wjun0830 / CGDETR

Official pytorch repository for CG-DETR "Correlation-guided Query-Dependency Calibration in Video Representation Learning for Temporal Grounding"
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About Dummy Tokens. #4

Closed EdenGabriel closed 8 months ago

EdenGabriel commented 9 months ago

Hi, Thank you for your interesting work and code implementation. I want to explore the results without dummy. But, when I comment out the dummy-related parts of the code, I always get an error assert (spans1[:, 1] >= spans1[:, 0]).all(). Can you help me? The commented code is as follows. Thanks.

model.py as follows:

# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved
CG-DETR model and criterion classes.
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch import nn

from cg_detr.span_utils import generalized_temporal_iou, span_cxw_to_xx

from cg_detr.matcher import build_matcher
from cg_detr.transformer import build_transformer, TransformerEncoderLayer, TransformerEncoder
from cg_detr.position_encoding import build_position_encoding
from cg_detr.misc import accuracy
import numpy as np
import copy

def inverse_sigmoid(x, eps=1e-3):
    x = x.clamp(min=0, max=1)
    x1 = x.clamp(min=eps)
    x2 = (1 - x).clamp(min=eps)
    return torch.log(x1/x2)

def init_weights(module):
    if isinstance(module, (nn.Linear, nn.Embedding)):
        module.weight.data.normal_(mean=0.0, std=0.02)
    elif isinstance(module, nn.LayerNorm):

    if isinstance(module, nn.Linear) and module.bias is not None:

def find_nth(vid, underline, n):
    max_len = len(vid)
    start = vid.find(underline)
    while start >= 0 and n > 1:
        start = vid.find(underline, start+len(underline))
        n -= 1
    if start == -1:
        start = max_len
    return start

def element_wise_list_equal(listA, listB):
    res = []
    for a, b in zip(listA, listB):
        if a==b:
    return res

class CGDETR(nn.Module):
    """ CG DETR. """

    def __init__(self, transformer, position_embed, txt_position_embed, txt_dim, vid_dim,
                 num_queries, input_dropout, aux_loss=False,
                 contrastive_align_loss=False, contrastive_hdim=64,
                 max_v_l=75, span_loss_type="l1", use_txt_pos=False, n_input_proj=2, aud_dim=0, args=None):
        """ Initializes the model.
            transformer: torch module of the transformer architecture. See transformer.py
            position_embed: torch module of the position_embedding, See position_encoding.py
            txt_position_embed: position_embedding for text
            txt_dim: int, text query input dimension
            vid_dim: int, video feature input dimension
            num_queries: number of object queries, ie detection slot. This is the maximal number of objects
                         CG-DETR can detect in a single video.
            aux_loss: True if auxiliary decoding losses (loss at each decoder layer) are to be used.
            contrastive_align_loss: If true, perform span - tokens contrastive learning
            contrastive_hdim: dimension used for projecting the embeddings before computing contrastive loss
            max_v_l: int, maximum #clips in videos
            span_loss_type: str, one of [l1, ce]
                l1: (center-x, width) regression.
                ce: (st_idx, ed_idx) classification.
            # foreground_thd: float, intersection over prediction >= foreground_thd: labeled as foreground
            # background_thd: float, intersection over prediction <= background_thd: labeled background
        self.num_queries = num_queries
        self.transformer = transformer
        self.position_embed = position_embed
        self.txt_position_embed = txt_position_embed
        hidden_dim = transformer.d_model
        self.span_loss_type = span_loss_type
        self.max_v_l = max_v_l
        span_pred_dim = 2 if span_loss_type == "l1" else max_v_l * 2
        self.span_embed = MLP(hidden_dim, hidden_dim, span_pred_dim, 3)
        self.class_embed = nn.Linear(hidden_dim, 2)  # 0: background, 1: foreground
        self.token_type_embeddings = nn.Embedding(2, hidden_dim)
        self.use_txt_pos = use_txt_pos
        self.n_input_proj = n_input_proj
        self.query_embed = nn.Embedding(num_queries, 2)
        relu_args = [True] * 3
        relu_args[n_input_proj-1] = False
        self.input_txt_proj = nn.Sequential(*[
            LinearLayer(txt_dim, hidden_dim, layer_norm=True, dropout=input_dropout, relu=relu_args[0]),
            LinearLayer(hidden_dim, hidden_dim, layer_norm=True, dropout=input_dropout, relu=relu_args[1]),
            LinearLayer(hidden_dim, hidden_dim, layer_norm=True, dropout=input_dropout, relu=relu_args[2])
        self.input_vid_proj = nn.Sequential(*[
            LinearLayer(vid_dim + aud_dim, hidden_dim, layer_norm=True, dropout=input_dropout, relu=relu_args[0]),
            LinearLayer(hidden_dim, hidden_dim, layer_norm=True, dropout=input_dropout, relu=relu_args[1]),
            LinearLayer(hidden_dim, hidden_dim, layer_norm=True, dropout=input_dropout, relu=relu_args[2])
        self.contrastive_align_loss = contrastive_align_loss
        if contrastive_align_loss:
            self.contrastive_align_projection_query = nn.Linear(hidden_dim, contrastive_hdim)
            self.contrastive_align_projection_txt = nn.Linear(hidden_dim, contrastive_hdim)
            self.contrastive_align_projection_vid = nn.Linear(hidden_dim, contrastive_hdim)

        self.saliency_proj1 = nn.Linear(hidden_dim, hidden_dim)
        self.saliency_proj2 = nn.Linear(hidden_dim, hidden_dim)
        self.aux_loss = aux_loss
        self.hidden_dim = hidden_dim
        self.global_rep_token = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.randn(args.total_prompts, hidden_dim))
        self.global_rep_pos = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.randn(1, hidden_dim))
        self.moment_rep_token = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.randn(hidden_dim))
        self.moment_rep_pos = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.randn(hidden_dim))

        # self.dummy_rep_token = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.randn(args.num_dummies, hidden_dim))
        # self.dummy_rep_pos = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.randn(args.num_dummies, hidden_dim))
        normalize_before = False
        self.sent_rep_token = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.randn(hidden_dim))
        self.sent_rep_pos = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.randn(hidden_dim))

        # self.txt_proj_linear = LinearLayer(txt_dim, hidden_dim, layer_norm=True)

        # input_txt_sa_proj = TransformerEncoderLayer(hidden_dim, 8, self.args.dim_feedforward, 0.1, "prelu", normalize_before)
        # txtproj_encoder_norm = nn.LayerNorm(hidden_dim) if normalize_before else None
        # self.txtproj_encoder = TransformerEncoder(input_txt_sa_proj, args.dummy_layers, txtproj_encoder_norm)

        scls_encoder_layer = TransformerEncoderLayer(hidden_dim, 8, self.args.dim_feedforward, 0.1, "prelu", normalize_before)
        scls_encoder_norm = nn.LayerNorm(hidden_dim) if normalize_before else None
        self.scls_encoder = TransformerEncoder(scls_encoder_layer, args.sent_layers, scls_encoder_norm)

    def forward(self, src_txt, src_txt_mask, src_vid, src_vid_mask, vid, qid, src_aud=None, src_aud_mask=None, targets=None):
        """The forward expects two tensors:
               - src_txt: [batch_size, L_txt, D_txt]
               - src_txt_mask: [batch_size, L_txt], containing 0 on padded pixels,
                    will convert to 1 as padding later for transformer
               - src_vid: [batch_size, L_vid, D_vid]
               - src_vid_mask: [batch_size, L_vid], containing 0 on padded pixels,
                    will convert to 1 as padding later for transformer

            It returns a dict with the following elements:
               - "pred_spans": The normalized boxes coordinates for all queries, represented as
                               (center_x, width). These values are normalized in [0, 1],
                               relative to the size of each individual image (disregarding possible padding).
                               See PostProcess for information on how to retrieve the unnormalized bounding box.
               - "aux_outputs": Optional, only returned when auxilary losses are activated. It is a list of
                                dictionnaries containing the two above keys for each decoder layer.

        ## For discovering real negative samples
        if vid is not None: ## for demo (run_on_video/run.py)
            _count = [v.count('_') for v in vid]
            if self.args.dset_name == 'hl':
                _position_to_cut = [find_nth(v, '_', _count[i]-1) for i, v in enumerate(vid)]
                ori_vid = [v[:_position_to_cut[i]] for i, v in enumerate(vid)]
                ori_vid = [v for v in vid]

        if src_aud is not None:
            src_vid = torch.cat([src_vid, src_aud], dim=2)
        src_vid = self.input_vid_proj(src_vid)
        src_txt = self.input_txt_proj(src_txt)
        src_vid = src_vid + self.token_type_embeddings(torch.full_like(src_vid_mask.long(), 1))
        src_txt = src_txt + self.token_type_embeddings(torch.zeros_like(src_txt_mask.long()))
        pos_vid = self.position_embed(src_vid, src_vid_mask)  # (bsz, L_vid, d)
        pos_txt = self.txt_position_embed(src_txt) if self.use_txt_pos else torch.zeros_like(src_txt)  # (bsz, L_txt, d)

        ### insert dummy token in front of txt
        # txt_dummy = self.dummy_rep_token.reshape([1, self.args.num_dummies, self.hidden_dim]).repeat(src_txt.shape[0], 1, 1)
        # src_txt_dummy = torch.cat([txt_dummy, src_txt], dim=1)
        # mask_txt = torch.tensor([[True] * self.args.num_dummies]).to(src_txt_mask.device).repeat(src_txt_mask.shape[0], 1)
        # src_txt_mask_dummy = torch.cat([mask_txt, src_txt_mask], dim=1)

        # pos_dummy = self.dummy_rep_pos.reshape([1, self.args.num_dummies, self.hidden_dim]).repeat(pos_txt.shape[0], 1, 1)
        # pos_txt_dummy = torch.cat([pos_dummy, pos_txt], dim=1)
        # src_txt_dummy = src_txt_dummy.permute(1, 0, 2)  # (L, batch_size, d)
        # pos_txt_dummy = pos_txt_dummy.permute(1, 0, 2)   # (L, batch_size, d)

        # memory = self.txtproj_encoder(src_txt, src_key_padding_mask=~(src_txt_mask.bool()), pos=pos_txt)  # (L, batch_size, d)
        # dummy_token = memory[:self.args.num_dummies].permute(1, 0, 2)
        # pos_txt_dummy = pos_txt_dummy.permute(1, 0, 2)  # (L, batch_size, d)

        # src_txt_dummy = torch.cat([dummy_token, src_txt], dim=1)
        # mask_txt_dummy = torch.tensor([[True]*self.args.num_dummies]).to(src_txt_mask.device).repeat(src_txt_mask.shape[0], 1)
        # src_txt_mask_dummy = torch.cat([mask_txt_dummy, src_txt_mask], dim=1)

        # Input : Concat video, dummy, txt
        src = torch.cat([src_vid, src_txt], dim=1)  # (bsz, L_vid+L_txt, d)
        mask = torch.cat([src_vid_mask, src_txt_mask], dim=1).bool()  # (bsz, L_vid+L_txt)
        pos = torch.cat([pos_vid, pos_txt], dim=1)

        ### sentence token
        smask_ = torch.tensor([[True]]).to(mask.device).repeat(src_txt_mask.shape[0], 1)
        smask = torch.cat([smask_, src_txt_mask.bool()], dim=1)
        ssrc_ = self.sent_rep_token.reshape([1, 1, self.hidden_dim]).repeat(src_txt.shape[0], 1, 1)
        ssrc = torch.cat([ssrc_, src_txt], dim=1)
        spos_ = self.sent_rep_pos.reshape([1, 1, self.hidden_dim]).repeat(pos_txt.shape[0], 1, 1)
        spos = torch.cat([spos_, pos_txt], dim=1)
        # ### dummy sentence token
        # smaskd = torch.cat([smask_, mask_txt_dummy.bool()], dim=1)
        # ssrcd = torch.cat([ssrc_, dummy_token], dim=1)
        # sposd = torch.cat([spos_, pos_dummy], dim=1)

        if targets is not None: # train
            mmask_ = torch.tensor([[True]]).to(mask.device).repeat(src_vid_mask.shape[0], 1)
            mmask = torch.cat([mmask_, src_vid_mask.bool()], dim=1)
            moment_mask_ = torch.clamp(targets["relevant_clips"], 0, 1).bool()
            moment_mask = torch.cat([mmask_, moment_mask_], dim=1)
            mmask = mmask * moment_mask

            msrc_ = self.moment_rep_token.reshape([1, 1, self.hidden_dim]).repeat(src_vid.shape[0], 1, 1)
            msrc = torch.cat([msrc_, src_vid], dim=1)
            mpos_ = self.moment_rep_pos.reshape([1, 1, self.hidden_dim]).repeat(pos_vid.shape[0], 1, 1)
            mpos = torch.cat([mpos_, pos_vid], dim=1)

            ### for Not moment token ####
            nmmask_ = torch.tensor([[True]]).to(mask.device).repeat(src_vid_mask.shape[0], 1)
            nmmask = torch.cat([nmmask_, src_vid_mask.bool()], dim=1)
            nmoment_mask_ = ~(torch.clamp(targets["relevant_clips"], 0, 1).bool())
            nmoment_mask = torch.cat([nmmask_, nmoment_mask_], dim=1)
            nmmask = nmmask * nmoment_mask

            nmsrc_ = self.moment_rep_token.reshape([1, 1, self.hidden_dim]).repeat(src_vid.shape[0], 1, 1)
            nmsrc = torch.cat([nmsrc_, src_vid], dim=1)
            nmpos_ = self.moment_rep_pos.reshape([1, 1, self.hidden_dim]).repeat(pos_vid.shape[0], 1, 1)
            nmpos = torch.cat([nmpos_, pos_vid], dim=1)
            moment_mask_ = None

        # for t2vidavg sal token
        vidsrc_ = torch.zeros((len(src_vid), 1, self.hidden_dim)).cuda()
        for i in range(len(src_vid)):
            vidsrc_[i] = src_vid[i][:src_vid_mask.sum(1)[i].long()].mean(0).clone().detach()

        video_length = src_vid.shape[1]
        if targets is not None: ## train
            ssrc = ssrc.permute(1, 0, 2)  # (L, batch_size, d)
            spos = spos.permute(1, 0, 2)  # (L, batch_size, d)
            smemory = self.scls_encoder(ssrc, src_key_padding_mask=~smask, pos=spos)  # (L, batch_size, d)
            sentence_txt, smemory_words = smemory[0], smemory[1:] # sentence_txt : (batch_size, d)

            # ssrcd = ssrcd.permute(1, 0, 2)  # (L, batch_size, d)
            # sposd = sposd.permute(1, 0, 2)  # (L, batch_size, d)
            # smemoryd = self.scls_encoder(ssrcd, src_key_padding_mask=~smaskd, pos=sposd)  # (L, batch_size, d)
            # sentence_dummy, smemory_words_dummy = smemoryd[0], smemoryd[1:]

            # txt_dummy_proj = torch.cat([smemory_words_dummy, smemory_words], dim=0)

            hs, reference, memory, memory_global, attn_weights, memory_moment, nmmemory_moment, mmemory_frames, nmmemory_frames = self.transformer(src, ~mask, self.query_embed.weight, pos, video_length=video_length, moment_idx=targets["relevant_clips"], msrc=msrc, mpos=mpos, mmask=~mmask, nmsrc=nmsrc, nmpos=nmpos, nmmask=~nmmask,
                                                                                                                  ctxtoken=vidsrc_, gtoken=self.global_rep_token, gpos=self.global_rep_pos, vlen=src_vid_mask.sum(1).long())
            moment2txt_similarity = torch.matmul(mmemory_frames.permute(1, 0, 2), smemory_words.permute(1, 2, 0))
            nmoment2txt_similarity = torch.matmul(nmmemory_frames.permute(1, 0, 2), smemory_words.permute(1, 2, 0))
        else: ## inference
            sentence_dummy, sentence_txt, moment2txt_similarity, nmoment2txt_similarity = None, None, None, None
            hs, reference, memory, memory_global, attn_weights, memory_moment, nmmemory_moment, mmemory_frames, nmmemory_frames = self.transformer(src, ~mask, self.query_embed.weight, pos, video_length=video_length,
                                                                                                                  ctxtoken=vidsrc_, gtoken=self.global_rep_token, gpos=self.global_rep_pos, vlen=src_vid_mask.sum(1).long())
        outputs_class = self.class_embed(hs)  # (#layers, batch_size, #queries, #classes)
        reference_before_sigmoid = inverse_sigmoid(reference)
        tmp = self.span_embed(hs)
        outputs_coord = tmp + reference_before_sigmoid
        if self.span_loss_type == "l1":
            outputs_coord = outputs_coord.sigmoid()
        out = {'pred_logits': outputs_class[-1], 'pred_spans': outputs_coord[-1]}

        txt_mem = memory[:, src_vid.shape[1]:]  # (bsz, L_txt, d)
        vid_mem = memory[:, :src_vid.shape[1]]  # (bsz, L_vid, d)
        if self.contrastive_align_loss:
            proj_queries = F.normalize(self.contrastive_align_projection_query(hs), p=2, dim=-1)
            proj_txt_mem = F.normalize(self.contrastive_align_projection_txt(txt_mem), p=2, dim=-1)
            proj_vid_mem = F.normalize(self.contrastive_align_projection_vid(vid_mem), p=2, dim=-1)

        if vid is not None: ## for demo (run_on_video/run.py)
            ### Neg Pairs ###
            neg_vid = ori_vid[1:] + ori_vid[:1]
            real_neg_mask = torch.Tensor(element_wise_list_equal(ori_vid, neg_vid)).to(src_txt.device)
            real_neg_mask = real_neg_mask == False
            if real_neg_mask.sum() != 0:
                src_txt_neg = torch.cat([src_txt[1:], src_txt[0:1]], dim=0)
                src_txt_mask_neg = torch.cat([src_txt_mask[1:], src_txt_mask[0:1]], dim=0)
                src_neg = torch.cat([src_vid, src_txt_neg], dim=1)
                mask_neg = torch.cat([src_vid_mask, src_txt_mask_neg], dim=1).bool()
                pos_neg = pos.clone()  # since it does not use actual content

                mask_neg = mask_neg[real_neg_mask]
                src_neg = src_neg[real_neg_mask]
                pos_neg = pos_neg[real_neg_mask]
                src_txt_mask_neg = src_txt_mask_neg[real_neg_mask]

                _, _, memory_neg, memory_global_neg, attn_weights_neg, _, _, _, _ = self.transformer(src_neg, ~mask_neg, self.query_embed.weight, pos_neg, video_length=video_length,
                                                                                               ctxtoken=vidsrc_[real_neg_mask], gtoken=self.global_rep_token, gpos=self.global_rep_pos, vlen=src_vid_mask[real_neg_mask].sum(1).long())
                vid_mem_neg = memory_neg[:, :src_vid.shape[1]]
                out["saliency_scores_neg"] = (torch.sum(self.saliency_proj1(vid_mem_neg) * self.saliency_proj2(memory_global_neg).unsqueeze(1), dim=-1) / np.sqrt(self.hidden_dim))
                out["src_txt_mask_neg"] = src_txt_mask_neg

                out["t2vattnvalues_neg"] = (attn_weights_neg* (src_txt_mask_neg.unsqueeze(1).repeat(1, video_length, 1))).sum(2)
                out["t2vattnvalues_neg"] = torch.clamp(out["t2vattnvalues_neg"], 0, 1)
                out["saliency_scores_neg"] = None
                out["t2vattnvalues_neg"] = None
            out["real_neg_mask"] = real_neg_mask
            out["saliency_scores_neg"] = None
            out["t2vattnvalues_neg"] = None
            out["real_neg_mask"] = None

        out["saliency_scores"] = (torch.sum(self.saliency_proj1(vid_mem) * self.saliency_proj2(memory_global).unsqueeze(1), dim=-1) / np.sqrt(self.hidden_dim))
        out["memory_moment"] = memory_moment
        out["nmmemory_moment"] = nmmemory_moment

        ## sentence token embeeded with text / dummy
        out["sentence_txt"] = sentence_txt
        # out["sentence_dummy"] = sentence_dummy
        out["moment2txt_similarity"] = moment2txt_similarity
        out["nmoment2txt_similarity"] = nmoment2txt_similarity
        out["cate_attn_weights"] = attn_weights
        out["moment_mask"] = moment_mask_
        out["txt_mask"] = src_txt_mask

        out["t2vattnvalues"] = (attn_weights * (src_txt_mask.unsqueeze(1).repeat(1, video_length, 1))).sum(2) # (batch_size, L_vid, L_txt) / (batch_size, L_txt)
        out["t2vattnvalues"] = torch.clamp(out["t2vattnvalues"], 0, 1)
        # out["dummy_tokens"] = dummy_token
        out["global_rep_tokens"] = self.global_rep_token

        if targets is not None:
            out["src_vid"] = mmemory_frames.permute(1, 0, 2) * moment_mask_.unsqueeze(2) + nmmemory_frames.permute(1, 0, 2) * (~(moment_mask_.unsqueeze(2).bool())).float()
            out["src_vid"] = None

        out["video_mask"] = src_vid_mask
        if self.aux_loss:
            # assert proj_queries and proj_txt_mem
            out['aux_outputs'] = [
                {'pred_logits': a, 'pred_spans': b} for a, b in zip(outputs_class[:-1], outputs_coord[:-1])]
            if self.contrastive_align_loss:
                assert proj_queries is not None
                for idx, d in enumerate(proj_queries[:-1]):
                    out['aux_outputs'][idx].update(dict(proj_queries=d, proj_txt_mem=proj_txt_mem))
        return out

class SetCriterion(nn.Module):
    """ This class computes the loss for DETR.
    The process happens in two steps:
        1) we compute hungarian assignment between ground truth boxes and the outputs of the model
        2) we supervise each pair of matched ground-truth / prediction (supervise class and box)

    def __init__(self, matcher, weight_dict, eos_coef, losses, temperature, span_loss_type, max_v_l,
                 saliency_margin=1, use_matcher=True, args=None):
        """ Create the criterion.
            matcher: module able to compute a matching between targets and proposals
            weight_dict: dict containing as key the names of the losses and as values their relative weight.
            eos_coef: relative classification weight applied to the no-object category
            losses: list of all the losses to be applied. See get_loss for list of available losses.
            temperature: float, temperature for NCE loss
            span_loss_type: str, [l1, ce]
            max_v_l: int,
            saliency_margin: float
        self.matcher = matcher
        self.weight_dict = weight_dict
        self.losses = losses
        self.temperature = temperature
        self.span_loss_type = span_loss_type
        self.max_v_l = max_v_l
        self.saliency_margin = saliency_margin

        # foreground and background classification
        self.foreground_label = 0
        self.background_label = 1
        self.eos_coef = eos_coef
        empty_weight = torch.ones(2)
        empty_weight[-1] = self.eos_coef  # lower weight for background (index 1, foreground index 0)
        self.register_buffer('empty_weight', empty_weight)

        # for tvsum,
        self.use_matcher = use_matcher

        # moment sentence contrastive
        self.criterion = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss().to(self.args.device)
        self.l2_criterion = torch.nn.MSELoss().to(self.args.device)
        self.kld_criterion = torch.nn.KLDivLoss(reduction='none').to(self.args.device)
        self.bce_criterion = nn.BCELoss(reduction='none')

    def loss_spans(self, outputs, targets, indices):
        """Compute the losses related to the bounding boxes, the L1 regression loss and the GIoU loss
           targets dicts must contain the key "spans" containing a tensor of dim [nb_tgt_spans, 2]
           The target spans are expected in format (center_x, w), normalized by the image size.
        assert 'pred_spans' in outputs
        targets = targets["span_labels"]
        idx = self._get_src_permutation_idx(indices)
        src_spans = outputs['pred_spans'][idx]  # (#spans, max_v_l * 2)
        tgt_spans = torch.cat([t['spans'][i] for t, (_, i) in zip(targets, indices)], dim=0)  # (#spans, 2)
        if self.span_loss_type == "l1":
            loss_span = F.l1_loss(src_spans, tgt_spans, reduction='none')
            loss_giou = 1 - torch.diag(generalized_temporal_iou(span_cxw_to_xx(src_spans), span_cxw_to_xx(tgt_spans)))
        else:  # ce
            n_spans = src_spans.shape[0]
            src_spans = src_spans.view(n_spans, 2, self.max_v_l).transpose(1, 2)
            loss_span = F.cross_entropy(src_spans, tgt_spans, reduction='none')
            loss_giou = loss_span.new_zeros([1])

        losses = {}
        losses['loss_span'] = loss_span.mean()
        losses['loss_giou'] = loss_giou.mean()
        return losses

    def loss_labels(self, outputs, targets, indices, log=True):
        """Classification loss (NLL)
        targets dicts must contain the key "labels" containing a tensor of dim [nb_target_boxes]
        # TODO add foreground and background classifier.  use all non-matched as background.
        assert 'pred_logits' in outputs
        src_logits = outputs['pred_logits']  # (batch_size, #queries, #classes=2)
        # idx is a tuple of two 1D tensors (batch_idx, src_idx), of the same length == #objects in batch
        idx = self._get_src_permutation_idx(indices)
        target_classes = torch.full(src_logits.shape[:2], self.background_label,
                                    dtype=torch.int64, device=src_logits.device)  # (batch_size, #queries)
        target_classes[idx] = self.foreground_label

        loss_ce = F.cross_entropy(src_logits.transpose(1, 2), target_classes, self.empty_weight, reduction="none")
        losses = {'loss_label': loss_ce.mean()}

        if log:
            # TODO this should probably be a separate loss, not hacked in this one here
            losses['class_error'] = 100 - accuracy(src_logits[idx], self.foreground_label)[0]
        return losses

    def loss_saliency(self, outputs, targets, indices, log=True):
        """higher scores for positive clips"""
        if "saliency_pos_labels" not in targets:
            return {"loss_saliency": 0}

        # Neg pair loss
        if outputs["saliency_scores_neg"] is not None: ## When batch size is not 1 (negative pair exists)
            vid_token_mask = outputs["video_mask"]
            real_neg_mask = outputs["real_neg_mask"]
            saliency_scores_neg = outputs["saliency_scores_neg"].clone()  # (N, L)
            loss_neg_pair = (- torch.log(1. - torch.sigmoid(saliency_scores_neg)) * (vid_token_mask[real_neg_mask])).sum(dim=1).mean()

            saliency_scores = outputs["saliency_scores"].clone()  # (N, L)
            saliency_contrast_label = targets["saliency_all_labels"]

            # real neg
            realneg_saliency_scores = torch.cat([saliency_scores[real_neg_mask], saliency_scores_neg], dim=1)
            realneg_saliency_contrast_label = torch.cat([saliency_contrast_label[real_neg_mask], torch.zeros_like(saliency_contrast_label)[real_neg_mask]], dim=1)
            realneg_vid_token_mask = vid_token_mask[real_neg_mask].repeat([1, 2])
            realneg_saliency_scores = realneg_vid_token_mask * realneg_saliency_scores + (1. - realneg_vid_token_mask) * -1e+3

            tau = 0.5
            loss_rank_contrastive = 0.
            for rand_idx in range(1, 12):
                drop_mask = ~(realneg_saliency_contrast_label > 100)  # no drop
                pos_mask = (realneg_saliency_contrast_label >= rand_idx)  # positive when equal or higher than rand_idx
                if torch.sum(pos_mask) == 0:  # no positive sample
                    batch_drop_mask = torch.sum(pos_mask, dim=1) > 0  # negative sample indicator

                # drop higher ranks
                cur_saliency_scores = realneg_saliency_scores * drop_mask / tau + ~drop_mask * -1e+3
                # numerical stability
                logits = cur_saliency_scores - torch.max(cur_saliency_scores, dim=1, keepdim=True)[0]
                # softmax
                exp_logits = torch.exp(logits)
                log_prob = logits - torch.log(exp_logits.sum(1, keepdim=True) + 1e-6)

                mean_log_prob_pos = (pos_mask * log_prob * realneg_vid_token_mask).sum(1) / (pos_mask.sum(1) + 1e-6)
                loss = - mean_log_prob_pos * batch_drop_mask
                loss_rank_contrastive = loss_rank_contrastive + loss.mean()
            loss_rank_contrastive = loss_rank_contrastive / 12

            false_neg_mask = ~(real_neg_mask)
            if false_neg_mask.sum() != 0:
                if false_neg_mask.sum() == 1:
                    falseneg_saliency_scores = saliency_scores[false_neg_mask].unsqueeze(0)
                    falseneg_saliency_contrast_label = saliency_contrast_label[false_neg_mask].unsqueeze(0)
                    falseneg_vid_token_mask = vid_token_mask[false_neg_mask].unsqueeze(0)
                    falseneg_saliency_scores = falseneg_vid_token_mask * falseneg_saliency_scores + (1. - falseneg_vid_token_mask) * -1e+3
                    falseneg_saliency_scores = saliency_scores[false_neg_mask]
                    falseneg_saliency_contrast_label = saliency_contrast_label[false_neg_mask]
                    falseneg_vid_token_mask = vid_token_mask[false_neg_mask]
                    falseneg_saliency_scores = falseneg_vid_token_mask * falseneg_saliency_scores + (1. - falseneg_vid_token_mask) * -1e+3

                tau = 0.5
                falseneg_loss_rank_contrastive = 0.
                for rand_idx in range(1, 12):
                    drop_mask = ~(falseneg_saliency_contrast_label > 100)  # no drop
                    pos_mask = (falseneg_saliency_contrast_label >= rand_idx)  # positive when equal or higher than rand_idx
                    if torch.sum(pos_mask) == 0:  # no positive sample
                        batch_drop_mask = torch.sum(pos_mask, dim=1) > 0  # negative sample indicator

                    # drop higher ranks
                    cur_saliency_scores = falseneg_saliency_scores * drop_mask / tau + ~drop_mask * -1e+3
                    # numerical stability
                    logits = cur_saliency_scores - torch.max(cur_saliency_scores, dim=1, keepdim=True)[0]
                    # softmax
                    exp_logits = torch.exp(logits)
                    log_prob = logits - torch.log(exp_logits.sum(1, keepdim=True) + 1e-6)

                    mean_log_prob_pos = (pos_mask * log_prob * falseneg_vid_token_mask).sum(1) / (pos_mask.sum(1) + 1e-6)
                    loss = - mean_log_prob_pos * batch_drop_mask
                    falseneg_loss_rank_contrastive = falseneg_loss_rank_contrastive + loss.mean()
                falseneg_loss_rank_contrastive = falseneg_loss_rank_contrastive / 12
                loss_rank_contrastive += falseneg_loss_rank_contrastive

            saliency_scores = outputs["saliency_scores"]  # (N, L)
            pos_indices = targets["saliency_pos_labels"]  # (N, #pairs)
            neg_indices = targets["saliency_neg_labels"]  # (N, #pairs)
            num_pairs = pos_indices.shape[1]  # typically 2 or 4
            batch_indices = torch.arange(len(saliency_scores)).to(saliency_scores.device)
            pos_scores = torch.stack(
                [saliency_scores[batch_indices, pos_indices[:, col_idx]] for col_idx in range(num_pairs)], dim=1)
            neg_scores = torch.stack(
                [saliency_scores[batch_indices, neg_indices[:, col_idx]] for col_idx in range(num_pairs)], dim=1)
            loss_saliency = torch.clamp(self.saliency_margin + neg_scores - pos_scores, min=0).sum() \
                            / (len(pos_scores) * num_pairs) * 2  # * 2 to keep the loss the same scale

            if self.args.dset_name in ['youtube_uni']:
                loss_saliency = loss_saliency + loss_rank_contrastive + loss_neg_pair * 0.
                loss_saliency = loss_saliency + loss_rank_contrastive + loss_neg_pair

            ########### Saliency loss to t2v attn weights ##############
            """higher scores for positive clips"""
            vid_token_mask = outputs["video_mask"]
            # Neg pair loss

            if outputs["t2vattnvalues_neg"] is not None:
                saliency_scores_neg = outputs["t2vattnvalues_neg"].clone()  # (N, L)
                loss_neg_pair_attn = (- torch.log(1. - saliency_scores_neg) * (vid_token_mask[real_neg_mask])).sum(dim=1).mean()

            saliency_scores = outputs["t2vattnvalues"].clone()  # (N, L)
            saliency_contrast_label = targets["saliency_all_labels"]

            # real neg
            realneg_saliency_scores = torch.cat([saliency_scores[real_neg_mask], saliency_scores_neg], dim=1)
            realneg_saliency_contrast_label = torch.cat(
                [saliency_contrast_label[real_neg_mask], torch.zeros_like(saliency_contrast_label)[real_neg_mask]], dim=1)
            realneg_vid_token_mask = vid_token_mask[real_neg_mask].repeat([1, 2])
            realneg_saliency_scores = realneg_vid_token_mask * realneg_saliency_scores + (
                        1. - realneg_vid_token_mask) * -1e+3

            tau = 0.5
            loss_rank_contrastive_attn = 0.
            for rand_idx in range(1, 12):
                drop_mask = ~(realneg_saliency_contrast_label > 100)  # no drop
                pos_mask = (realneg_saliency_contrast_label >= rand_idx)  # positive when equal or higher than rand_idx
                if torch.sum(pos_mask) == 0:  # no positive sample
                    batch_drop_mask = torch.sum(pos_mask, dim=1) > 0  # negative sample indicator

                # drop higher ranks
                cur_saliency_scores = realneg_saliency_scores * drop_mask / tau + ~drop_mask * -1e+3
                # numerical stability
                logits = cur_saliency_scores - torch.max(cur_saliency_scores, dim=1, keepdim=True)[0]
                # softmax
                exp_logits = torch.exp(logits)
                log_prob = logits - torch.log(exp_logits.sum(1, keepdim=True) + 1e-6)

                mean_log_prob_pos = (pos_mask * log_prob * realneg_vid_token_mask).sum(1) / (pos_mask.sum(1) + 1e-6)
                loss = - mean_log_prob_pos * batch_drop_mask
                loss_rank_contrastive_attn = loss_rank_contrastive_attn + loss.mean()
            loss_rank_contrastive_attn = loss_rank_contrastive_attn / 12

            false_neg_mask = ~(real_neg_mask)
            if false_neg_mask.sum() != 0:
                if false_neg_mask.sum() == 1:
                    falseneg_saliency_scores = saliency_scores[false_neg_mask].unsqueeze(0)
                    falseneg_saliency_contrast_label = saliency_contrast_label[false_neg_mask].unsqueeze(0)
                    falseneg_vid_token_mask = vid_token_mask[false_neg_mask].unsqueeze(0)
                    falseneg_saliency_scores = falseneg_vid_token_mask * falseneg_saliency_scores + (1. - falseneg_vid_token_mask) * -1e+3
                    falseneg_saliency_scores = saliency_scores[false_neg_mask]
                    falseneg_saliency_contrast_label = saliency_contrast_label[false_neg_mask]
                    falseneg_vid_token_mask = vid_token_mask[false_neg_mask]
                    falseneg_saliency_scores = falseneg_vid_token_mask * falseneg_saliency_scores + (1. - falseneg_vid_token_mask) * -1e+3

                tau = 0.5
                falseneg_loss_rank_contrastive = 0.
                for rand_idx in range(1, 12):
                    drop_mask = ~(falseneg_saliency_contrast_label > 100)  # no drop
                    pos_mask = (falseneg_saliency_contrast_label >= rand_idx)  # positive when equal or higher than rand_idx
                    if torch.sum(pos_mask) == 0:  # no positive sample
                        batch_drop_mask = torch.sum(pos_mask, dim=1) > 0  # negative sample indicator

                    # drop higher ranks
                    cur_saliency_scores = falseneg_saliency_scores * drop_mask / tau + ~drop_mask * -1e+3
                    # numerical stability
                    logits = cur_saliency_scores - torch.max(cur_saliency_scores, dim=1, keepdim=True)[0]
                    # softmax
                    exp_logits = torch.exp(logits)
                    log_prob = logits - torch.log(exp_logits.sum(1, keepdim=True) + 1e-6)

                    mean_log_prob_pos = (pos_mask * log_prob * falseneg_vid_token_mask).sum(1) / (pos_mask.sum(1) + 1e-6)
                    loss = - mean_log_prob_pos * batch_drop_mask
                    falseneg_loss_rank_contrastive = falseneg_loss_rank_contrastive + loss.mean()
                falseneg_loss_rank_contrastive = falseneg_loss_rank_contrastive / 12
                loss_rank_contrastive += falseneg_loss_rank_contrastive

            saliency_scores = outputs["t2vattnvalues"]  # (N, L)
            pos_indices = targets["saliency_pos_labels"]  # (N, #pairs)
            neg_indices = targets["saliency_neg_labels"]  # (N, #pairs)
            num_pairs = pos_indices.shape[1]  # typically 2 or 4
            batch_indices = torch.arange(len(saliency_scores)).to(saliency_scores.device)
            pos_scores = torch.stack(
                [saliency_scores[batch_indices, pos_indices[:, col_idx]] for col_idx in range(num_pairs)], dim=1)
            neg_scores = torch.stack(
                [saliency_scores[batch_indices, neg_indices[:, col_idx]] for col_idx in range(num_pairs)], dim=1)
            loss_saliency_attn = torch.clamp(self.saliency_margin + neg_scores - pos_scores, min=0).sum() \
                            / (len(pos_scores) * num_pairs) * 2  # * 2 to keep the loss the same scale

            saliency_binary_label = torch.clamp(targets["saliency_all_labels"], 0, 1)
            logits = saliency_scores.reshape(-1)
            labels_x = saliency_binary_label.reshape(-1)
            BCEcriterion = nn.BCELoss()
            bceloss = BCEcriterion(logits, labels_x)

            if self.args.dset_name in ['youtube_uni']:
                loss_saliency_attn = loss_rank_contrastive_attn + bceloss + loss_neg_pair_attn * 0 + loss_saliency_attn
                loss_saliency_attn = loss_rank_contrastive_attn + bceloss + loss_neg_pair_attn + loss_saliency_attn
            loss_saliency += (loss_saliency_attn * self.args.lw_wattn)

        else: ## when batch size == 1
            vid_token_mask = outputs["video_mask"]
            saliency_scores = outputs["saliency_scores"].clone()  # (N, L)
            saliency_contrast_label = targets["saliency_all_labels"]

            saliency_scores = vid_token_mask * saliency_scores + (1. - vid_token_mask) * -1e+3

            tau = 0.5
            loss_rank_contrastive = 0.
            for rand_idx in range(1, 12):
                drop_mask = ~(saliency_contrast_label > 100)  # no drop
                pos_mask = (saliency_contrast_label >= rand_idx)  # positive when equal or higher than rand_idx
                if torch.sum(pos_mask) == 0:  # no positive sample
                    batch_drop_mask = torch.sum(pos_mask, dim=1) > 0  # negative sample indicator

                # drop higher ranks
                cur_saliency_scores = saliency_scores * drop_mask / tau + ~drop_mask * -1e+3
                # numerical stability
                logits = cur_saliency_scores - torch.max(cur_saliency_scores, dim=1, keepdim=True)[0]
                # softmax
                exp_logits = torch.exp(logits)
                log_prob = logits - torch.log(exp_logits.sum(1, keepdim=True) + 1e-6)

                mean_log_prob_pos = (pos_mask * log_prob * vid_token_mask).sum(1) / (pos_mask.sum(1) + 1e-6)
                loss = - mean_log_prob_pos * batch_drop_mask
                loss_rank_contrastive = loss_rank_contrastive + loss.mean()
            loss_rank_contrastive = loss_rank_contrastive / 12

            saliency_scores = outputs["saliency_scores"]  # (N, L)
            pos_indices = targets["saliency_pos_labels"]  # (N, #pairs)
            neg_indices = targets["saliency_neg_labels"]  # (N, #pairs)
            num_pairs = pos_indices.shape[1]  # typically 2 or 4
            batch_indices = torch.arange(len(saliency_scores)).to(saliency_scores.device)
            pos_scores = torch.stack(
                [saliency_scores[batch_indices, pos_indices[:, col_idx]] for col_idx in range(num_pairs)], dim=1)
            neg_scores = torch.stack(
                [saliency_scores[batch_indices, neg_indices[:, col_idx]] for col_idx in range(num_pairs)], dim=1)
            loss_saliency = torch.clamp(self.saliency_margin + neg_scores - pos_scores, min=0).sum() \
                            / (len(pos_scores) * num_pairs) * 2  # * 2 to keep the loss the same scale

            loss_saliency = loss_saliency + loss_rank_contrastive
            ########### Saliency loss to t2v attn weights ##############
            """higher scores for positive clips"""
            vid_token_mask = outputs["video_mask"]
            saliency_scores = outputs["t2vattnvalues"].clone()  # (N, L)
            saliency_contrast_label = targets["saliency_all_labels"]

            saliency_scores = vid_token_mask * saliency_scores + (1. - vid_token_mask) * -1e+3

            tau = 0.5
            loss_rank_contrastive = 0.
            for rand_idx in range(1, 12):
                drop_mask = ~(saliency_contrast_label > 100)  # no drop
                pos_mask = (saliency_contrast_label >= rand_idx)  # positive when equal or higher than rand_idx
                if torch.sum(pos_mask) == 0:  # no positive sample
                    batch_drop_mask = torch.sum(pos_mask, dim=1) > 0  # negative sample indicator

                # drop higher ranks
                cur_saliency_scores = saliency_scores * drop_mask / tau + ~drop_mask * -1e+3
                # numerical stability
                logits = cur_saliency_scores - torch.max(cur_saliency_scores, dim=1, keepdim=True)[0]
                # softmax
                exp_logits = torch.exp(logits)
                log_prob = logits - torch.log(exp_logits.sum(1, keepdim=True) + 1e-6)

                mean_log_prob_pos = (pos_mask * log_prob * vid_token_mask).sum(1) / (pos_mask.sum(1) + 1e-6)
                loss = - mean_log_prob_pos * batch_drop_mask
                loss_rank_contrastive = loss_rank_contrastive + loss.mean()
            loss_rank_contrastive_attn = loss_rank_contrastive / 12

            saliency_scores = outputs["t2vattnvalues"]  # (N, L)
            pos_indices = targets["saliency_pos_labels"]  # (N, #pairs)
            neg_indices = targets["saliency_neg_labels"]  # (N, #pairs)
            num_pairs = pos_indices.shape[1]  # typically 2 or 4
            batch_indices = torch.arange(len(saliency_scores)).to(saliency_scores.device)
            pos_scores = torch.stack(
                [saliency_scores[batch_indices, pos_indices[:, col_idx]] for col_idx in range(num_pairs)], dim=1)
            neg_scores = torch.stack(
                [saliency_scores[batch_indices, neg_indices[:, col_idx]] for col_idx in range(num_pairs)], dim=1)
            loss_saliency_attn = torch.clamp(self.saliency_margin + neg_scores - pos_scores, min=0).sum() \
                            / (len(pos_scores) * num_pairs) * 2  # * 2 to keep the loss the same scale
            saliency_binary_label = torch.clamp(targets["saliency_all_labels"], 0, 1)
            logits = saliency_scores.reshape(-1)
            labels_x = saliency_binary_label.reshape(-1)
            BCEcriterion = nn.BCELoss()
            bceloss = BCEcriterion(logits, labels_x)

            loss_saliency_attn = loss_rank_contrastive_attn + bceloss + loss_saliency_attn
            loss_saliency += (loss_saliency_attn * self.args.lw_wattn)
        return {"loss_saliency": loss_saliency}

    def loss_contrastive_moment_sentence(self, outputs, targets, indices, log=True):
        if outputs["memory_moment"] is not None:
            moment_token = outputs["memory_moment"]
            nmmemory_moment = outputs["nmmemory_moment"]
            sentence_token = outputs["sentence_txt"].squeeze(1)
            # sentence_dummy = outputs["sentence_dummy"].squeeze(1) # b, 1, d

            moment_logits = F.normalize(moment_token, dim=1)
            nmoment_logits = F.normalize(nmmemory_moment, dim=1)
            sentence_logits = F.normalize(sentence_token, dim=1)
            # dummy_logits = F.normalize(sentence_dummy, dim=1)

            similarity_matrix = torch.matmul(moment_logits, sentence_logits.T) # B B
            nsimilarity_matrix = torch.matmul(nmoment_logits, sentence_logits.T) # B B
            similarity_matrix = torch.cat([similarity_matrix, nsimilarity_matrix], dim=1)
            labels = torch.eye(similarity_matrix.shape[0]).to(self.args.device)
            nlabels = torch.zeros_like(nsimilarity_matrix).to(self.args.device)
            labels = torch.cat([labels, nlabels], dim=1).max(dim=1)[1]

            loss_ms_align = self.criterion(similarity_matrix, labels)

            # dummy_similarity_matrix = torch.matmul(moment_logits, dummy_logits.T)
            # dummy_nsimilarity_matrix = torch.matmul(nmoment_logits, dummy_logits.T)
            # dummy_similarity_matrix = torch.cat([dummy_similarity_matrix, dummy_nsimilarity_matrix], dim=1)
            # dummy_labels = (~(torch.eye(similarity_matrix.shape[0]).to(self.args.device).bool())).float()
            # dummy_nlabels = torch.ones_like(nsimilarity_matrix).to(self.args.device)
            # dummy_labels = torch.cat([dummy_labels, dummy_nlabels], dim=1).max(dim=1)[1]

            # dummy_loss_ms_align = self.criterion(dummy_similarity_matrix, dummy_labels)
            # loss_ms_align += dummy_loss_ms_align
            video_mask = outputs['video_mask']
            src_vid = outputs['src_vid']  # [bsz, L_vid, D_vid]
            moment_mask_ = torch.clamp(targets["relevant_clips"], 0, 1)

            momtokcls_pred = torch.matmul(moment_token.unsqueeze(1), src_vid.permute(0, 2, 1))  # bsz 1 L_vid
            momtokcls_label = moment_mask_
            momtokcls_logit = torch.sigmoid(momtokcls_pred)
            loss_ms_align += (self.bce_criterion(momtokcls_logit.reshape(-1), momtokcls_label.reshape(-1)) * video_mask.reshape(-1)).mean()

            loss_ms_align = 0.
        return {"loss_ms_align": loss_ms_align}

    def loss_moment2txt_sim_distill(self, outputs, targets, indices, log=True):
        if outputs["moment2txt_similarity"] is not None:
            moment2txt_similarity = outputs["moment2txt_similarity"]  # bsz L_clip 22
            moment_mask = outputs["moment_mask"].int() # bsz L_clip 1
            txt_mask = outputs["txt_mask"].unsqueeze(1).repeat(1, outputs["cate_attn_weights"].size(1), 1)  # bsz l_t

            attn_weights = outputs["cate_attn_weights"] # bsz L_clip 22
            b, L_vid, L_txt = attn_weights.size()
            loss_distill = self.kld_criterion(
                torch.log(attn_weights + 1e-6).reshape(b * L_vid, -1),
                torch.softmax(moment2txt_similarity, dim=-1).clone().detach().reshape(b * L_vid, -1)).mean(1) * moment_mask.reshape(-1)
            loss_distill = loss_distill.sum() / moment_mask.sum()

            loss_distill = 0.
        return {"loss_distill": loss_distill}

    def loss_orthogonal_dummy(self, outputs, targets, indices, log=True):
        # dummy_tokens = outputs["dummy_tokens"]  # (n_dum, dim)
        # if dummy_tokens.size(1) != 1:
        #     dummy_tokens_norm = dummy_tokens / dummy_tokens.norm(dim=2)[:, :, None]
        #     dummy_tokens_sim = torch.matmul(dummy_tokens_norm, dummy_tokens_norm.permute(0, 2, 1).detach())
        #     for i in range(len(dummy_tokens_sim)):
        #         dummy_tokens_sim[i].fill_diagonal_(0)
        #     loss_dummy_ortho = dummy_tokens_sim.abs().mean()
        # else:
        #     loss_dummy_ortho=0.
        global_tokens = outputs["global_rep_tokens"]

        global_tokens_norm = global_tokens / global_tokens.norm(dim=1)[:, None]
        global_tokens_sim = torch.matmul(global_tokens_norm, global_tokens_norm.permute(1, 0).detach())
        for i in range(len(global_tokens_sim)):
        loss_dummy_ortho += global_tokens_sim.abs().mean()
        return {"loss_orthogonal_dummy": loss_dummy_ortho}

    def loss_contrastive_align(self, outputs, targets, indices, log=True):
        """encourage higher scores between matched query span and input text"""
        normalized_text_embed = outputs["proj_txt_mem"]  # (bsz, #tokens, d)  text tokens
        normalized_img_embed = outputs["proj_queries"]  # (bsz, #queries, d)
        logits = torch.einsum(
            "bmd,bnd->bmn", normalized_img_embed, normalized_text_embed)  # (bsz, #queries, #tokens)
        logits = logits.sum(2) / self.temperature  # (bsz, #queries)
        idx = self._get_src_permutation_idx(indices)
        positive_map = torch.zeros_like(logits, dtype=torch.bool)
        positive_map[idx] = True
        positive_logits = logits.masked_fill(~positive_map, 0)

        pos_term = positive_logits.sum(1)  # (bsz, )
        num_pos = positive_map.sum(1)  # (bsz, )
        neg_term = logits.logsumexp(1)  # (bsz, )
        loss_nce = - pos_term / num_pos + neg_term  # (bsz, )
        losses = {"loss_contrastive_align": loss_nce.mean()}
        return losses

    def loss_contrastive_align_vid_txt(self, outputs, targets, indices, log=True):
        """encourage higher scores between matched query span and input text"""
        normalized_text_embed = outputs["proj_txt_mem"]  # (bsz, #tokens, d)  text tokens
        normalized_img_embed = outputs["proj_queries"]  # (bsz, #queries, d)
        logits = torch.einsum(
            "bmd,bnd->bmn", normalized_img_embed, normalized_text_embed)  # (bsz, #queries, #tokens)
        logits = logits.sum(2) / self.temperature  # (bsz, #queries)
        idx = self._get_src_permutation_idx(indices)
        positive_map = torch.zeros_like(logits, dtype=torch.bool)
        positive_map[idx] = True
        positive_logits = logits.masked_fill(~positive_map, 0)

        pos_term = positive_logits.sum(1)  # (bsz, )
        num_pos = positive_map.sum(1)  # (bsz, )
        neg_term = logits.logsumexp(1)  # (bsz, )
        loss_nce = - pos_term / num_pos + neg_term  # (bsz, )
        losses = {"loss_contrastive_align": loss_nce.mean()}
        return losses

    def _get_src_permutation_idx(self, indices):
        # permute predictions following indices
        batch_idx = torch.cat([torch.full_like(src, i) for i, (src, _) in enumerate(indices)])
        src_idx = torch.cat([src for (src, _) in indices])
        return batch_idx, src_idx  # two 1D tensors of the same length

    def _get_tgt_permutation_idx(self, indices):
        # permute targets following indices
        batch_idx = torch.cat([torch.full_like(tgt, i) for i, (_, tgt) in enumerate(indices)])
        tgt_idx = torch.cat([tgt for (_, tgt) in indices])
        return batch_idx, tgt_idx

    def get_loss(self, loss, outputs, targets, indices, **kwargs):
        loss_map = {
            "spans": self.loss_spans,
            "labels": self.loss_labels,
            "contrastive_align": self.loss_contrastive_align,
            "saliency": self.loss_saliency,
            "ms_align": self.loss_contrastive_moment_sentence,
            "distill": self.loss_moment2txt_sim_distill,
        assert loss in loss_map, f'do you really want to compute {loss} loss?'
        return loss_map[loss](outputs, targets, indices, **kwargs)

    def forward(self, outputs, targets):
        """ This performs the loss computation.
             outputs: dict of tensors, see the output specification of the model for the format
             targets: list of dicts, such that len(targets) == batch_size.
                      The expected keys in each dict depends on the losses applied, see each loss' doc
        outputs_without_aux = {k: v for k, v in outputs.items() if k != 'aux_outputs'}

        # Retrieve the matching between the outputs of the last layer and the targets
        # list(tuples), each tuple is (pred_span_indices, tgt_span_indices)

        # only for HL, do not use matcher
        if self.use_matcher:
            indices = self.matcher(outputs_without_aux, targets)
            losses_target = self.losses
            indices = None
            losses_target = ["saliency"]

        # Compute all the requested losses
        losses = {}
        for loss in losses_target:
            losses.update(self.get_loss(loss, outputs, targets, indices))

        # In case of auxiliary losses, we repeat this process with the output of each intermediate layer.
        if 'aux_outputs' in outputs:
            for i, aux_outputs in enumerate(outputs['aux_outputs']):
                # indices = self.matcher(aux_outputs, targets)
                if self.use_matcher:
                    indices = self.matcher(aux_outputs, targets)
                    losses_target = self.losses
                    indices = None
                    losses_target = ["saliency", "ms_align", "distill", "orthogonal_dummy"]
                for loss in losses_target:
                    if "saliency" == loss:  # skip as it is only in the top layer
                    if "ms_align" == loss:
                    if "distill" == loss:
                    if "orthogonal_dummy" == loss:
                    kwargs = {}
                    l_dict = self.get_loss(loss, aux_outputs, targets, indices, **kwargs)
                    l_dict = {k + f'_{i}': v for k, v in l_dict.items()}
        return losses

class MLP(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, input_dim, hidden_dim, output_dim, num_layers):
        self.num_layers = num_layers
        h = [hidden_dim] * (num_layers - 1)
        self.layers = nn.ModuleList(nn.Linear(n, k) for n, k in zip([input_dim] + h, h + [output_dim]))

    def forward(self, x):
        for i, layer in enumerate(self.layers):
            x = F.relu(layer(x)) if i < self.num_layers - 1 else layer(x)
        return x

class LinearLayer(nn.Module):
    """linear layer configurable with layer normalization, dropout, ReLU."""

    def __init__(self, input_dim, output_dim, layer_norm=True, dropout=0.1, relu=True):
        super(LinearLayer, self).__init__()
        self.relu = relu
        self.layer_norm = layer_norm
        if layer_norm:
            self.LayerNorm = nn.LayerNorm(input_dim)
        layers = [
            nn.Linear(input_dim, output_dim)
        self.net = nn.Sequential(*layers)

    def forward(self, x):
        """(N, L, D)"""
        if self.layer_norm:
            x = self.LayerNorm(x)
        x = self.net(x)
        if self.relu:
            x = F.relu(x, inplace=True)
        return x  # (N, L, D)

def build_model(args):
    device = torch.device(args.device)

    transformer = build_transformer(args)
    position_embedding, txt_position_embedding = build_position_encoding(args)

    if args.a_feat_dir is None:
        model = CGDETR(
        model = CGDETR(

    matcher = build_matcher(args)
    weight_dict = {"loss_span": args.span_loss_coef,
                   "loss_giou": args.giou_loss_coef,
                   "loss_label": args.label_loss_coef,
                   "loss_saliency": args.lw_saliency,
                   "loss_ms_align": args.lw_ms_align,
                   "loss_distill": args.lw_distill,
    if args.contrastive_align_loss:
        weight_dict["loss_contrastive_align"] = args.contrastive_align_loss_coef

    if args.aux_loss:
        aux_weight_dict = {}
        for i in range(args.dec_layers - 1):
            aux_weight_dict.update({k + f'_{i}': v for k, v in weight_dict.items() if k != "loss_saliency"})

    losses = ['spans', 'labels', 'saliency', 'ms_align', 'distill', 'orthogonal_dummy']
    if args.contrastive_align_loss:
        losses += ["contrastive_align"]

    # For highlight detection datasets
    use_matcher = not (args.dset_name in ['youtube_uni', 'tvsum'])

    criterion = SetCriterion(
        matcher=matcher, weight_dict=weight_dict, losses=losses,
        eos_coef=args.eos_coef, temperature=args.temperature,
        span_loss_type=args.span_loss_type, max_v_l=args.max_v_l,
        saliency_margin=args.saliency_margin, use_matcher=use_matcher, args=args
    return model, criterion
wjun0830 commented 9 months ago

Hello Eden

If you want to erase the use of dummy tokens, you would also have to deactivate losses for ms_align, distill, and orthogonal dummy.

Furthermore, you also have to comment out the corresponding parts in def loss_saliency (we have marked ' Saliency loss to t2v attn weights ' in the code).

Also, you should make sure that the number of dummy hyperparam is set to 0 or modify the crossattention.py. (since we use the number of dummy param to index the video features).

EdenGabriel commented 9 months ago

Ok, thanks for your patiently reply. I'll try it.

EdenGabriel commented 9 months ago

To bother you again, as per your suggestion I have removed the dummy and it works successfully. But I still have some doubts,①what is the meaning and function of "t2vattnvalues_neg" and "false_neg_mask"? ② when i train the only moment retrieval task (charades_sta or tacos), why the "lw_saliency" is not set to 0 while to 4? ③ what is the meaning of “token_typeembeddings”? I don't understand why you need to add these two embeddings to src*.

        src_vid = src_vid + self.token_type_embeddings(torch.full_like(src_vid_mask.long(), 1)) #  (bsz, L_vid, d)
        src_txt = src_txt + self.token_type_embeddings(torch.zeros_like(src_txt_mask.long())) 


wjun0830 commented 9 months ago
  1. t2vattnvalues_neg is the attention values in cross-attention layers for the negative pairs.
  2. For false_neg_mask, you may first need to understand how we form the negative set. (We match the i-th video features with the i+1-th text features in the minibatch to form the negative set). However, there might exist positive pairs if a video instance has multiple queries in the dataset. To avoid the possible positive pairs in the negative set, we check the matching vid of each text feature. And false_neg_mask finally detects positive pairs in the negative set when it is True.
  3. We did not tune conventional parameters used in training since we pursue the fixed parameter across different settings. And, as the saliency scores can be defined with binary codes indicating whether each frame belongs to the specified moment or not, we used such saliency scores for training.
  4. Token type embedding indicates whether the features are from the visual domain or from the semantic domain. In the paper, It is mentioned in the Appendix. (We followed UniVTG for the token type embedding)
EdenGabriel commented 8 months ago

Thank you for your patient reply. I see.