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Idea for different on-site flow; looking for problem ideas #67

Closed bobmazanec closed 7 years ago

bobmazanec commented 7 years ago


Hoping to encourage (force?) more interaction with and get more information about on-site candidates, I offer this "flow" for discussion and ask for suitable problems / challenges:

  1. Some days (3? 5? Up to 7?) before their scheduled on-site
    • give the candidate the description/requirements
    • encourage them to ask questions
    • allow them to use any tools, languages, etc.
    • advise them to be prepared to present their solution — including design choices/trade-offs, commit/development history, etc.
  2. During their on-site
    1. the candidate makes their repo/history available to the team
    2. 90 min.
      1. the candidate presents their solution
        • how much time they worked on it and their time constraints (e.g., classes, current job, family, etc)
        • demonstration, design, code walk-through, etc.
      2. Q & A (limited to the project)
      3. team/leader presents new and/or changed requirements
    3. 10 - 15 min: solo thinking if the candidate has a strong need/preference for it
    4. 30 min: candidate and team discuss design options/ideas to meet the new requirements
    5. 2 hr.: candidate works on the changes, engaging team members as needed/desired
    6. 45 min
      • candidate demonstrates and presents the changes
      • Q & A — not limited to the project and changes

Information I hope / believe this will provide above and beyond the current on-site:

Full-stack-overflow developers can simply create solutions from search results even more easily than under the current on-site process, but I believe the walk-through and design discussions would reveal their incomplete understanding.

Need new challenges?

For this to work we need problem/challenge ideas…


(both could be implemented as non-web projects, too, of course)

Other ideas

Fetch/collect, process, and display some data?

I think we'd want to avoid 'classic' tutorial examples like microblog posts-and-comments.

Ivanknmk commented 7 years ago

Thanks for putting this together @bobmazanec

Few questions:

1.- Are we gonna tell candidates that they will get 2 more hours after the first presentation?

2.- I LOVE item number 4! This is a good suggestion to achieve the "what is like to work with him/her" question (we talked about it today). Is that the motivation? Normally, in those meetings we discuss actual solutions and trade offs, are you thinking in something like that? I think this one is particularly interesting but a potential failure if the candidate literally follows instructions instead of using his/her problem solving skills.

legtzp commented 7 years ago

It would be cool to try this approach and see how it works. What if the candidate is really passionate about the challenge and he actually covers all of the bonus points without even knowing we would ask for those on the on-site? Would we ask him to refactor his code?, do performance improvements? we should have a big list of extras in case this happens.

eduardoromero commented 7 years ago

I love the idea! Please read this post from the Auth0 team about their hiring process. They use a very similar approach to what Bob suggests here.

We can fine-tune it to each candidate and to our process. Just keep in mind that it requires commitment from both sides.

pablasso commented 7 years ago

I really like the idea. I do think we should let the candidates choose whatever format they like since there's people who just don't have extra-time after work/family.

Just a nitpick though, I don't think we should mention that we're going to evaluate for his "commit/development history" or similar traits since that is expected from a developer, we can get a good read by just letting them do whatever they're used to.

edregalado commented 7 years ago

Awesome Bob! This is exactly what can be extracted for having these experiences @bobmazanec Regarding @pablasso 's comment, some colleagues did not know version control a priori their entrance to Wizeline; however, I agree to him on this is expected from a developer.

We should have a pool of more 'nice to have' features in order to have a better experience in this kind of challenge.

I love no. 4 too, a quick debrief on what the candidate has done and get to an agreement on what would be great for the candidate to challenge their skills.

zxul767 commented 7 years ago

How about a wiki? I think it fits very well the idea of an "expandable" problem with many potential features for the user to implement after an initial version.

A couple of years ago, I was asked to implement such a project at the end of an introductory web development course and found it both interesting and useful.

Features for such a project might include:

You can take a look here to get an idea of what a simple implementation (with a small subset of the features above) might look like. In that implementation, there is no explicit button to create a new page, you just simply type on the browser's bar the URL that you'd like to assign to the new page (e.g. http://wiki-767.appspot.com/my-new-wiki-page) and if the page doesn't exist yet you get redirected to an editing form where you can create the page.

I didn't give much thought to ranking the features above by their design/implementation difficulty. We could discuss that if you think it'd be a good project to include.

bobmazanec commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the feedback, ideas, and questions so far (and please keep them coming)!


Are we gonna tell candidates that they will get 2 more hours after the first presentation?

Sounds right to me.

re: the post-presentation discussion

"what is like to work with him/her" question […] Is that the motivation? Normally, in those meetings we discuss actual solutions and trade offs, are you thinking in something like that?



…I don't think we should mention that we're going to evaluate for his "commit/development history"…

Good points from both @pablasso and @edregalado. I would also like to see when the commits are made in case we want to ask about time management. Maybe "if you already know and choose to use an SCCS, please share it with us."


How about a wiki? […]

Neat idea — definitely deserves more thought & discussion IM(NS?)HO!

To make initial 'experiments' with this as easy / simple / 'inexpensive' as possible, I'm feeling more positive about using the existing Chess & TinyURL problems — e.g., we don't have to build new requirements from scratch.

That said, we need more problems no matter how we run the interviews — the wiki (and any other ideas!) could be developed and used in any "flow."

I'll start working on a PR to propose and discuss specific details.

bobmazanec commented 7 years ago

Possible change of plans: we might try this on Tue., 1 Nov.

The idea for this 'flow' came up while several of us were discussing how to proceed with a particular candidate; that candidate's on-site is now scheduled for Tue., 1 Nov.

Valeria and I will get the 'basic' requirements for this flow for the TinyURL problem to the candidate and offer him a choice:

bobmazanec commented 7 years ago

What I gave to Valeria to give to the candidate:

How would you like to do your on-site on Tuesday, 1 Nov.?

  • Bring your implementation of a web project (described below); or
  • Implement a non-web project over approx. 4 hours during your on-site

If you choose, the non-web challenge, please select one of these languages

  • C
  • C#
  • Go
  • Java
  • JavaScript
  • Python
  • Ruby

No matter which challenge you choose, we will ask you to present your design and implementation; if you choose the web project, we will ask you to improve / extend your implementation during your on-site interview (see below).

The Web Project

Produce a "TinyURL" service:

  • like bitly or Google url shortener
  • when I enter a URL I get a "short" URL

    e.g., https://wizeservices.com/careershttps://localhost:3000/corto

  • when I browse to a "short" URL, it redirects to the original URL

    e.g., https://localhost:3000/cortohttps://wizeservices.com/careers

  • when I visit some specific URL, I see a list of the short and long URL pairs in the system

Work at any pace and any schedule you like between now and then.

Your implementation must…

  • include at least some "minimal" front-end user interface for creating and listing the URLs — i.e., it cannot be an API-only implementation
  • be able to handle at least 1,000,000 unique "short" URLs
  • be in some kind of Source Code Control System you can share with us (e.g., a repo on Github, Jira, etc.;, a copy of your local repo; access to an SVN server, etc.)

Your implementation may not call any external URL-shortening service. Beyond that, feel free to use any language, tools, frameworks, online resources, etc. to implement your project.

During your presentation, please be prepared to...

  • demonstrate your project
  • discuss your choices (e.g., language, tools, framework, design, etc.) and trade-offs
  • discuss how it should be able to handle concurrent requests

Following your presentation:

  • we will present new or changed requirements
  • you will lead a discussion of how to meet them
  • you will have some time to make the changes

Finally, you will demonstrate and present your revised project.


bobmazanec commented 7 years ago

Re: using puzzles/games, hopefully not many candidates know about https://github.com/leereilly/games?

oryws commented 7 years ago

So, we used this experiment in a candidate already and I liked it, it gave us the time/opportunity to figure out that the candidate was more suited for a frontend-exclusive position. Now, for any experiment to be valid, we need to run it more than one time, the candidate we used for this was not a strong candidate (in fact, he had two no's in his interviews). I would suggest to run this at least two more times, once with a very strong candidate, and once with one that's in the midpoint

pablasso commented 7 years ago

Cool! is there any place to consult the candidate's work?

bobmazanec commented 7 years ago

@pablasso https://gitlab.com/ricardohs35/short-url (we should probably ask him to either delete or make it private soon…)

Ivanknmk commented 7 years ago

@bobmazanec I just asked him to do that in a gitlab issue.

eduardoromero commented 7 years ago

BTW here's the public URL for his project: http://tiny.onizuka.cloud9.mx/

bobmazanec commented 7 years ago


guscordova commented 7 years ago

Just tried this onsite flow today, it's a great opportunity to get to see more about the candidates. However I had some trouble being able to assess the candidate's work since I had no idea how much effort had been put into it.

To me, this is the hard part:

Recommendation: Github or any other type of version control is an essential tool assess this, but asking the candidates to keep a simple log of how much time they spend designing, researching, etc could potentially help understanding how much effort was put into the challenge.

bobmazanec commented 7 years ago

Challenge idea: "ages" ago, there was a "Reddit-like, posts and replies" challenge for a 2-hour pre-on-site @isa-bel and/or @kinduff?

guscordova commented 7 years ago

@bobmazanec are you referring to this one?

bobmazanec commented 7 years ago

Yup 😳 I had convinced myself it was 'hidden' in Google Docs — confirmation bias for the lose

bobmazanec commented 7 years ago

Some random ideas — maybe they'll spark more ideas, discussion, and possibly PRs

bobmazanec commented 7 years ago

FWIW, @salvadorbfm wrote this up (the words, anyway — I may not be representing his formatting well here) and Ceci sent it to a candidate yesterday (20 Feb 2017):

The Chess

Implement a human vs human Chess game:

  • It must be based on the code we provide which is a way to draw on a board.
  • It must be based on an input string instructions (i.e., a1a2 which means from a1 to a2).

For more information about how to use the code base that we provide, please see the README.md.

Your implementation must…

  • Include a general design about the architecture that will be used.
  • Include the code implementation for at least four pieces. The implementation must contain a way to validate the movement of each piece.

We will ask you to present your design and implementation; also we will ask you to improve/extend your implementation during your on-site interview (see below).

During your presentation, please be prepared to…

  • Demonstrate your project.
  • Talk about your architecture.
  • Be prepared to answer questions about your design and implementation.

Following your presentation:

  • We will present new or changed requirements
  • You will lead a discussion of how to meet them
  • You will have some time to make the changes

Finally, you will demonstrate and present your revised project.

It’s very important that you include a journal where you explain how much time you spent planning and coding to solve the problem. Be prepared to present that information to the team.

eduardoromero commented 7 years ago

I like it! Asking them to have a "journal" is great so they know we want them to track their work and thoughts.

It also makes clear the format and what to expect before/during/after.

bobmazanec commented 7 years ago

Closing: technical onsites will not be project-based any more