wizardamigos / wizardamigos.github.io

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profile page concept & design #51

Open mimi-uxui-dev opened 2 years ago

mimi-uxui-dev commented 2 years ago




serapath commented 2 years ago

feedback 2022.03.17 the profile page packs a lot.

given my previous feedback, which i will try to copy/move to another comment on this issue, the profile will be something "generic" not really related to wizardamigos similar to how a crypto wallet like metamask does not belong to a specific "dapp" (decentralized app) a user interacts with.

so, next to tools like:

...there will be many more things, because as said before, the profile page is generic, so we need to find a standardized way how any other app a user wants to use using their (wizardamigos) profile (think: "sign in with facebook") ...but sign in with wizardamigos...

how can an app "add" a section about itself to the users "profile page"?

how can a user manage permissions of an app on their profile page? (think: manage app permissions on facebook)