wix / stylable

Stylable - CSS for components
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fix: mixin bug with experimentalSelectorInference #2909

Closed idoros closed 9 months ago

idoros commented 9 months ago

This PR fixes an edge case regression that causes a build error. The case involves a combination of mixin as the selector of @st-scope with the experimentalSelectorInference=true mode.

The difference is that when experimentalSelectorInference is on, the transformer doesn't flat @st-scope before running, and the alternative @st-scope transformation flow doesn't pass the inferred selector mixin value to transform the mixin fragment.

The fix is simply passing along the inferred value to the @st-scope transformation process, so it can work in the same way.

This is a quick/dirty fix, but I would like to refactor the entire process to handle all the context and inference values in a cleaner way.

this fix will also be backported to version 5.