIC. PLEASE OPEN AN ISSUE IN https://github.com/wix/Detox/issues/new/choose AND POST THIS CRASH\n\nDetoxException\nNo elements found for “MATCHER(id == “onetrust-banner-sdk”)”\n(\n\t0 CoreFoundation 0x00000001129ee751 __exceptionPreprocess + 226\n\t1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x0000000112380904 objc_exception_throw + 48\n\t2 CoreFoundation 0x00000001129ee25f -[NSException init] + 0\n\t3 Detox 0x0000000111c53058 +[DTXAssertionHandler handleFailureInFunction:file:lineNumber:viewDescription:description:arguments:] + 67\n\t4 Detox 0x0000000111c6ad8f Detox.Element.(views in _14E24C92C1353FEA1FC68E698CB917EF).getter : Swift.Array<__C.NSObject> + 751\n\t5 Detox 0x0000000111c6adf1 Detox.Element.view.getter : __C.NSObject + 49\n\t6 Detox 0x0000000111c6fbb5 function signature specialization of static (extension in Detox):__C.WKWebView.findView(by: Swift.Optional, atIndex: Swift.Optional) throws -> __C.WKWebView + 165\n\t7 Detox 0x0000000111c8b1fc Detox.WebAction.perform(completionHandler: (Swift.Optional>, Swift.Optional) -> ()) -> () + 348\n\t8 Detox 0x0000000111c68174 function signature specialization of function signature specialization >, Swift.Optional) -> () in closure #2 () -> () in Detox.DetoxManager.webSocket(_: Detox.WebSocket, didReceiveAction: Swift.String, params: Swift.Dictionary, messageId: __C.NSNumber) -> (), Argument Types : [Detox.DetoxManager__C.NSNumber]> of static Detox.InvocationManager.invoke(dictionaryRepresentation: Swift.Dictionary, completionHandler: (Swift.Optional>, Swift.Optional) -> ()) -> () + 2900\n\t9 Detox 0x0000000111c84f6f closure #2 () -> () in Detox.DetoxManager.webSocket(_: Detox.WebSocket, didReceiveAction: Swift.String, params: Swift.Dictionary, messageId: __C.NSNumber) -> () + 63\n\t10 Detox 0x0000000111c861c9 merged reabstraction thunk helper from @escaping @callee_guaranteed () -> () to @escaping @callee_unowned @convention(block) () -> () + 25\n\t11 DetoxSync 0x0000000179867f6c __36+[DTXSyncManager _tryIdleBlocksNow:]_block_invoke.130 + 188\n\t12 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000123cdba90 _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 12\n\t13 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000123cdcd3a _dispatch_client_callout + 8\n\t14 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000123cebac0 _dispatch_main_queue_drain + 1420\n\t15 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000123ceb526 _dispatch_main_queue_callback_4CF + 31\n\t16 CoreFoundation 0x000000011294adc4 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_SERVICING_THE_MAIN_DISPATCH_QUEUE__ + 9\n\t17 CoreFoundation 0x00000001129456ff __CFRunLoopRun + 2463\n\t18 CoreFoundation 0x000000011294497d CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 557\n\t19 GraphicsServices 0x000000012d21308f GSEventRunModal + 137\n\t20 UIKitCore 0x000000014e41f53d -[UIApplication _run] + 972\n\t21 DetoxSync 0x000000017986389e __detox_sync_UIApplication_run + 362\n\t22 UIKitCore 0x000000014e423fab UIApplicationMain + 123\n\t23 xxxxxxx 0x0000000104584b70 main + 96\n\t24 dyld 0x0000000110f103e0 start_sim + 10\n\t25 ??? 0x0000000208870366 0x0 + 8733000550\n)"},"messageId":-10000,"type":"AppWillTerminateWithError"} 10:31:10.078 detox[73793] B device terminateApp args: () 10:31:10.079 detox[73793] B artifacts-manager onBeforeTerminateApp args: ({"deviceId":"E935C802-2E33-497E-A0DB-41E11F71C39F","bundleId":"com.xxxxxxx..ios"}) 10:31:10.079 detox[73793] E artifacts-manager onBeforeTerminateApp 10:31:10.080 detox[73793] i child-process:EXEC_CMD /usr/bin/xcrun simctl terminate E935C802-2E33-497E-A0DB-41E11F71C39F com.xxxxxxx..ios 10:31:10.080 detox[73793] i child-process:EXEC_TRY Terminating com.xxxxxxx..ios... RUNS e2e/specs/transactions/a2a/transact/withdraw.spec.js 10:31:10.375 detox[73792] i ws-server app exited session e904a921-665d-1796-8523-eb28b7b39c0d 10:31:10.375 detox[73792] i ws-server@60121 send data: { "type": "appDisconnected" 10:31:10.376 detox[73793] i ws-client get message data: {"type":"appDisconnected"} 10:31:10.376 detox[73793] E ws-client perform web view action: tap error: The pending request #89 ("invoke") has been rejected due to the following error: The app has crashed, see the details below: THIS SHOULD NOT HAVE HAPPENED AND IS A BUG IN DETOX LOGIC. PLEASE OPEN AN ISSUE IN https://github.com/wix/Detox/issues/new/choose AND POST THIS CRASH DetoxException No elements found for “MATCHER(id == “onetrust-banner-sdk”)” ( 0 CoreFoundation 0x00000001129ee751 __exceptionPreprocess + 226 1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x0000000112380904 objc_exception_throw + 48 2 CoreFoundation 0x00000001129ee25f -[NSException init] + 0 3 Detox 0x0000000111c53058 +[DTXAssertionHandler handleFailureInFunction:file:lineNumber:viewDescription:description:arguments:] + 67 4 Detox 0x0000000111c6ad8f Detox.Element.(views in _14E24C92C1353FEA1FC68E698CB917EF).getter : Swift.Array<__C.NSObject> + 751 5 Detox 0x0000000111c6adf1 Detox.Element.view.getter : __C.NSObject + 49 6 Detox 0x0000000111c6fbb5 function signature specialization of static (extension in Detox):__C.WKWebView.findView(by: Swift.Optional, atIndex: Swift.Optional) throws -> __C.WKWebView + 165 7 Detox 0x0000000111c8b1fc Detox.WebAction.perform(completionHandler: (Swift.Optional>, Swift.Optional) -> ()) -> () + 348 8 Detox 0x0000000111c68174 function signature specialization of function signature specialization >, Swift.Optional) -> () in closure #2 () -> () in Detox.DetoxManager.webSocket(_: Detox.WebSocket, didReceiveAction: Swift.String, params: Swift.Dictionary, messageId: __C.NSNumber) -> (), Argument Types : [Detox.DetoxManager__C.NSNumber]> of static Detox.InvocationManager.invoke(dictionaryRepresentation: Swift.Dictionary, completionHandler: (Swift.Optional>, Swift.Optional) -> ()) -> () + 2900 9 Detox 0x0000000111c84f6f closure #2 () -> () in Detox.DetoxManager.webSocket(_: Detox.WebSocket, didReceiveAction: Swift.String, params: Swift.Dictionary, messageId: __C.NSNumber) -> () + 63 10 Detox 0x0000000111c861c9 merged reabstraction thunk helper from @escaping @callee_guaranteed () -> () to @escaping @callee_unowned @convention(block) () -> () + 25 11 DetoxSync 0x0000000179867f6c __36+[DTXSyncManager _tryIdleBlocksNow:]_block_invoke.130 + 188 12 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000123cdba90 _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 12 13 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000123cdcd3a _dispatch_client_callout + 8 14 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000123cebac0 _dispatch_main_queue_drain + 1420 15 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000123ceb526 _dispatch_main_queue_callback_4CF + 31 16 CoreFoundation 0x000000011294adc4 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_SERVICING_THE_MAIN_DISPATCH_QUEUE__ + 9 17 CoreFoundation 0x00000001129456ff __CFRunLoopRun + 2463 18 CoreFoundation 0x000000011294497d CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 557 19 GraphicsServices 0x000000012d21308f GSEventRunModal + 137 20 UIKitCore 0x000000014e41f53d -[UIApplication _run] + 972 21 DetoxSync 0x000000017986389e __detox_sync_UIApplication_run + 362 22 UIKitCore 0x000000014e423fab UIApplicationMain + 123 23 xxxxxxx 0x0000000104584b70 main + 96 24 dyld 0x0000000110f103e0 start_sim + 10 25 ??? 0x0000000208870366 0x0 + 8733000550 ) 10:31:10.377 detox[73793] B artifacts-manager onTestFnFailure args: ({"error":{"name":"DetoxRuntimeError"}}) 10:31:10.377 detox[73793] i artifact:ARTIFACT_START starting SimulatorScreenshot 10:31:10.378 detox[73793] i child-process:EXEC_CMD /usr/bin/xcrun simctl io E935C802-2E33-497E-A0DB-41E11F71C39F screenshot "/private/var/folders/nb/9v62wchx69zf8dl8540tg5380000gn/T/3c4d2b02-d455-4570-97cb-55b18d46b033.detox.png" 10:31:10.385 detox[73793] i child-process:EXEC_SUCCESS com.xxxxxxx..ios terminated 10:31:10.385 detox[73793] B artifacts-manager onTerminateApp args: ({"deviceId":"E935C802-2E33-497E-A0DB-41E11F71C39F","bundleId":"com.xxxxxxx..ios"}) 10:31:10.385 detox[73793] E artifacts-manager onTerminateApp 10:31:10.385 detox[73793] E device terminateApp 10:31:10.625 detox[73793] i child-process:EXEC_SUCCESS Detected file type 'PNG' from extension Wrote screenshot to: /private/var/folders/nb/9v62wchx69zf8dl8540tg5380000gn/T/3c4d2b02-d455-4570-97cb-55b18d46b033.detox.png 10:31:10.625 detox[73793] i artifact:ARTIFACT_STOP stopping SimulatorScreenshot 10:31:10.625 detox[73793] E artifacts-manager onTestFnFailure 10:31:10.626 detox[73793] E lifecycle test_fn error: The pending request #89 ("invoke") has been rejected due to the following error: The app has crashed, see the details below: THIS SHOULD NOT HAVE HAPPENED AND IS A BUG IN DETOX LOGIC. PLEASE OPEN AN ISSUE IN https://github.com/wix/Detox/issues/new/choose AND POST THIS CRASH DetoxException No elements found for “MATCHER(id == “onetrust-banner-sdk”)” ( 0 CoreFoundation 0x00000001129ee751 __exceptionPreprocess + 226 1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x0000000112380904 objc_exception_throw + 48 2 CoreFoundation 0x00000001129ee25f -[NSException init] + 0 3 Detox 0x0000000111c53058 +[DTXAssertionHandler handleFailureInFunction:file:lineNumber:viewDescription:description:arguments:] + 67 4 Detox 0x0000000111c6ad8f Detox.Element.(views in _14E24C92C1353FEA1FC68E698CB917EF).getter : Swift.Array<__C.NSObject> + 751 5 Detox 0x0000000111c6adf1 Detox.Element.view.getter : __C.NSObject + 49 6 Detox 0x0000000111c6fbb5 function signature specialization of static (extension in Detox):__C.WKWebView.findView(by: Swift.Optional, atIndex: Swift.Optional) throws -> __C.WKWebView + 165 7 Detox 0x0000000111c8b1fc Detox.WebAction.perform(completionHandler: (Swift.Optional>, Swift.Optional) -> ()) -> () + 348 8 Detox 0x0000000111c68174 function signature specialization of function signature specialization >, Swift.Optional) -> () in closure #2 () -> () in Detox.DetoxManager.webSocket(_: Detox.WebSocket, didReceiveAction: Swift.String, params: Swift.Dictionary, messageId: __C.NSNumber) -> (), Argument Types : [Detox.DetoxManager__C.NSNumber]> of static Detox.InvocationManager.invoke(dictionaryRepresentation: Swift.Dictionary, completionHandler: (Swift.Optional>, Swift.Optional) -> ()) -> () + 2900 9 Detox 0x0000000111c84f6f closure #2 () -> () in Detox.DetoxManager.webSocket(_: Detox.WebSocket, didReceiveAction: Swift.String, params: Swift.Dictionary, messageId: __C.NSNumber) -> () + 63 10 Detox 0x0000000111c861c9 merged reabstraction thunk helper from @escaping @callee_guaranteed () -> () to @escaping @callee_unowned @convention(block) () -> () + 25 11 DetoxSync 0x0000000179867f6c __36+[DTXSyncManager _tryIdleBlocksNow:]_block_invoke.130 + 188 12 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000123cdba90 _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 12 13 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000123cdcd3a _dispatch_client_callout + 8 14 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000123cebac0 _dispatch_main_queue_drain + 1420 15 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000123ceb526 _dispatch_main_queue_callback_4CF + 31 16 CoreFoundation 0x000000011294adc4 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_SERVICING_THE_MAIN_DISPATCH_QUEUE__ + 9 17 CoreFoundation 0x00000001129456ff __CFRunLoopRun + 2463 18 CoreFoundation 0x000000011294497d CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 557 19 GraphicsServices 0x000000012d21308f GSEventRunModal + 137 20 UIKitCore 0x000000014e41f53d -[UIApplication _run] + 972 21 DetoxSync 0x000000017986389e __detox_sync_UIApplication_run + 362 22 UIKitCore 0x000000014e423fab UIApplicationMain + 123 23 xxxxxxx 0x0000000104584b70 main + 96 24 dyld 0x0000000110f103e0 start_sim + 10 25 ??? 0x0000000208870366 0x0 + 8733000550 ) 10:31:10.626 detox[73793] B artifacts-manager onTestDone args: ({"title":"should transact from USD to BTC network @listings","fullName":"Transact - Withdraw | user: transactionsgb-857245th@aaaaaaaaa.com, country: GB, status: ok should transact from USD to BTC network @listings","status":"failed","invocations":1,"timedOut":false}) 10:31:10.627 detox[73793] i artifact:ARTIFACT_START starting SimulatorScreenshot 10:31:10.627 detox[73793] i child-process:EXEC_CMD /usr/bin/xcrun simctl io E935C802-2E33-497E-A0DB-41E11F71C39F screenshot "/private/var/folders/nb/9v62wchx69zf8dl8540tg5380000gn/T/878a0466-86c3-41f3-ab4e-68684ea3a359.detox.png" 10:31:10.627 detox[73793] i artifact:ARTIFACT_STOP stopping SimulatorVideoRecording 10:31:10.629 detox[73793] i child-process:SPAWN_KILL sending SIGINT to: /usr/bin/xcrun simctl io E935C802-2E33-497E-A0DB-41E11F71C39F recordVideo /private/var/folders/nb/9v62wchx69zf8dl8540tg5380000gn/T/1d052707-7e88-4631-bb7f-ac6ad9bb06c9.detox.mp4 10:31:10.690 detox[73793] i child-process:SPAWN_STDOUT Recording completed. Writing to disk. Wrote video to: /private/var/folders/nb/9v62wchx69zf8dl8540tg5380000gn/T/1d052707-7e88-4631-bb7f-ac6ad9bb06c9.detox.mp4 10:31:10.692 detox[73793] i child-process:SPAWN_END /usr/bin/xcrun simctl io E935C802-2E33-497E-A0DB-41E11F71C39F recordVideo /private/var/folders/nb/9v62wchx69zf8dl8540tg5380000gn/T/1d052707-7e88-4631-bb7f-ac6ad9bb06c9.detox.mp4 exited with code #0 10:31:10.693 detox[73793] i artifact:ARTIFACT_SAVE saving SimulatorVideoRecording to: artifacts/ios.2024-04-23 09-28-14Z/✗ Transact - Withdraw _ user_ transactionsgb-857245th@aaaaaaaaa.com, country_ GB, status_ ok should transact from USD to BTC network @listings/test.mp4 10:31:10.693 detox[73793] i artifacts-plugin:MOVE_FILE moving "/private/var/folders/nb/9v62wchx69zf8dl8540tg5380000gn/T/1d052707-7e88-4631-bb7f-ac6ad9bb06c9.detox.mp4" to artifacts/ios.2024-04-23 09-28-14Z/✗ Transact - Withdraw _ user_ transactionsgb-857245th@aaaaaaaaa.com, country_ GB, status_ ok should transact from USD to BTC network @listings/test.mp4 10:31:10.884 detox[73793] i child-process:EXEC_SUCCESS Detected file type 'PNG' from extension Wrote screenshot to: /private/var/folders/nb/9v62wchx69zf8dl8540tg5380000gn/T/878a0466-86c3-41f3-ab4e-68684ea3a359.detox.png 10:31:10.884 detox[73793] i artifact:ARTIFACT_STOP stopping SimulatorScreenshot 10:31:10.884 detox[73793] i artifact:ARTIFACT_STOP stopping SimulatorLogRecording 10:31:10.885 detox[73793] i artifact:ARTIFACT_SAVE saving SimulatorScreenshot to: artifacts/ios.2024-04-23 09-28-14Z/✗ Transact - Withdraw _ user_ transactionsgb-857245th@aaaaaaaaa.com, country_ GB, status_ ok should transact from USD to BTC network @listings/testStart.png 10:31:10.885 detox[73793] i artifact:MOVE_FILE moving "/private/var/folders/nb/9v62wchx69zf8dl8540tg5380000gn/T/bde2b616-26fd-454c-b9e8-5628ac6dfb8d.detox.png" to artifacts/ios.2024-04-23 09-28-14Z/✗ Transact - Withdraw _ user_ transactionsgb-857245th@aaaaaaaaa.com, country_ GB, status_ ok should transact from USD to BTC network @listings/testStart.png 10:31:10.886 detox[73793] i artifact:ARTIFACT_SAVE saving FileArtifact to: artifacts/ios.2024-04-23 09-28-14Z/✗ Transact - Withdraw _ user_ transactionsgb-857245th@aaaaaaaaa.com, country_ GB, status_ ok should transact from USD to BTC network @listings/DETOX_VISIBILITY_UITransitionView__0x7fa5750364d0__SCREEN.png 10:31:10.886 detox[73793] i artifact:MOVE_FILE moving "/Users/xxxxxxx/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/E935C802-2E33-497E-A0DB-41E11F71C39F/data/Containers/Data/Application/B606D869-14B8-4838-8AB9-295B2A29050D/tmp/visibilityFailingScreenshots/DETOX_VISIBILITY_UITransitionView <0x7fa5750364d0>_SCREEN.png" to artifacts/ios.2024-04-23 09-28-14Z/✗ Transact - Withdraw _ user_ transactionsgb-857245th@aaaaaaaaa.com, country_ GB, status_ ok should transact from USD to BTC network @listings/DETOX_VISIBILITY_UITransitionView__0x7fa5750364d0__SCREEN.png 10:31:10.887 detox[73793] i artifact:ARTIFACT_SAVE saving FileArtifact to: artifacts/ios.2024-04-23 09-28-14Z/✗ Transact - Withdraw _ user_ transactionsgb-857245th@aaaaaaaaa.com, country_ GB, status_ ok should transact from USD to BTC network @listings/DETOX_VISIBILITY_UITransitionView__0x7fa5750364d0__TEST.png 10:31:10.887 detox[73793] i artifact:MOVE_FILE moving "/Users/xxxxxxx/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/E935C802-2E33-497E-A0DB-41E11F71C39F/data/Containers/Data/Application/B606D869-14B8-4838-8AB9-295B2A29050D/tmp/visibilityFailingRects/DETOX_VISIBILITY_UITransitionView <0x7fa5750364d0>_TEST.png" to artifacts/ios.2024-04-23 09-28-14Z/✗ Transact - Withdraw _ user_ transactionsgb-857245th@aaaaaaaaa.com, country_ GB, status_ ok should transact from USD to BTC network @listings/DETOX_VISIBILITY_UITransitionView__0x7fa5750364d0__TEST.png 10:31:10.887 detox[73793] i artifact:ARTIFACT_SAVE saving SimulatorScreenshot to: artifacts/ios.2024-04-23 09-28-14Z/✗ Transact - Withdraw _ user_ transactionsgb-857245th@aaaaaaaaa.com, country_ GB, status_ ok should transact from USD to BTC network @listings/testFnFailure.png 10:31:10.887 detox[73793] i artifact:MOVE_FILE moving "/private/var/folders/nb/9v62wchx69zf8dl8540tg5380000gn/T/3c4d2b02-d455-4570-97cb-55b18d46b033.detox.png" to artifacts/ios.2024-04-23 09-28-14Z/✗ Transact - Withdraw _ user_ transactionsgb-857245th@aaaaaaaaa.com, country_ GB, status_ ok should transact from USD to BTC network @listings/testFnFailure.png 10:31:10.888 detox[73793] i artifact:ARTIFACT_SAVE saving SimulatorScreenshot to: artifacts/ios.2024-04-23 09-28-14Z/✗ Transact - Withdraw _ user_ transactionsgb-857245th@aaaaaaaaa.com, country_ GB, status_ ok should transact from USD to BTC network @listings/testDone.png 10:31:10.888 detox[73793] i artifact:MOVE_FILE moving "/private/var/folders/nb/9v62wchx69zf8dl8540tg5380000gn/T/878a0466-86c3-41f3-ab4e-68684ea3a359.detox.png" to artifacts/ios.2024-04-23 09-28-14Z/✗ Transact - Withdraw _ user_ transactionsgb-857245th@aaaaaaaaa.com, country_ GB, status_ ok should transact from USD to BTC network @listings/testDone.png 10:31:10.937 detox[73793] i child-process:SPAWN_KILL sending SIGINT to: /usr/bin/xcrun simctl spawn E935C802-2E33-497E-A0DB-41E11F71C39F log stream --level debug --style compact --predicate processImagePath beginsWith "/Users/xxxxxxx/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/E935C802-2E33-497E-A0DB-41E11F71C39F/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/D1384719-D14A-4387-8B1F-1419D1C3F0F5/xxxxxxx.app" 10:31:10.943 detox[73793] i child-process:SPAWN_END /usr/bin/xcrun simctl spawn E935C802-2E33-497E-A0DB-41E11F71C39F log stream --level debug --style compact --predicate "processImagePath beginsWith \"/Users/xxxxxxx/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/E935C802-2E33-497E-A0DB-41E11F71C39F/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/D1384719-D14A-4387-8B1F-1419D1C3F0F5/xxxxxxx.app\"" exited with code #0 10:31:10.943 detox[73793] E artifacts-manager onTestDone 10:31:10.944 detox[73793] E lifecycle should transact from USD to BTC network @listings 10:31:10.944 detox[73793] i lifecycle Transact - Withdraw > | user: transactionsgb-857245th@aaaaaaaaa.com, country: GB, status: ok: should transact from USD to BTC network @listings [FAIL] 10:31:10.944 detox[73793] B artifacts-manager onRunDescribeFinish args: ({"name":"| user: transactionsgb-857245th@aaaaaaaaa.com, country: GB, status: ok"}) 10:31:10.944 detox[73793] E artifacts-manager onRunDescribeFinish 10:31:10.945 detox[73793] E lifecycle | user: transactionsgb-857245th@aaaaaaaaa.com, country: GB, status: ok 10:31:10.945 detox[73793] B lifecycle | user: transactionspt-8572ctso@aaaaaaaaa.com, country: PT, status: ok 10:31:10.945 detox[73793] B artifacts-manager onRunDescribeStart args: ({"name":"| user: transactionspt-8572ctso@aaaaaaaaa.com, country: PT, status: ok"}) 10:31:10.945 detox[73793] E artifacts-manager onRunDescribeStart 10:31:10.945 detox[73793] B lifecycle should transact from USDT to fps bank @listings 10:31:10.945 detox[73793] i lifecycle Transact - Withdraw > | user: transactionspt-8572ctso@aaaaaaaaa.com, country: PT, status: ok: should transact from USDT to fps bank @listings 10:31:10.945 detox[73793] E lifecycle Transact - Withdraw | user: transactionspt-8572ctso@aaaaaaaaa.com, country: PT, status: ok should transact from USDT to fps bank @listings 10:31:10.945 detox[73793] i lifecycle Transact - Withdraw > | user: transactionspt-8572ctso@aaaaaaaaa.com, country: PT, status: ok: should transact from USDT to fps bank @listings [SKIPPED] 10:31:10.945 detox[73793] B lifecycle should transact from USDT to sepa bank @listings 10:31:10.945 detox[73793] i lifecycle Transact - Withdraw > | user: transactionspt-8572ctso@aaaaaaaaa.com, country: PT, status: ok: should transact from USDT to sepa bank @listings 10:31:10.946 detox[73793] E lifecycle Transact - Withdraw | user: transactionspt-8572ctso@aaaaaaaaa.com, country: PT, status: ok should transact from USDT to sepa bank @listings 10:31:10.946 detox[73793] i lifecycle Transact - Withdraw > | user: transactionspt-8572ctso@aaaaaaaaa.com, country: PT, status: ok: should transact from USDT to sepa bank @listings [SKIPPED] 10:31:10.946 detox[73793] B lifecycle should check 'Virtual account' modal - GBP 10:31:10.946 detox[73793] i lifecycle Transact - Withdraw > | user: transactionspt-8572ctso@aaaaaaaaa.com, country: PT, status: ok: should check 'Virtual account' modal - GBP 10:31:10.946 detox[73793] E lifecycle Transact - Withdraw | user: transactionspt-8572ctso@aaaaaaaaa.com, country: PT, status: ok should check 'Virtual account' modal - GBP 10:31:10.946 detox[73793] i lifecycle Transact - Withdraw > | user: transactionspt-8572ctso@aaaaaaaaa.com, country: PT, status: ok: should check 'Virtual account' modal - GBP [SKIPPED] 10:31:10.946 detox[73793] B lifecycle should check 'Virtual account' modal - EUR 10:31:10.946 detox[73793] i lifecycle Transact - Withdraw > | user: transactionspt-8572ctso@aaaaaaaaa.com, country: PT, status: ok: should check 'Virtual account' modal - EUR 10:31:10.946 detox[73793] E lifecycle Transact - Withdraw | user: transactionspt-8572ctso@aaaaaaaaa.com, country: PT, status: ok should check 'Virtual account' modal - EUR 10:31:10.946 detox[73793] i lifecycle Transact - Withdraw > | user: transactionspt-8572ctso@aaaaaaaaa.com, country: PT, status: ok: should check 'Virtual account' modal - EUR [SKIPPED] 10:31:10.946 detox[73793] B artifacts-manager onRunDescribeFinish args: ({"name":"| user: transactionspt-8572ctso@aaaaaaaaa.com, country: PT, status: ok"}) 10:31:10.946 detox[73793] E artifacts-manager onRunDescribeFinish 10:31:10.946 detox[73793] E lifecycle | user: transactionspt-8572ctso@aaaaaaaaa.com, country: PT, status: ok 10:31:10.946 detox[73793] B lifecycle | user: transactionsus-8573gp8n@aaaaaaaaa.com, country: US, status: ok 10:31:10.946 detox[73793] B artifacts-manager onRunDescribeStart args: ({"name":"| user: transactionsus-8573gp8n@aaaaaaaaa.com, country: US, status: ok"}) 10:31:10.946 detox[73793] E artifacts-manager onRunDescribeStart 10:31:10.947 detox[73793] B lifecycle should check disclaimer when user adds a card not eligible for withdrawals in the destination add another card 10:31:10.947 detox[73793] i lifecycle Transact - Withdraw > | user: transactionsus-8573gp8n@aaaaaaaaa.com, country: US, status: ok: should check disclaimer when user adds a card not eligible for withdrawals in the destination add another card 10:31:10.947 detox[73793] E lifecycle Transact - Withdraw | user: transactionsus-8573gp8n@aaaaaaaaa.com, country: US, status: ok should check disclaimer when user adds a card not eligible for withdrawals in the destination add another card 10:31:10.947 detox[73793] i lifecycle Transact - Withdraw > | user: transactionsus-8573gp8n@aaaaaaaaa.com, country: US, status: ok: should check disclaimer when user adds a card not eligible for withdrawals in the destination add another card [SKIPPED] 10:31:10.947 detox[73793] B lifecycle should check disclaimer when user adds a card not eligible for withdrawals in the destination select a different destination 10:31:10.947 detox[73793] i lifecycle Transact - Withdraw > | user: transactionsus-8573gp8n@aaaaaaaaa.com, country: US, status: ok: should check disclaimer when user adds a card not eligible for withdrawals in the destination select a different destination 10:31:10.947 detox[73793] E lifecycle Transact - Withdraw | user: transactionsus-8573gp8n@aaaaaaaaa.com, country: US, status: ok should check disclaimer when user adds a card not eligible for withdrawals in the destination select a different destination 10:31:10.947 detox[73793] i lifecycle Transact - Withdraw > | user: transactionsus-8573gp8n@aaaaaaaaa.com, country: US, status: ok: should check disclaimer when user adds a card not eligible for withdrawals in the destination select a different destination [SKIPPED] 10:31:10.947 detox[73793] B lifecycle should withdraw to card with instant settlement 10:31:10.947 detox[73793] i lifecycle Transact - Withdraw > | user: transactionsus-8573gp8n@aaaaaaaaa.com, country: US, status: ok: should withdraw to card with instant settlement 10:31:10.947 detox[73793] E lifecycle Transact - Withdraw | user: transactionsus-8573gp8n@aaaaaaaaa.com, country: US, status: ok should withdraw to card with instant settlement 10:31:10.947 detox[73793] i lifecycle Transact - Withdraw > | user: transactionsus-8573gp8n@aaaaaaaaa.com, country: US, status: ok: should withdraw to card with instant settlement [SKIPPED] 10:31:10.948 detox[73793] B artifacts-manager onRunDescribeFinish args: ({"name":"| user: transactionsus-8573gp8n@aaaaaaaaa.com, country: US, status: ok"}) 10:31:10.948 detox[73793] E artifacts-manager onRunDescribeFinish 10:31:10.948 detox[73793] E lifecycle | user: transactionsus-8573gp8n@aaaaaaaaa.com, country: US, status: ok 10:31:10.948 detox[73793] B lifecycle | user: userfr-857236il@aaaaaaaaa.com, country: FR, status: unverified 10:31:10.948 detox[73793] B artifacts-manager onRunDescribeStart args: ({"name":"| user: userfr-857236il@aaaaaaaaa.com, country: FR, status: unverified"}) 10:31:10.948 detox[73793] E artifacts-manager onRunDescribeStart 10:31:10.948 detox[73793] B lifecycle should withdraw to card with standard settlement 10:31:10.948 detox[73793] i lifecycle Transact - Withdraw > | user: userfr-857236il@aaaaaaaaa.com, country: FR, status: unverified: should withdraw to card with standard settlement 10:31:10.948 detox[73793] E lifecycle Transact - Withdraw | user: userfr-857236il@aaaaaaaaa.com, country: FR, status: unverified should withdraw to card with standard settlement 10:31:10.948 detox[73793] i lifecycle Transact - Withdraw > | user: userfr-857236il@aaaaaaaaa.com, country: FR, status: unverified: should withdraw to card with standard settlement [SKIPPED] 10:31:10.948 detox[73793] B artifacts-manager onRunDescribeFinish args: ({"name":"| user: userfr-857236il@aaaaaaaaa.com, country: FR, status: unverified"}) 10:31:10.948 detox[73793] E artifacts-manager onRunDescribeFinish 10:31:10.948 detox[73793] E lifecycle | user: userfr-857236il@aaaaaaaaa.com, country: FR, status: unverified 10:31:10.948 detox[73793] B artifacts-manager onRunDescribeFinish args: ({"name":"Transact - Withdraw"}) 10:31:10.949 detox[73793] E artifacts-manager onRunDescribeFinish 10:31:10.949 detox[73793] E lifecycle Transact - Withdraw 10:31:10.949 detox[73793] B lifecycle Withdraw to xxxxxxx | user: transactionsgb-8572818v@aaaaaaaaa.com, country: GB, status: ok 10:31:10.949 detox[73793] B artifacts-manager onRunDescribeStart args: ({"name":"Withdraw to xxxxxxx | user: transactionsgb-8572818v@aaaaaaaaa.com, country: GB, status: ok"}) 10:31:10.949 detox[73793] E artifacts-manager onRunDescribeStart 10:31:10.949 detox[73793] B lifecycle should withdraw from BTC to ADA using the asset address from an xxxxxxx user and destination confirms the deposit @listings 10:31:10.949 detox[73793] i lifecycle Withdraw to xxxxxxx | user: transactionsgb-8572818v@aaaaaaaaa.com, country: GB, status: ok: should withdraw from BTC to ADA using the asset address from an xxxxxxx user and destination confirms the deposit @listings 10:31:10.949 detox[73793] E lifecycle Withdraw to xxxxxxx | user: transactionsgb-8572818v@aaaaaaaaa.com, country: GB, status: ok should withdraw from BTC to ADA using the asset address from an xxxxxxx user and destination confirms the deposit @listings 10:31:10.949 detox[73793] i lifecycle Withdraw to xxxxxxx | user: transactionsgb-8572818v@aaaaaaaaa.com, country: GB, status: ok: should withdraw from BTC to ADA using the asset address from an xxxxxxx user and destination confirms the deposit @listings [SKIPPED] 10:31:10.949 detox[73793] B artifacts-manager onRunDescribeFinish args: ({"name":"Withdraw to xxxxxxx | user: transactionsgb-8572818v@aaaaaaaaa.com, country: GB, status: ok"}) 10:31:10.949 detox[73793] E artifacts-manager onRunDescribeFinish 10:31:10.949 detox[73793] E lifecycle Withdraw to xxxxxxx | user: transactionsgb-8572818v@aaaaaaaaa.com, country: GB, status: ok 10:31:10.949 detox[73793] B artifacts-manager onRunDescribeFinish args: ({"name":"ROOT_DESCRIBE_BLOCK"}) 10:31:10.949 detox[73793] E artifacts-manager onRunDescribeFinish 10:31:10.950 detox[73793] E lifecycle run the tests 10:31:10.962 detox[73793] B lifecycle tear down environment 10:31:10.962 detox[73793] B artifacts-manager onBeforeCleanup args: () 10:31:10.962 detox[73793] i artifact:ARTIFACT_SAVE saving SimulatorLogRecording to: artifacts/ios.2024-04-23 09-28-14Z/✗ Transact - Withdraw _ user_ transactionsgb-857245th@aaaaaaaaa.com, country_ GB, status_ ok should transact from USD to BTC network @listings/device.log 10:31:10.963 detox[73793] i artifact:MOVE_FILE moving "/private/var/folders/nb/9v62wchx69zf8dl8540tg5380000gn/T/75d32df9-a22e-4f3b-87c1-da250a8d79fd.detox.log" to artifacts/ios.2024-04-23 09-28-14Z/✗ Transact - Withdraw _ user_ transactionsgb-857245th@aaaaaaaaa.com, country_ GB, status_ ok should transact from USD to BTC network @listings/device.log 10:31:10.963 detox[73793] i artifact:ARTIFACT_SAVE saving SimulatorLogRecording to: artifacts/ios.2024-04-23 09-28-14Z/E935C802-2E33-497E-A0DB-41E11F71C39F 2024-04-23 09-31-10Z.startup.log 10:31:10.964 detox[73793] i artifact:MOVE_FILE moving "/private/var/folders/nb/9v62wchx69zf8dl8540tg5380000gn/T/795fb29d-ee2f-45a3-895b-4001b4a670e4.detox.log" to artifacts/ios.2024-04-23 09-28-14Z/E935C802-2E33-497E-A0DB-41E11F71C39F 2024-04-23 09-31-10Z.startup.log 10:31:10.964 detox[73793] i artifact:ARTIFACT_SAVE saving FileArtifact to: artifacts/ios.2024-04-23 09-28-14Z/detox_pid_73793.json.log { append: true } 10:31:10.964 detox[73793] i artifact:ARTIFACT_SAVE saving FileArtifact to: artifacts/ios.2024-04-23 09-28-14Z/detox_pid_73793.log { append: true } 10:31:10.964 detox[73793] E artifacts-manager onBeforeCleanup RUNS e2e/specs/transactions/a2a/transact/withdraw.spec.js 10:31:10.966 detox[73793] i ipc dispatching event to primary-73792 /tmp/detox.primary-73792 : deallocateDevice , { deviceCookie: { id: 'E935C802-2E33-497E-A0DB-41E11F71C39F', udid: 'E935C802-2E33-497E-A0DB-41E11F71C39F', type: 'ios.simulator' } } RUNS e2e/specs/transactions/a2a/transact/withdraw.spec.js 10:31:10.966 detox[73792] i ipc received event of : deallocateDevice { deviceCookie: { id: 'E935C802-2E33-497E-A0DB-41E11F71C39F', udid: 'E935C802-2E33-497E-A0DB-41E11F71C39F', type: 'ios.simulator' } } 10:31:10.966 detox[73792] B device@0 free: E935C802-2E33-497E-A0DB-41E11F71C39F data: {} 10:31:10.967 detox[73793] i ipc ## received events ##E33-497E-A0DB-41E11F71C39F 10:31:10.967 detox[73793] i ipc detected event deallocateDeviceDone {} 10:31:10.968 detox[73793] E lifecycle tear down environment 10:31:10.968 detox[73793] E lifecycle e2e/specs/transactions/a2a/transact/withdraw.spec.js FAIL e2e/specs/transactions/a2a/transact/withdraw.spec.js (174.735 s) Transact - Withdraw | user: transactionsgb-857245th@aaaaaaaaa.com, country: GB, status: ok ✕ should transact from USD to BTC network @listings (85684 ms) | user: transactionspt-8572ctso@aaaaaaaaa.com, country: PT, status: ok ○ skipped should transact from USDT to fps bank @listings ○ skipped should transact from USDT to sepa bank @listings ○ skipped should check 'Virtual account' modal - GBP ○ skipped should check 'Virtual account' modal - EUR | user: transactionsus-8573gp8n@aaaaaaaaa.com, country: US, status: ok ○ skipped should check disclaimer when user adds a card not eligible for withdrawals in the destination add another card ○ skipped should check disclaimer when user adds a card not eligible for withdrawals in the destination select a different destination ○ skipped should withdraw to card with instant settlement | user: userfr-857236il@aaaaaaaaa.com, country: FR, status: unverified ○ skipped should withdraw to card with standard settlement Withdraw to xxxxxxx | user: transactionsgb-8572818v@aaaaaaaaa.com, country: GB, status: ok ○ skipped should withdraw from BTC to ADA using the asset address from an xxxxxxx user and destination confirms the deposit @listings ● Transact - Withdraw › | user: transactionsgb-857245th@aaaaaaaaa.com, country: GB, status: ok › should transact from USD to BTC network @listings The pending request #89 ("invoke") has been rejected due to the following error: The app has crashed, see the details below: THIS SHOULD NOT HAVE HAPPENED AND IS A BUG IN DETOX LOGIC. PLEASE OPEN AN ISSUE IN https://github.com/wix/Detox/issues/new/choose AND POST THIS CRASH DetoxException No elements found for “MATCHER(id == “onetrust-banner-sdk”)” ( 0 CoreFoundation 0x00000001129ee751 __exceptionPreprocess + 226 1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x0000000112380904 objc_exception_throw + 48 2 CoreFoundation 0x00000001129ee25f -[NSException init] + 0 3 Detox 0x0000000111c53058 +[DTXAssertionHandler handleFailureInFunction:file:lineNumber:viewDescription:description:arguments:] + 67 4 Detox 0x0000000111c6ad8f Detox.Element.(views in _14E24C92C1353FEA1FC68E698CB917EF).getter : Swift.Array<__C.NSObject> + 751 5 Detox 0x0000000111c6adf1 Detox.Element.view.getter : __C.NSObject + 49 6 Detox 0x0000000111c6fbb5 function signature specialization of static (extension in Detox):__C.WKWebView.findView(by: Swift.Optional, atIndex: Swift.Optional) throws -> __C.WKWebView + 165 7 Detox 0x0000000111c8b1fc Detox.WebAction.perform(completionHandler: (Swift.Optional>, Swift.Optional) -> ()) -> () + 348 8 Detox 0x0000000111c68174 function signature specialization of function signature specialization >, Swift.Optional) -> () in closure #2 () -> () in Detox.DetoxManager.webSocket(_: Detox.WebSocket, didReceiveAction: Swift.String, params: Swift.Dictionary, messageId: __C.NSNumber) -> (), Argument Types : [Detox.DetoxManager__C.NSNumber]> of static Detox.InvocationManager.invoke(dictionaryRepresentation: Swift.Dictionary, completionHandler: (Swift.Optional>, Swift.Optional) -> ()) -> () + 2900 9 Detox 0x0000000111c84f6f closure #2 () -> () in Detox.DetoxManager.webSocket(_: Detox.WebSocket, didReceiveAction: Swift.String, params: Swift.Dictionary, messageId: __C.NSNumber) -> () + 63 10 Detox 0x0000000111c861c9 merged reabstraction thunk helper from @escaping @callee_guaranteed () -> () to @escaping @callee_unowned @convention(block) () -> () + 25 11 DetoxSync 0x0000000179867f6c __36+[DTXSyncManager _tryIdleBlocksNow:]_block_invoke.130 + 188 12 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000123cdba90 _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 12 13 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000123cdcd3a _dispatch_client_callout + 8 14 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000123cebac0 _dispatch_main_queue_drain + 1420 15 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000123ceb526 _dispatch_main_queue_callback_4CF + 31 16 CoreFoundation 0x000000011294adc4 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_SERVICING_THE_MAIN_DISPATCH_QUEUE__ + 9 17 CoreFoundation 0x00000001129456ff __CFRunLoopRun + 2463 18 CoreFoundation 0x000000011294497d CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 557 19 GraphicsServices 0x000000012d21308f GSEventRunModal + 137 20 UIKitCore 0x000000014e41f53d -[UIApplication _run] + 972 21 DetoxSync 0x000000017986389e __detox_sync_UIApplication_run + 362 22 UIKitCore 0x000000014e423fab UIApplicationMain + 123 23 xxxxxxx 0x0000000104584b70 main + 96 24 dyld 0x0000000110f103e0 start_sim + 10 25 ??? 0x0000000208870366 0x0 + 8733000550 ) 62 | const cookiePro = cookieProView.element(by.web.id('onetrust-accept-btn-handler')); 63 | > 64 | await cookiePro.tap(); | ^ 65 | 66 | await detoxHelper.sleep(4000); 67 | at Object.tap (e2e/screens/beneficiaryScreen.js:64:19) at asyncGeneratorStep (node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/asyncToGenerator.js:3:24) at _next (node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/asyncToGenerator.js:22:9) at tryCallOne (node_modules/promise/lib/core.js:37:12) at node_modules/promise/lib/core.js:123:15 at flush (node_modules/asap/raw.js:50:29) ```

Device logs

Device logs ``` [device.log](https://github.com/wix/Detox/files/15074619/device.log) ```

More data, please!

if I use just: await web.element(by.web.id('onetrust-accept-btn-handler')).tap() it selects the element, but since I have more views I need to specify one.

asafkorem commented 1 month ago

@sergiomap thanks for the report!

Looks like you're trying to access the web-view element with a wrong test-id. In your logs:

  No elements found for “MATCHER(id == “onetrust-banner-sdk”)”

Also, we are covering this scenario in our test suite (see here) so I believe this API isn't broken.

Regardless, I'm not sure why you got the error message like that. Seems like a different issue..

asafkorem commented 1 month ago

Note that this matcher should represent the react-native-webview. I recommend to capture the view-hierarchy and check its test-id.