wix / stylable

Stylable - CSS for components
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overide css vars in extended class #2961

Closed ahoyahoy closed 1 month ago

ahoyahoy commented 1 month ago

Describe your issue

Hi there, I would expect it to work like this, but it doesn't --color variable is not overloaded

.header {
    -st-extends: Header;

    --color: yellow;


I couldn't find it in the documentation, but here it is used as I tried. https://github.com/wixplosives/stylable-examples/blob/master/component-library/src/components/button/variants.st.css

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idoros commented 1 month ago

In Stylable, custom-properties are namespaced, meaning --color in one stylesheet is not the same as --color in another stylesheet. To use a custom-property from another stylesheet, you need to import it:

@st-import Header, [ --color ] from './header.st.css';

.header {
    -st-extends: Header;
    --color: yellow;
ahoyahoy commented 1 month ago

thanks! now I see it :)