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tiling window/folder manager (= "folder editor/tool") concept & design -- 2 -- #101

Open mimi-uxui-dev opened 2 years ago

mimi-uxui-dev commented 2 years ago


@input tiling window/folder manager (= "folder editor/tool") concept & design ISSUE


mimi-uxui-dev commented 2 years ago

Worklog A 25.05.2022 Worklog B 25.05.2022

serapath commented 2 years ago

feedback 2-22.06.03

Worklog A 25.05.2022

1. wireframing feedback

regarding styling and features for the next iteration:

  1. Could we try styling/theme of the terminal to look a little bit more like the notification sidebar you made before?
  2. maybe you can that sidebar and "change log" entries and just move it into the position where the terminal is shown?
  3. ...oh also - i think we still need some sort of bar or UX for filtering to only show
    • chat message (e.g. hey mimi, whats up?)
    • updates
    • ...

2. issue structure feedback - maybe you can try to update it with my feedback below?

i love the new TWM issue. i fixed some things about linking to the figma files. Also the "tags" or "flags" you are talking about ...there is only @input and @output and nothing else. I think we should not use @result anymore ...every task is either textual or an issue link and can have textual sub tasks or sub issue and each of them can have @input and/or @output links and thats it. There is nothing else.

regarding the new TWM issue now the previous issue should not be linked as an @input, because issues itself should never be @input or @output, but instead we take specific resources/links/files/etc... that were @output on the old issue and use them as @input in the new issue and additionally use the from field in that input to link to the old issue where they were created.

check the todo list above - i updated the WF figma links to reflect that :slightly_smiling_face:

another example formatted in markdown:

* [ ] some new task on the new TWM issue
  * `@input` :package: [`WF 13: iteratin1`](https://figma.com/link/to/wireframe/...) from #101
  * `@input` :package: [`WF 05: iteratin 04`](https://figma.com/link/to/wireframe/...) from #101
  * [ ] do this
  * [ ] do that
  * [ ] do some more to produce the final output for the parent bullet point "some new task on the new TWM issue"
  * `@output` :question: [WF 15: TWM specs in WF - Iteration 3-](https://figma.com/link/to/wireframe/...)
* [ ] next task

so you see, the above example has:

  1. a new task to do something
  2. it includes two sub bullet points of already made wireframes :package: as input from issue 101 (=the old TWM issue)
  3. it includes 3 textual sub tasks
  4. and it has a last bullet point as planned output :question:to make the next wireframe iteration

Ideally we remove the @input link to the old issue completely and instead add all the @output figma and other links as @input to specific tasks in the new issue instead. Because those @input links will have a from we will know that they came from the old TWM issue :slight_smile:

the new TWM issue can be put as a new task into the issue where the old TWM issue is currently linked, which is our main UI/UX/concept design issue task:

Worklog B 25.05.2022
