wix / stylable

Stylable - CSS for components
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feat(node): experimental loader #2837

Closed idoros closed 1 year ago

idoros commented 1 year ago

This PR adds a NodeJS loader to be used with --experimental-loader.

The new loader doesn't support node 14 since the loader API changed (tests are skipped for v14).


Open issues (don't have to be solved in this PR)

Scott-MacD commented 1 year ago

Hi @idoros, as mentioned in Discord, I think we are going down the route of using Webpack for the server as well, but happy to provide some feedback if you're looking for input.

idoros commented 1 year ago

all use the same deterministic conventions for generating names, then would this not work as long as both compilation methods are using the same files?...could they not specify their own namespace mapping in stylable.config.js

Partly yes, but this will not always work with 2 cases:

The solution for all of this in my opinion is to produce some lock file that can be used to control the final name deterministically across integrations.