wizzomafizzo / starcheat

Starbound player save editor and Python library
MIT License
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New SBBF04? file format in Starbound Nightly #274

Open starbounder opened 8 years ago

starbounder commented 8 years ago

Please follow these steps before opening a new issue:

Please try to fill out as many fields as you can below (by replacing the text between the two *).

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Python34-x64\lib\site-packages\cx_Freeze\initscripts\Console.py", line 27, in <module>
  File "build\starcheat.py", line 83, in <module>
  File "build\starcheat.py", line 80, in main
  File "build\gui\mainwindow.py", line 154, in __init__
  File "build\gui\utils.py", line 103, in check_index_valid
  File "build\gui\utils.py", line 64, in build_assets_db
  File "build\assets\core.py", line 127, in find_assets
  File "build\assets\core.py", line 156, in scan_asset_folder
  File "build\starbound\helpers.py", line 213, in open
  File "build\starbound\helpers.py", line 220, in read_stream
  File "build\starbound\btreedb4.py", line 119, in initialize
  File "build\starbound\sbbf02.py", line 89, in initialize
AssertionError: Invalid file format

pretty sure the new nightly crashes starcheat reset all settings and is working fine again for glad giraffe stable

chrmoritz commented 8 years ago

Did they introduce a sbbf04 file format now? This needs to be fixed by https://github.com/blixt/py-starbound or we need to maintain our own fork. I hope they didn't changed to much like in the last sbbf update.

wizzomafizzo commented 8 years ago

@starbounder do you have a copy of the save file and are you using any mods? i've just tried starcheat with unstable and had no problems reading all the saves. not sure if it picked up less assets but it at least got most of them

wizzomafizzo commented 8 years ago

@chrmoritz unrelated but have you tried editing avians lately? i've just tried it now and the rendering is completely boned, but there are no errors and all the other races work

wizzomafizzo commented 8 years ago

I haven't even gotten as far as opening this thing up in a hex editor, has the nightly format been updated again from SBBF04? Unfortunately the fix for this wasn't as simple as just adding SBBF04 in the supported string list, but idk I might just be using the wrong string