wizzomafizzo / mrext

Collection of extensions and utilities for the MiSTer system.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Conflicts with MrSpinner code for Arduino based spinners #49

Open GOGKERNOW opened 10 months ago

GOGKERNOW commented 10 months ago

If NFC script is enabled MrSpinner defaults to player 2, if the script is disabled it works as normal

wizzomafizzo commented 10 months ago

Hi. We're talking about this code, right?


That's a very odd issue. I can't think why off the top of my head they would even be interacting in this way. You've never had this problem with other USB devices affecting the spinner?

It just happens I plan to build one of these things in a few weeks. So hopefully I can test a reproduce it

GOGKERNOW commented 10 months ago

It's using this project but in Mr Spinner mode so will be using that code


No its not something I have experienced before. I am just wondering if it's something to do with the composite mode the code operates in ?