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Task Management & Version Control Video v0.4 #126

Closed Mehrabbruno closed 1 year ago

Mehrabbruno commented 1 year ago



Mehrabbruno commented 1 year ago





serapath commented 1 year ago

feedback 2022.11.25

Introduction to Figma Version control and Task Management [1/6] v0.0.1

:+1: perfect

github issues top level comments for tasks [4/6] v0.0.2

:+1: perfect

Worklog comment structure [6/6] v0.0.1

:+1: perfect

Version Control on Figma [2/6] v0.0.1

**NEW PROBLEM - after some feedback from other people :-)

see https://youtu.be/zhudzjCAeVM?t=161

popover component

please edit the old popovers wireframes. They are not supposed to contain versioned content. In the content area of that version it shows all the individual component names with their individual versions, but that made no sense to people, because the popover component was a component that included all these designs inside itself without independent design parts with versioned names ...and was later marked as deprecated by us when we split those into individual successor components with their own page/name/version.

Multiple people were confused by it when i shared the video with them and they all asked how come that the popover component version has design content that has individual version names but is not listed in dependencies/dependents ...and i think the issue is that in the old popover component those designs were not yet independent components before we split them.

... Could you fix that? We need Version Control on Figma [2/6] v0.0.2

Connecting Figma With GitHub [3/6] v0.0.2

oh no :-) haha, almost perfect

The link in figma to the project management software should link to the worklog comment (in which the output document was introduced), because the whole issue with all comments as such has potential lots of output links and many figma components would share the same issue link, so we should link instead directly to the github worklog comment.

Could you fix that part when you copy the github issue link instead of the worklog comment link?

Question: Instead of re-recording the video, could you just record the part where you copy the comment link and use that on figma and then cut the video to insert that? That should be less work - but if re-recording is quicker, thats fine too.

additionaly - also to mention: The "publish" button needs to be pressed only once, while the github issue link is meant to be added to every component version, but a user does not need to click publish every time they make a new component - maybe that's worth mentioning.

new Create new issues and markdown text v0.0.1

  1. you mention more information about the input/output would be shared in another video, but that video doesnt seem to exist

  2. the example.com link in both the link to the button component and the comment is a bit confusing. I think it would be good for people to see how to get a github worklog comment link and the button component repo could be a link to a figma page to make the example more realistic and meaningful

Otherwise: :+1: great video :-)

@inputs, @output, next and their status [5/6] v0.0.2

In the video Create new issues and markdown text v0.0.1 you mention this video, which will share more information about the input/output status, but this video doesn't seem to exist yet, so below i will share all feedback that i previously shared regarding the next version of this video :-)


The new version of this input/output/next/from/status video should mention:


  1. This video should explain details of creating and updating inputs/outputs in markdown
  2. How to use this output as an input link in multiple other places, sub issues and different issues.
  3. How to set the next and from fields correctly
  4. How to set the initial status as :planned: and what other status exists and when they are used:
    • :question: = input/output is planned
    • :factory: = input/output is in progress (only in sub task groups)
      • should be introduced in a sub task group with an @output
      • where only the first task in a sub task group is done
    • :package: = input/output is done
    • :package: is initial project input from :crystal_ball:
    • :question: is final project output
      • next :checkered_flag:
    • :checkered_flag::factory: is final project output
      • next :checkered_flag:
    • :checkered_flag::package: is final project output
      • next :checkered_flag:

Of course to mention the rules:

  1. an input where output was created in the same issue doesn't need a from
  2. An output used in the same issue needs no next.
  3. And every output needs a from comment, which can be mentioned, but he details of the "from comment" will be explained in the next video (just shortly showing such a comment is ok)
  4. An initial project input is from :crystal_ball:
  5. A final project output has next :checkered_flag:

... Could you fix that? We need @inputs, @output, next and their status [5/6] v0.0.2

lastly - a new playlist version :-)

We need a new playlist that puts it all together :-)

addition: No work should ever be done when there is no task/issue to make a worklog comment. So if there is ever a situation where it seems work needs to be done before worklogs can be made, that is a strong signal to check back and discuss matters first

Mehrabbruno commented 1 year ago

Tasks 2023.05.17





serapath commented 1 year ago

feedback 2023.05.20

great. yeah, al fine. let's finish all the tasks and link the final results, so the top level comment where we started to make this playlist for figma version control and task management can be closed.

It would be great, if you could link all issues properly and mark remaining tasks as done and create the final playlist, use all

as @input for that task and final worklog and then immediately mark them all as final output but with the


to mark list all the inputs also as final output including the playlist :-)

Mehrabbruno commented 1 year ago

Tasks 21.05.2023




Mehrabbruno commented 1 year ago

Tasks 21.05.2023


