wjawaid / enrichR

An R interface to enrichR
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How can I plot the adjusted p-value instead of p-value? #76

Open eibol1 opened 9 months ago

eibol1 commented 9 months ago

When runnung the plotEnrich function by default it takes the 'P.Value' to order the pathways by. Is it possible to change it and order by the Adjusted.P.value? Of course it would be interesting to add it to the legend too, but when adding Ajusted.P.value to the function it does not change the legend.

plotEnrich(a$MSigDB_Hallmark_2020[a$MSigDB_Hallmark_2020$Adjusted.P.value< 0.05,], orderBy = 'Adjusted.P.Value')


Thank you all for the support!!

ycl6 commented 9 months ago

Hi @eibol1 The function currently only takes P.value or Combined.Score. I'll see if I have some time to add the option to accept FDR in the next few days/weeks.

ycl6 commented 8 months ago

Hi @eibol1 I have submitted a PR #78 to address this, you might want to try it out.