wizardamigos / wizardamigos.github.io

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get familiar with wizardamigos #46

Closed serapath closed 2 years ago

serapath commented 2 years ago



wizardamigos started around 2014:

  1. no need for any coding background + 100% for free and everyone can do it
  2. learn coding, the new universal literacy, with javascript and p2p technology
  3. learn how to become self employed at your own pace
  4. become a cyber nomad to be able to work from anywhere
  5. be exposed to opportunities to contribute to real world project
  6. contribute to build the future you want to see
  7. build life changing profitable projects
  8. be exposed to earning opportunities
  9. meet a diverse community of lovely people from all over the world. it s for everyone (kids, refugees, everyone)
serapath commented 2 years ago

feedback 2022.02.25

looks good :-)