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-srd "Suppress harvesting the root directory as an element" does not work #5524

Closed Djutza closed 7 years ago

Djutza commented 7 years ago


If this issue is a bug:

barnson commented 7 years ago

Which version of the WiX build tools (not the VS extension)?

Djutza commented 7 years ago

I checked with both v3.10.3.3007 and In VS2013 works with both versions, in VS2017 does not.

robmen commented 7 years ago

Can you provide more details about how you are calling heat.exe in VS2013 that works and how it does not work in VS2017? The VS integration shouldn't change heat.exe behavior so it isn't at all clear at this time what you've done.

Djutza commented 7 years ago

It is not clear to me either. I open project in VS2013, build - it is ok. Close VS2013, open same project in VS2017, build fails. For example -gg option works just fine. Here is how it is called: "call "%25WIX%25bin\heat.exe" dir "$(SolutionDir)ServiceModel\SelfHosting\SelfHosting.Implementation\bin\$(PlatformName)\$(ConfigurationName)" -dr APPLICATIONFOLDER -cg ServiceModel.SelfHostingGroup -gg -scom -sreg -sfrag –srd -var "var.ServiceModel.SelfHosting.Implementation.TargetDir" -out "$(ProjectDir)SelfHosting.wxs" -t "$(SolutionDir)..\scripts\wix\Services.xslt""

barnson commented 7 years ago

Can you double-check the command line that –srd has a dash and not a hyphen?

Djutza commented 7 years ago

Thanks. That hyphen is there for years.