wizzomafizzo / starcheat

Starbound player save editor and Python library
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I get an IndexError everytime I load up StarCheat #197

Closed thakyZ closed 8 years ago

thakyZ commented 9 years ago

This is the error I get every time I load up star StarCheat:
Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Python34-x64\lib\site-packages\cx_Freeze\initscripts\Console.py", line 27, in File "build\starcheat.py", line 83, in File "build\starcheat.py", line 80, in main File "build\gui\mainwindow.py", line 180, in init File "build\gui\mainwindow.py", line 548, in open_file File "build\gui\openplayer.py", line 58, in init File "build\gui\openplayer.py", line 93, in get_players File "build\assets\species.py", line 335, in render_player File "build\assets\species.py", line 241, in render_chest File "build\assets\images.py", line 27, in get_image IndexError: list index out of range It happened after I re-scanned for assets. EDIT: I looked at the logs I now know why but you may want to exclude the program to search folders that have the name .git because that was the cause... EDIT: Never mind I found out I had the wrong log here is the new one: http://pastebin.com/3VxPYCLs

wizzomafizzo commented 9 years ago

Hi. Thanks for the log, very helpful. Could I also get you to upload a copy of this player: 0033eacfc049eff92f18ac74c27c8f82.player

I suspect this is happening because of a mod not quite following the rules for chest armour, but I'll need to double check in that. Could you also try remove all your mods temporarily, do a re-scan and then see if it works again.

thakyZ commented 9 years ago

here is the player https://dl.dropbox.com/s/5q74wm2vq5r0ghw/d99777ca6c58701a3619fb9e90a965ce.player EDIT: ya I'll check my logs but I think I know what is causing it... EDIT: Nope I have no errors and I also tried without any mods and it worked so I will take a look into it... EDIT: What in particular is breaking? because I cannot see anything wrong in the chest item that my character is currently wearing... EDIT: Well I found out what it was but it seems to always work on StarBound and it looks correct, the file for the back sleeve is in the folder and everything but I don't know what is wrong... So If you could look into it, the mod that is causing the error is the Avali mod for spirited giraffe which is located here. Also it turns out that that is the wrong player file since the only character that is an Avali and is wearing an Avali chest piece is this one located here.

wizzomafizzo commented 9 years ago

thanks for all your investigating dude much appreciated. it looks like when i tried to fix the bug last release i didn't quite catch all of it, so this is probably the same issue. i didn't have any examples to reproduce it before so this is good

i'll keep ya up to date on it all, i wanna try fit a few fixes in the next release so i'm not spamming people with updates but it shouldn't be too long

thakyZ commented 9 years ago

No problem! I am glad to help and I would love to be kept up to date since this is the only cheat utility that I like (and I have used every one that has come and gone) and I don't even always use this to cheat I a lot of times use it to look up items! So anyways thanks for making this and I hope you can get the fixes in soon :smile:

wizzomafizzo commented 9 years ago

might be back at square one :( i cannot reproduce a crash from those player files

screen shot 2015-05-31 at 12 56 33 pm screen shot 2015-05-31 at 12 57 15 pm

i will keep playing around

djDarkX commented 9 years ago

I noticed that Ningen mod items cause this kind of crash. I have a Kemono character and while I had on a vanity item from that mod on the character, it would crash but as soon as I took only that off, it would load. If you'd like the .player file with the mod item in question, let me know and I'll put it up on my Dropbox for you.

thakyZ commented 9 years ago

Well you could try using my mod pack I am currently reinstalling StarCheat to see if anything changes and I'll let you know... EDIT: Upon reinstalling StarCheat I still get the same error with my Avali character I'll try to see closer into what it is that is causing the error... Also is there any possibility that the error could be caused by a slightly older version of python? EDIT: So I have found out what item is causing it it seems to be the Avali chest insert so I'll take a look at it's code but I would need to really lint it out... Would the fact that there is no visible texture and that it's image frames are blank have anything to do with it?

wizzomafizzo commented 9 years ago

is it a specific vest insert? i tried a few of them and still no issues (besides them not showing at all, is that normal?)

python version shouldn't really matter but i haven't tested on windows yet, i'll try give that a shot

i'll check out the ningen mod items too

sorry this one is taking so long guys, but it's hard to fix until i can reproduce the error myself

screen shot 2015-06-01 at 10 43 34 am

wizzomafizzo commented 9 years ago

@djDarkX where is the ningen mod? i can't find it on the site

thakyZ commented 9 years ago

The vest insert that I was using was the iron one... And I believe it's tier 1... But I'll do some more investigating into what specific parameter is causing this error...

djDarkX commented 9 years ago

Ningen Race Mod: http://community.playstarbound.com/resources/ningen-race-mod.191/

It also comes with custom weapons and vanity. The vanity seems to be what it causing the issues for me.

EDIT: Also found that Felin Costumes+, and probably any vanity in the Felins race mod, crashes the program. If unequipped, the player file can be edited just fine and even the vanity in the inventory.

http://community.playstarbound.com/resources/felins-costumes.2925/ http://community.playstarbound.com/resources/felins.68/

wizzomafizzo commented 9 years ago

Hi guys could you please confirm if the newest release (0.25) fixes this? I've added a workaround so it should no longer crash the whole app, it just ignore the item instead, but I'd still like to know which items don't show so I can eventually put in a real fix.

djDarkX commented 9 years ago

Worked for me. Item from Felin Costumes+, which is Cat Ears, that is equipped on a Glitch female was causing the crashes if it was equipped and with the new version, it just doesn't show on the preview and is still equipped. So I can confirm, so far, that the work around did the trick.

wizzomafizzo commented 9 years ago

sweet, thanks for testing. are you talking about these ears? screen shot 2015-06-06 at 10 55 18 pm

djDarkX commented 9 years ago

That's correct. If I had it equipped, it would crash the program, but when unequipped, it worked. At least now I don't have to worry about that. lol