wkennedy / swagger4spring-web

Swagger support for Spring MVC
89 stars 46 forks source link

Accessing JSON files #49

Closed drm4652 closed 10 years ago

drm4652 commented 10 years ago

Hello, excuse me if this is dumb or obvious question but I'm still new to swagger. For the swagger docs that I am developing for the company I work for I need to be able save off the Jsons that swagger generates while scanning a project annotated with tags. It doesn't look like they are saved into the project locally but maybe there is a spot in the javascript of the HTML files that I can intercept them?

wbauern commented 9 years ago

I am also curious about this. We have the need to generate static documentation for our Spring MVC based microservices. We would like to use the Swagger-maven-plugin to automatically generate this documentation but it needs to access the swagger json files.
