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Version number is missing from output of candle.exe #6247

Closed UPC-PaalDriveklepp closed 4 years ago

UPC-PaalDriveklepp commented 4 years ago

Downloaded WiX v3.11.2 and ran candle using wine on ubuntu 20.04

Version is not in the output. OpenJDK 14 has a built in executable packager named "jpackage" that uses the output to detect a compatible version of Wix.

candle.exe output:

$ wine64 ~/.wine/drive_c/wix/candle.exe -h
002d:fixme:thread:create_user_shared_data_thread Creating user shared data update thread.
002f:fixme:thread:create_user_shared_data_thread Creating user shared data update thread.
002d:fixme:mscoree:parse_startup useLegacyV2RuntimeActivationPolicy=L"true" not implemented
002d:fixme:mscoree:ConfigFileHandler_startElement Unknown element L"loadFromRemoteSources" in state 4
Windows Installer XML Toolset Compiler version 
Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved.

 usage:  candle.exe [-?] [-nologo] [-out outputFile] sourceFile [sourceFile ...] [@responseFile]

   -arch      set architecture defaults for package, components, etc.
              values: x86, x64, or ia64 (default: x86)
   -d<name>[=<value>]  define a parameter for the preprocessor
   -ext <extension>  extension assembly or "class, assembly"
   -fips      enables FIPS compliant algorithms
   -I<dir>    add to include search path
   -nologo    skip printing candle logo information
   -o[ut]     specify output file (default: write to current directory)
   -p<file>   preprocess to a file (or stdout if no file supplied)
   -pedantic  show pedantic messages
   -platform  (deprecated alias for -arch)
   -sfdvital  suppress marking files as Vital by default (deprecated)
   -ss        suppress schema validation of documents (performance boost) (deprecated)
   -sw[N]     suppress all warnings or a specific message ID
              (example: -sw1009 -sw1103)
   -swall     suppress all warnings (deprecated)
   -trace     show source trace for errors, warnings, and verbose messages (deprecated)
   -v         verbose output
   -wx[N]     treat all warnings or a specific message ID as an error
              (example: -wx1009 -wx1103)
   -wxall     treat all warnings as errors (deprecated)
   -? | -help this help information

For more information see: http://wixtoolset.org/

jpackage output:

$ WINEPATH="C:\wix" wine64 /home/pdr/.wine/drive_c/java/jre/bin/jpackage.exe --input ./build/jar/ --dest ./packages/ --type msi --name pdr-test-jdk14-ubuntu2004-Studio --main-class desktop.Main --main-jar Tool.jar --runtime-image '/home/pdr/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/AdoptOpenJDK/jdk-' --icon ../tooling-lib/src/main/resources/gui/icons/icon_dev.png --description 'Configurator' --java-options -Xmx2048m --app-version 2.0-40-g7d423d081
000b:fixme:thread:create_user_shared_data_thread Creating user shared data update thread.
000b:fixme:winediag:start_process Wine Staging 4.12.1 is a testing version containing experimental patches.
000b:fixme:winediag:start_process Please mention your exact version when filing bug reports on winehq.org.
000f:fixme:thread:create_user_shared_data_thread Creating user shared data update thread.
000d:fixme:thread:create_user_shared_data_thread Creating user shared data update thread.
0012:fixme:thread:create_user_shared_data_thread Creating user shared data update thread.
0014:fixme:thread:create_user_shared_data_thread Creating user shared data update thread.
001b:fixme:thread:create_user_shared_data_thread Creating user shared data update thread.
0022:fixme:thread:create_user_shared_data_thread Creating user shared data update thread.
0009:fixme:thread:create_user_shared_data_thread Creating user shared data update thread.
WARNING: Using incubator modules: jdk.incubator.jpackage
003f:fixme:mscoree:parse_startup useLegacyV2RuntimeActivationPolicy=L"true" not implemented
003f:fixme:mscoree:ConfigFileHandler_startElement Unknown element L"loadFromRemoteSources" in state 4
Detected [candle.exe] version  but version 3.0 is required.
Download WiX 3.0 or later from https://wixtoolset.org and add it to the PATH.
Error: Invalid or unsupported type: [msi]

Maybe jpackager should find a better way to detect the version of wix/candle?

robmen commented 4 years ago

WiX v3 isn't officially supported on Wine. The version is correctly displayed on Windows. You'll need to investigate in Wine to understand what is different from Windows and preventing the version from being displayed.