Closed wizmo2 closed 2 years ago
With the Z9S the current code lists saved samba devices (?from the previous device philosophy on older firmware?). The implementation uses type=0 in the api call, which is not documented, but lists all saved locations. The v1 api documentation uses a two stage approach with type 1005 and 1007 calls for samba (which matches the web-access functionality)
Will look at reworking code for SMB (and NFS) to test for better compatibility.
NOTE: The android app uses undocumented v2 api calls. It adds additional functionality, but the network uses a (messy) combination of app and api based calls.
For users with RTD 1619DR devices, please let me know if this fixes SMB browsing.
Added to #v1.2.7
Media Browser lists SMB entry, but empty when accessed - reported on Z9X (via zidoo forum)