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Build Requirements #7388

Open chrpai opened 1 year ago

chrpai commented 1 year ago

wix v4 RTM VS 2022 Community 17.5.3 HeatWave

In attempting to do a devbuild of WiX v4 for the first time I encountered that the following packages seem to be needed but are not mentioned in the README.md:

Git command line C:\Users\cxp5196.nuget\packages\gitinfo\2.2.0\build\GitInfo.targets(212,3): error : Failed to run git --version. Git may not be properly installed: [C:\GitHub\wix4\src\internal\SetBuildNumber\SetBuildNumber.proj]

Node command line (Used by WixE2E ..doesn't like what VS ships. Needs a version downloaded and installed from NodeJS)

HeatWave 1.0
(the build build succeeded but when I tried to open the slns many .wixproj projects wouldn't load without it.)

A yet unknown dependency which causes an msbuild failure when trying to compile SfxCA.rc. Something to do with %(Culture).

C:\GitHub\wix4\src\Directory.vcxproj.targets(21,5): error MSB4096: The item "SfxCA.rc" in item list "ResourceCompile" d oes not define a value for metadata "Culture". In order to use this metadata, either qualify it by specifying %(Resour ceCompile.Culture), or ensure that all items in this list define a value for this metadata. [C:\GitHub\wix4\src\dtf\Sfx CA\SfxCA.vcxproj]

MBroholmA commented 1 year ago

I had the same problem with SfxCA.rc. I could fix it by adding 0x0409 to the tag in SfxCA.vcxproj.

Perhaps its because my Windows installation is non-english?

    <ResourceCompile Include="SfxCA.rc">
chrpai commented 9 months ago

I'm putting some time into this today. It's going well except devbuild had this error and stopped.

C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\8.0.100\Sdks\Microsoft.NET.Sdk\targets\Microsoft.NET.RuntimeIdentifierInference.targets(251,5): error NETSDK1201: For projects targeting .NET 8.0 and higher, specifying a RuntimeIdentifier will n o longer produce a self contained app by default. To continue building self-contained apps, set the SelfContained property to true or use the --self-contained argument. [C:\wix\src\api\burn\test\WixToolsetTest.Mba.Core\WixT oolsetTest.Mba.Core.csproj]

I tried commenting that line out of the .csproj but then I get the error:

The test source file "C:\wix\src\api....\build\api\Debug\net6.0\win-x86\WixToolsetTest.Mba.Core.dll" provided was not found.

Upon further review of the .csproj I see it's targetting .net 6 but VS 2022 didn't install .net 6 it only installed .net 8.

bevanweiss commented 2 months ago

At a Visual Studio Solution level it's possible to configure an 'Installation Configuration File'. image When someone else subsequently opens such a solution, if they don't already have the associated workloads etc installed, then it will prompt them to install them. I haven't used it myself, but it seems like it might smooth over some of the initial build environment setup.

Slightly more challenging because WiX doesn't really have a top level Visual Studio Solution.