wkeeling / selenium-wire

Extends Selenium's Python bindings to give you the ability to inspect requests made by the browser.
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Capabilities was removed in Selenium 4.10.0 #687

Open Vika-Denisenko opened 1 year ago

Vika-Denisenko commented 1 year ago

Hello! I have a problem after updating Selenium to v 4.10.0. I use the Remote Chrome driver in one class in my test set.

from seleniumwire import webdriver as wire_driver

options = Options()
capabilities = options.to_capabilities()            
driver = wire_driver.Remote(

After updating selenium to v 4.10.0, this error began to appear:

failed on setup with "TypeError: WebDriver.__init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'desired_capabilities'"

cls = <class 'test_objects1.auc_1_user_registers_in_the_system.test_registration_user.UserRegisteredTests'>

    def setUpClass(cls) -> None:
            if cls.__name__ == "UserRegisteredTests":
>               BaseTestCase._driver = WebDriverFactory.get_driver(

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
webdriver_factory.py:80: in get_driver
    driver = WebDriverFactory.get_remote_driver(is_traffic_intercepted)
webdriver_factory.py:186: in get_remote_driver
    driver = wire_driver.Remote(
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <[AttributeError("'Remote' object has no attribute 'session_id'") raised in repr()] Remote object at 0x7f2e03032d90>
seleniumwire_options = {}, args = ()
kwargs = {'command_executor': 'http://localhost:3000/webdriver', 'desired_capabilities': {'acceptInsecureCerts': True, 'browser...}, 'pageLoadStrategy': 'normal', ...}, 'options': <selenium.webdriver.chrome.options.Options object at 0x7f2e033c4d90>}
config = {'acceptInsecureCerts': True, 'proxy': {'httpProxy': '', 'proxyType': 'manual', 'sslProxy': ''}}
capabilities = {'acceptInsecureCerts': True, 'browserName': 'chrome', 'goog:chromeOptions': {'args': ['--window-size=1280, 720', '--h...ndbox', '--disable-smooth-scrolling', '--disable-dev-shm-usage'], 'extensions': []}, 'pageLoadStrategy': 'normal', ...}

    def __init__(self, *args, seleniumwire_options=None, **kwargs):
        """Initialise a new Firefox WebDriver instance.

            seleniumwire_options: The seleniumwire options dictionary.
        if seleniumwire_options is None:
            seleniumwire_options = {}

        config = self._setup_backend(seleniumwire_options)

        if seleniumwire_options.get('auto_config', True):
            capabilities = kwargs.get('desired_capabilities')
            if capabilities is None:
                capabilities = DesiredCapabilities.FIREFOX.copy()
                capabilities = capabilities.copy()


            kwargs['desired_capabilities'] = capabilities

>       super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
E       TypeError: WebDriver.__init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'desired_capabilities'

/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/seleniumwire/webdriver.py:308: TypeError

If I don't pass capability the Remote Firefox driver is called, but I expected Remote Chrome driver

pedrofnts commented 11 months ago

You managed to solve that?

montovaneli commented 9 months ago

For old selenium (< 4.10): dc = DesiredCapabilities.CHROME.copy() dc["goog:loggingPrefs"] = {"browser":"INFO"}

For "new" selenium (>=4.10), you need to place it using options.set_capability: options = webdriver.ChromeOptions() options.set_capability("goog:loggingPrefs", {browser: "INFO"})

alexppg commented 8 months ago

I belive this is a duplicated https://github.com/wkeeling/selenium-wire/issues/697.

The problem seems to be here.

        if seleniumwire_options.get('auto_config', True):
            capabilities = kwargs.get('desired_capabilities')
            if capabilities is None:
                capabilities = DesiredCapabilities.FIREFOX.copy()
                capabilities = capabilities.copy()


            kwargs['desired_capabilities'] = capabilities

I don't know why this is used, but it's the cause of the problem. When commenting it, the error is not reproduced, since the desired_capabilities is not passed to selenium's webdriver's class.

It would seem that this commit is the one that removed the desired_capabilities options https://github.com/SeleniumHQ/selenium/commit/9f5801c82fb3be3d5850707c46c3f8176e3ccd8e.


EDIT: Aclaration, this doesn't solve the problem, it just doesn't reproduce the error. For example, I'm able to add a proxxy when using local chromedriver but not a remote selenium server.

Vika-Denisenko commented 8 months ago

I belive this is a duplicated #697.

I created this topic first

alexppg commented 8 months ago

Sure, I didn't meant it for you to close it, just to create the link relating the two of them. I think this has better documentation, I'd leave this open.