wix / stylable

Stylable - CSS for components
MIT License
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Language service reimagined #1999

Open tomrav opened 2 years ago

tomrav commented 2 years ago

A New LSP on the Horizon (WIP)

This is currently blocked until our efforts on the selector and value parsers is complete

A language service designed to run in both Monaco and VSCode, providing language capabilities for Stylable.

See capabilities description below.

Capability priorities and high level tasks

  1. publishDiagnostics - business logic implemented in @stylable/core
    • Stylable functionality already exists
    • validate native css
  2. completion
    • deps: improved parsing
    • ...
  3. definition, implementation, references, typeDefinition, declaration
    • deps: improved parsing,
  4. hover
    • selectors
      • deps: none
      • specificity calculator
      • dom structure snapper
      • transformed value
    • properties
      • deps: aggregate CSS metadata
      • description, top level syntax, link to MDN
      • css custom property
        • potential value
        • type
        • origin
        • global
    • value
      • deps: improved parsing (value parser), aggregate CSS metadata
      • info on part of value (syntax, link to MDN)
      • native functions (syntax, link to MDN)
      • CSS custom property / Stylable variables
        • potential value
        • type
        • origin
        • global
      • mixin
        • transformed snippet (with overrides)
      • file paths / <url()>
        • resolved absolute file paths
        • server relative path can be tricky
    • stylable directives
      • aggregate information for all Stylable custom directives
        • description
        • syntax
        • link to stylable.io
  5. semantic tokens
    • deps: improved parsing (value parser)
    • research CSS AST token type and modifier mapping
  6. formatting
  7. signatureHelp
    • deps: improved parsing (value parser), context for location, JS mixin and formatter analysis
  8. documentColor, colorPresentation
    • deps: improved parsing (value parser), context for location
  9. rename
  10. documentHighlight
  11. documentSymbol
  12. codeAction
  13. codeLens
  14. codeLens refresh
  15. selectionRange
  16. linkedEditingRange
  17. foldingRange
  18. documentLink

High level tasks


Below is a mapping of all completions in which Stylable plays a part (not native CSS). The mapping is broken down into AST parts (ish), at-rules, rules and declarations.

For each completion, its location and completion type are detailed.

location - is a list of all allowed places for this completion to appear, each completion should not appear outside of its allowed locations

completion - two options, either a general description of things that need to be computed (like, available symbols) or a template string representing the completion format, with the cursor tab-jumping to the next "$" in a descending order ($0 is implicitly the end of the string unless explicitly defined otherwise)

do we suggest directives that are being deprecated? (e.g. @namespace)



Native CSS

Infra / Host / Configuration

monaco vs. vscode

Some differences exists between the two LSP possible consumers, needs further research.


Research References

tomrav commented 2 years ago

Capabilities Description

Demo for most language features


Diagnostics are a way to indicate issues with the code.

For Stylable: info/warning/error diagnostics emitted by Stylable for any *.st.css file


Code completions provide context sensitive suggestions to the user.

For Stylable: completions for Stylable symbols and contexts

completion resolve

Support resolve providers that compute additional information for completion proposal the user selects. This information is displayed along-side the selected item.

For Stylable: further information about the completion including type and origin path


Hovers show information about the symbol/object that's below the mouse cursor. This is usually the type of the symbol and a description.

For Stylable: we need to decide on this, but showing the target selector can be really nice, maybe specificity too.


When the user enters a function or method, display information about the function/method that is being called.

For Stylable: relevant for some of our function syntax - formatters, mixins, states with params


For the next set of capabilities, we need to determine how the Stylable language maps out in terms of language syntax / capabilities. It is possible we will decide some of these are not relevant to our language.

Resolve the declaration location of a symbol at a given text document position

For Stylable: possibly not relevant to Stylable


Allow the user to see the definition of variables / functions / methods right where the variables / functions / methods are being used.

For Stylable: enables click "go-to" definition behavior


Resolve the type definition location of a symbol at a given text document position.

For Stylable: probably not relevant to Stylable


Resolve the implementation location of a symbol at a given text document position.

For Stylable: can be mapped out to the various language features showing implementation for selectors / variables / keyframes


Allow the user to see all the source code locations where a certain variable/function/method/symbol is being used.

For Stylable: enables showing all references of a class / element / var / keyframe


Allow the user to see all occurrences of a symbol in the open editor.

For Stylable: highlight all occurrences of a Stylable symbol, not based on string matching


Allow the user to quickly navigate to any symbol definition in the open editor.

For Stylable: navigate directly to certain Stylable symbols in the document


Allow the user to quickly navigate to symbol definitions anywhere in the folder (workspace) opened in VS Code.

For Stylable: navigate directly to certain Stylable symbols in the the workspace


Provide the user with possible corrective actions right next to an error or warning. If actions are available, a light bulb appears next to the error or warning. When the user clicks the light bulb, a list of available Code Actions is presented.

For Stylable: list of automatic fixes for certain Stylable diagnostics

codeAction resolve

Provide source code manipulation actions such as refactoring. For example, Extract Method.

For Stylable: automatic fixes for certain Stylable diagnostics, or code actions (e.g. extract to variable)


Provide the user with actionable, contextual information that is displayed interspersed with the source code.

For Stylable: can be used to show selector specificity or resolved value() inside the source.

codeLens resolve

Bind the CodeLens results to a command by responding to codeLens/resolve.

For Stylable: no immediate useful actions come to mind.

codeLens refresh

Use it to ask clients to refresh the code lenses currently shown in editors

For Stylable: used for updating whatever we decide to display in codeLens if at all


Request the location of links in a document

For Stylable: request symbol or url navigation

documentLink resolve

Resolve the target of a given document (if not done in documentLink)

For Stylable: resolve the target for documentLink


Allow the user to preview colors in the document

For Stylable: shows color squares next to native colors and variable which resolve to a color


Allow the user to modify colors in the document

For Stylable: provides a color picker to edit colorPresentation colors


Provide the user with support for formatting whole documents.

For Stylable: formatting capabilities for *.st.css files


Provide the user with support for formatting a selected range of lines in a document.

For Stylable: formatting capabilities for specific ranges in *.st.css files


Provide the user with support for formatting text as they type.

For Stylable: not very important for Stylable


Allow the user to rename a symbol and update all references to the symbol.

For Stylable: rename any Stylable symbol in all occurrences


Setup and test the validity of a rename operation at a given location.

For Stylable: validation for rename actions


Return all folding ranges found in a given text document.

For Stylable: provides collapsing behavior


Return suggested selection ranges at an array of given positions. A selection range is a range around the cursor position which the user might be interested in selecting.

For Stylable: provides contextual expanding selection

semantic tokens

Used to add additional color information to a file that depends on language specific symbol information. A semantic token request usually produces a large result. The protocol therefore supports encoding tokens with numbers. In addition optional support for deltas is available.

For Stylable: provides dynamic syntax highlighting


Return for a given position in a document the range of the symbol at the position and all ranges that have the same content. Optionally a word pattern can be returned to describe valid contents. A rename to one of the ranges can be applied to all other ranges if the new content is valid. If no result-specific word pattern is provided, the word pattern from the client’s language configuration is used.

For Stylable: multi-cursor editing on multiple instance of the same contentreserving comment space

tomrav commented 2 years ago

reserving comment space

tomrav commented 2 years ago

reserving comment space

tomrav commented 2 years ago

reserving comment space