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光速不变 #6

Open wkgcass opened 1 year ago

wkgcass commented 1 year ago

/chat: 请以“光速不变”为题,写一篇不少于500字的文字,并且使用markdown格式撰写。

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago



光速不变(invariance of the speed of light),是相对论中的一个基本原理。它表明,在真空中,光速不受光源运动状态的影响,恒为3.0 x 10^8 m/s。















wkgcass commented 1 year ago

/chat: 为你的文章加一个标题

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago



wkgcass commented 1 year ago

/chat: please translate your article to English.

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago


Invariance of the Speed of Light

Invariance of the speed of light is a fundamental principle in relativity which states that the speed of light remains constant (at 3.0 x 10^8 m/s) regardless of the motion of the source or observer in a vacuum.

This principle was first proposed by Einstein in his special theory of relativity in 1905. Traditional Newtonian mechanics assumed that time and space were absolute, whereas relativity established the basis for relative motion using the invariance of the speed of light – i.e., the movement of light relative to an observer would appear the same regardless of the observer's motion, which caused a change in spatial distance and time intervals.

Three key experiments have corroborated the invariance of the speed of light principle:

Michelson-Morley Experiment

This classic experiment involved a partially-transparent mirror set at a near-perpendicular angle, and inferred differences in the time of arrival of light reflecting off mirrors positioned in different orientations. It concluded that the speed of light did not vary due to the motion of the stars and validated the principle of the invariance of the speed of light.

Particle Accelerators

Particle accelerators can bring particles to speeds close to that of light speed. By observing the motion of particles and inferring mass and momentum of particles, it is possible to make deductions that validate the invariance of the speed of light. Results have shown that particles move slower the closer they come to the speed of light, with an increase in mass, as predicted by relativity.

Other experiments

Apart from the above two, other experiments have validated the invariance of the speed of light. They include high precision experiments on the spectrum of hydrogen atoms, and experiments on quantum electrodynamics in space.

These experiments confirm the validity of the principle of invariance of the speed of light, providing the bedrock for our understanding and explanation of nature. It has opened up new horizons for human intellectual development, and plays critical roles in practical fields, such as aviation, space exploration and telecommunications.

The principle of the invariance of the speed of light represents a milestone in our understanding of nature and offers numerous opportunities for future developments in physical sciences.

wkgcass commented 1 year ago

/chat: 是否存在一种速度超过光速的粒子?

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago


根据当前所知的物理学理论,不存在能够以超光速运动的实际粒子。相对论中的公式 E=mc² 中,当物质以光速运动时,其质量成为无穷大,所需能量也为无穷大。从而说明,即使有一颗物体以光速运动,其所需能量将是一个巨大的数值,而且会随着质量的增加而指数增长,这种无穷大的能量是不存在的。另外,已经有多种实验观测验证了光速不变的原则。因此,目前认为不存在以超光速运动的实际粒子。