wkentaro / octomap-python

Python binding of the OctoMap library.
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Create OcTree object from octomap_msgs/Octomap message type in ROS #11

Open ewan-pugh opened 2 years ago

ewan-pugh commented 2 years ago


I am trying to create an OcTree object from an octomap ROS message but cannot figure out how to do it. I can successfully construct the stream header from the message but do not know how to serialize the data into the stream. Does anyone know how to do this?

This is our current attempt which does not work:

x = np.array(msg.data).astype(np.int8)
stream = b"# Octomap OcTree binary file id OcTree\nsize {}\nres {}\ndata\n".format(len(x), msg.resolution)
stream += x.tobytes()
octree = octomap.OcTree(msg.resolution)
boazMgm commented 2 years ago

Hi, I'm facing the same issue. Did you find any solution? I'm using rospy.ServiceProxy to get the map but I don't understand how to convert it to Octree. Thanks

apurv-andromeda commented 8 months ago

For those still looking for a solution,

stream = bytes(
                f"# Octomap OcTree binary file\n# (feel free to add / change comments, but leave the first line as it is!)\n#\nid {[msg.id](http://msg.id/)}\nsize 0\nres {msg.resolution}\ndata\n{msg.data}",
        octree = octomap.OcTree(msg.resolution)
Cypre55 commented 5 months ago

If you are looking to read a regular OcTree (not binary), you can do the following:

def get_octree_from_msg (msg):        
        map = msg.map # OctomapMsg
        fileHeader = "# Octomap OcTree file"
        s = ""
        s += fileHeader + "\n# (feel free to add / change comments, but leave the first line as it is!)\n#\n"
        s += "id " + map.id + "\n"
        s += "size " + str(10) + "\n" # It does not matter what size you put here
        s += "res " + str(map.resolution) + "\n"
        s += "data\n"

        # convert string to bytes
        s = s.encode('utf-8')

        length = len(map.data)
        pattern = '<%sb'%length
        buff = io.BytesIO()

        # bytes to string
        s += buff.getvalue()

        # Random Resolution just to initialize the object
        # The correct resolution will be set on reading
        tree = octomap.OcTree(0.1).read(s) 
        return tree