wjunkin / moodle-quiz_liveviewgrid

Dynamic quiz spreadsheet
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One more time #19

Open dinism opened 5 years ago

dinism commented 5 years ago

Thanks again for updates. Suggestions: When you print or save a page in PDF, why not landscape? I my quizzes i have more questions than students. I think is better have page number at bottom right and date/hour at left (my 2 cents). What about margins? imagem

When you save as PDF, at top right is URL of report but is think is trunked because if you click it in PDF i got 404. Why not full URL or none if is not possible. In this situation is think is better have quiz name at right and link at left (my 2 cents) imagem

In static page the tables has borders not equal to dynamic page. I prefer the single border like dynamic page (my 2 cents) imagem

In static page, when you click to show correct answer it appears this ":" at left of text. WHY? The font in two pages are not equal. I prefer the font of dynamic page (my 2 cents). In my translation, i added the tag ...to highlight the strings as you can see in images: $string['questionis'] = 'Texto da pergunta: '; $string['responses'] = 'Respostas'; $string['rightanswer'] = 'Resposta correta: '; imagem

In static page, why not have the text of question one line below and not at right of the button "Print Page" (my 2 cents) imagem

All of these are only MY OPINION.

wjunkin commented 5 years ago

Hi, Dimis, Thanks for your opinions/suggestions. 1) Bold some of the strings. Great suggestion. I'll do that for some of the strings in the next version and if there are others that you think should be made bold, please let me know. 2) Printing: I don't have any control over the printing format. I am just using the printing capabilities that are built into your browser (and may be influenced by the printer that you have). On my computer, when I click on the "Print Page" button, I then can make changes to several of the options. I can change from portrait to landscape, and make other changes with the various printing options. When I go to print or save to PDF, most of these options are carried over. So, I'm afraid I can't help with those suggestions. 3) "Why not have the text of the question one line below and not at the right of the button "Print Page"?" Most teachers will have many students in a given class. The more lines I use up at the top, the more the teachers will have to scroll to see the responses from students near the bottom of the table. I could put the "Print Page" button somewhere else, but I wanted it in an obvious place. I want to keep the layout of the static page to be very close to the layout of the dynamic page, so I didn't know where to put that button. Where do you suggest that I put that button if it is confusing to have it where it is/ 4) Width of table in static vs dynamic pages: The width of the table in the dynamic page is controlled by the theme that is being used in your Moodle site, how many navigation and text boxes you have open, etc. On purpose I made the static page be displayed outside of the Moodle theme and its css style sheets so that it could display as much of the table as possible without scrolling. Some of the tables will have a width of 100% which looks strange when the choices are a single letter or number, but it does allow as much of the responses from the students to be shown as is possible. I'll look at the question of table width in the static pages and see if I can make the width resize depending on the content of the table. For the dynamic pages, as I mentioned I don't have much control there, since that will depend on the Moodle theme that is being used. Again, thanks for giving me your opinions. You are helping make the module better and better.

You have noticed that I used your suggestion for the navigation between dynamic and static pages. do you think this works well or do you have additional suggestions?

dinism commented 5 years ago

"You have noticed that I used your suggestion for the navigation between dynamic and static pages..." YES it works GREAT. Thanks a lot.

Printing page: It was my suggestion. I will put in tooltip information that teacher can change PORTRAIT or LANDSCAPE in properties of printer.

Print page button: Why not put it as the last one in line with others buttons? All buttons in one line.

Link in produced PDF file: Did you confirmed that the link is not valid? Remove it? One opinion is the name of the course instead. After print you'll know the course and quiz (without having to access moodle).

The ":" that appears in left of righ answer in static page: line 123 of liveviewpopout.php. Is it a error or you want the ":" in that place?

The table in static page: the width is good. The images i sent have the same width but when i joined them in same image i forgot to adjust. I refer to the border of the cells and table. They are not equal in both pages (as you can see in images i sent). I prefer one simple line.