wkennedy / swagger4spring-web

Swagger support for Spring MVC
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Swagger is empty when deployed to a server #54

Closed drm4652 closed 10 years ago

drm4652 commented 10 years ago


So I'm sure that this is going to be too vague to solve probably but I figured that it would at least be worth a shot posting here since I'm desperate. My co-worker and I have finally gotten swagger to work flawlessly locally but as soon as we deploy the project as a war on a server, swagger breaks. The .jsp files that we have are still showing up but the json files that we are getting have an empty API array and thus are not displaying anything other than information we have in the ApiInfo tag of our document controller. Its as if the controllers we are scanning do not exist even though they do. Heard of anything like this happening?

We are swagger4spring-web so this maybe specific to that but we thought it might be swagger related

wkennedy commented 10 years ago

Hrmm, I haven't heard of this happening. Are you deploying the same WAR to the server as you are using locally? It could potentially be something with the servlet path, but without information, I'm just guessing. Any more information you could provide would be helpful.