wjtje / ATEM-esp-idf

Control an ATEM Video Switcher from an ESP32 with ESP-idf
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Recording or Streaming Commands #1

Open jshea2 opened 3 days ago

jshea2 commented 3 days ago

Hey, this repository is exactly what I was looking for! The one thing I can't seem to find is if recording and streaming commands are possible?

wjtje commented 2 days ago

The recording and streaming commands are not implemented (yet) because I don't have access to an ATEM with those features. But if you can send me a wireshark capture with the needed information, I can implement those features.

How to capture the data

  1. Install wireshark
  2. Open it and set the following filter ip.addr == ATEM IP && udp && udp.port == 9910 (replace ATEM IP with the actual IP of your ATEM)
  3. Open the ATEM control software
  4. Wireshark will capture all the data between the software and the device
  5. Select the first 40 packets (this contains information about the atem and its state)


  1. Goto file -> Export Specified Packets and make sure the following settings are selected: image

  2. Clear wireshark image

  3. Go back to the ATEM control software and execute each new action you want to implement one by ony (please note down with actions you have done)

  4. Stop the capture in wireshark and go back to file -> Export Specified Packets with the following settings: image


These packets contains information about your ATEM, including the name of the source, name of files in the media player etc. If there is anything sensitive stored on your ATEM please reset it before capturing any data.

jshea2 commented 2 days ago

Perfect! Thanks so much. I believe I did it correctly: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1IEYvGdPUnXNqT_qj1oovnWgrdjyQZKHa?usp=sharing

I wasn't connected to the internet for the Start Streaming, so it never connected, but I assume the command still went through. Let me know if you need anything else or if you want me to do it again.

I should note that is the ATEM and is Software. All the commands I did was from the ATEM inself, if that helps with Destination to Source. Very curious how do you know what to look for?

jshea2 commented 2 days ago

Ive been messing with Wireshark a little bit more and i think i narrowed the Start Recording command to this: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EAd42UDvQmlyZxkTh_y0aQXSYKlTXtRA/view?usp=sharing I'm also trying to use 'tcprelay' to emulate the command, but with no luck. How are you testing these commands?

wjtje commented 2 days ago

Perfect! Thanks so much. I believe I did it correctly: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1IEYvGdPUnXNqT_qj1oovnWgrdjyQZKHa?usp=sharing

I wasn't connected to the internet for the Start Streaming, so it never connected, but I assume the command still went through. Let me know if you need anything else or if you want me to do it again.

I should note that is the ATEM and is Software. All the commands I did was from the ATEM inself, if that helps with Destination to Source. Very curious how do you know what to look for?

I have a plugin for wireshark which partly decodes the packets to a more readable format. https://github.com/peschuster/wireshark-atem-dissector

I must say that some things has changed in newer versions of the protocol.

wjtje commented 2 days ago

Ive been messing with Wireshark a little bit more and i think i narrowed the Start Recording command to this: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EAd42UDvQmlyZxkTh_y0aQXSYKlTXtRA/view?usp=sharing I'm also trying to use 'tcprelay' to emulate the command, but with no luck. How are you testing these commands?

Each packet that is send to the ATEM contains an packet id which needs to be incremented. So you cannot simple resend a packet to the ATEM that has been send before.

Personally I have a terminal running on an esp32 which allows me to send raw data to the ATEM with a correct packet header. I will make this tool open source soon.

wjtje commented 2 days ago

I think you got all the data needed. But I don't have time to parse it right now. I will do that later today.

wjtje commented 1 day ago

I have added support for starting and stopping the steam (see: 862abcab100bb9ef6ae16be4b82370577f31aff1). Recording still has some work todo. This will come later.

jshea2 commented 1 day ago

Thanks! I'm having trouble getting this up and running. Im using Visual Studio and I'm getting so many errors. I usually use platformIO with arduino framework. How do you suggest to set it up and flash

wjtje commented 1 day ago

This project does not use platform IO, but it uses the framework ESP-idf. It's not to bad to get used to.

Follow the https://github.com/espressif/vscode-esp-idf-extension/blob/master/docs/tutorial/install.md to get is installed on vscode. Tip: use a profile so different extensions does not get in the way of each other.

Than check out the basic use https://github.com/espressif/vscode-esp-idf-extension/blob/master/docs%2Ftutorial%2Fbasic_use.md

After you get the hang of ESP-idf, and how building and flashing works. You can try to get the example running of this project. Just open de folder, open the config panel (see buttons on the bottom of the vscode). Enter the wifi en ATEM details. Then build and flash it.

I will make more examples in the future.