wjakob / nanogui

Minimalistic GUI library for OpenGL
4.66k stars 608 forks source link

Compilation Error Ubuntu 14.04 #22

Closed quacktorai closed 8 years ago

quacktorai commented 8 years ago


I followed the instructions to install required packages and cmake but when I try to do "make" (after cmake) I have the following error.


Here is the output of my cmake (just in case it could help). nanogui_bug-report_2

I tried my best to solve the problem or to get around it but I failed, sorry. In any case, thank you for developing this project. That's very cool. Best regards

wjakob commented 8 years ago

is it possible you're on a 32 bit machine? Can you try with a 64 bit compiler?

wjakob commented 8 years ago

I guess this library should compile even on a 32 bit compiler ... The issue you reported in pybind11 has been fixed in the meantime, hence the only necessary change was to update the repository link to the latest version.

I'm closing the issue -- feel free to reopen if your issue has not been addressed.