wizonesolutions / habitrpg-todo-sync

HabitRPG Todo Synchronization
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Figure out how to handle recurring tasks #2

Open wizonesolutions opened 11 years ago

wizonesolutions commented 11 years ago

OK, so let's think about recurring tasks again now that I'm a bit fresher.

In my experience, recurring tasks usually fall into one of these classifications (not accounting for outside-of-the-box thinking):

1 and 2 don't really belong in Habit. Todos have a due date, but they don't have any other concept of time per se. I'm not going to support the first two use cases in v1. Actually, I'm not going to support any of them, but I will support use case 3 first, probably via a tag where the user indicates they want to do with it. If it recurs anything-up-to-weekly, it will create a daily with the same recurrence.

Otherwise, I have two options:

Anyone have any actual thoughts?