wizzomafizzo / starcheat

Starbound player save editor and Python library
MIT License
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i keep crashing can anyone help? O: #243

Closed ReyDuece closed 8 years ago

ReyDuece commented 8 years ago

sit down and get a cup of hot chocolate because heres the story

so i tried opening starcheat and it crashed so i decided to delete all my characters and make a new one and it still crashed can anyone help o:? heres the error

raceback (most recent call last):

File "C:\Python34-x64\lib\site-packages\cx_Freeze\initscripts\Console.py", line 27, in

File "build\starcheat.py", line 83, in

File "build\starcheat.py", line 80, in main

File "build\gui\mainwindow.py", line 176, in init

File "build\gui\mainwindow.py", line 542, in open_file

File "build\gui\openplayer.py", line 58, in init

File "build\gui\openplayer.py", line 107, in get_players

File "build\assets\species.py", line 339, in render_player

File "build\saves.py", line 622, in get_visible

KeyError: 'content'

i have re-installed the game , deleted all backups , characters , mods , has updated sb to glad giraffe and has 0.27 made new character and i still have issues can any one help?

wizzomafizzo commented 8 years ago

could you please take a screenshot of the player folder after you get this error. this might be a big problem if it really is happening with newly created players

ReyDuece commented 8 years ago

sorry for being a it late heres the pic https://gyazo.com/b1413ad7606eb6c25d15be5906fcfce1

wizzomafizzo commented 8 years ago

cool thanks. could you also please upload a copy of all 3 player/shipworld/bak files for me, like on dropbox or mega

no rush if it's late, i'll be round tomorrow

ReyDuece commented 8 years ago

here (sorry im late again i had to make an account on mega x0x) https://mega.nz/#fm

ReyDuece commented 8 years ago

i have found a solution but this is with my new character simply do the first quests and it should be finished but im going to try with my old ones

ReyDuece commented 8 years ago

yeah no it doesnt work /:

xXAobaXx commented 8 years ago

I have this same issue, I'm guessing that it may have something to do with what's in the current files of the new update of Starcheat. Either the file contains OLD content from the last Starbound update or the lack of content for the new Starbound update. Hope this hypothesis may come in handy Wizz.

wizzomafizzo commented 8 years ago

let me know if the latest release works any better. still figuring it out

xXAobaXx commented 8 years ago

I have a solution to this problem, go into your player file and empty it comepletely. After that, create a new character. After that choose ONE player file that you want to continue using and Voila. Problem aolved

ReyDuece commented 8 years ago

we're making process :D,but it stops responding at 41%

wizzomafizzo commented 8 years ago

@ReyDuece could you post a full copy of your log after it happens. you can see how here: https://github.com/wizzomafizzo/starcheat/wiki/help#how-to-get-logs

after that i can see which player file is causing it, then i'll probably get you to upload that player

xXAobaXx commented 8 years ago

I just got rid of all of the characters that were old or had weapons that don't exist anymore

xXAobaXx commented 8 years ago

It could also be part of the backup files

xXAobaXx commented 8 years ago

If that helps out

ReyDuece commented 8 years ago

oh wait it does work! good job ^^