wkentaro / gdown

Google Drive Public File Downloader when Curl/Wget Fails
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New feature: Skip existed files when downloading folders #335

Closed GeekDream-x closed 1 month ago

GeekDream-x commented 3 months ago


Due to some accidents, some users encounter the problems that the download tasks break up unexpectedly. When downloading just a single file, it is acceptable to re-download it from the beginning. However, when downloading a folder, it is a waste of time to re-download the files downloaded before the break.


Example Python Snippet:

import gdown
import os

output_dir = "./xxx/your_target_dir"
if not os.path.exists(output_dir):
url = "https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx=sharing"
gdown.download_folder(url, output=output_dir, remaining_ok=True, quite=False, skip_existed=True)
genghisun commented 2 months ago

Thanks! This feature is very useful. But why not set skip_existed default to True?

GeekDream-x commented 2 months ago

Thanks! This feature is very useful. But why not set skip_existed default to True?

@genghisun Thanks! You are right and I have changed the default value to True in the new commit.

genghisun commented 2 months ago

Hi~ Sorry to bother you again. Today I realized that single file download also needs the skip_existed parameter, especially when downloading a list with multiple files, just like example below. Because in case the middle file in the list download fails, running the code again will re-download all the previous files, which is unnecessary.

import gdown

url_list = [

for url in url_list:
    gdown.download(url, fuzzy=True, skip_existed=True)

Also, it is more uniform to have this parameter for both download and download_folder. The implementation can be done by checking if the output file exists at https://github.com/wkentaro/gdown/blob/main/gdown/download.py#L280.

GeekDream-x commented 2 months ago

Hi~ Sorry to bother you again. Today I realized that single file download also needs the skip_existed parameter, especially when downloading a list with multiple files, just like example below. Because in case the middle file in the list download fails, running the code again will re-download all the previous files, which is unnecessary.

import gdown

url_list = [

for url in url_list:
    gdown.download(url, fuzzy=True, skip_existed=True)

Also, it is more uniform to have this parameter for both download and download_folder. The implementation can be done by checking if the output file exists at https://github.com/wkentaro/gdown/blob/main/gdown/download.py#L280.

@genghisun Sounds useful. I have updated download.py and please help to check whether it is reliable.

wkentaro commented 1 month ago

Use resume=True introduced by https://github.com/wkentaro/gdown/pull/288, and it will skip downloading files if they already exist.