Closed wkgcass closed 1 year ago
public String loadingFontFailed(String name) {
return "Loading " + name + " font failed";
public String titleMainScreen() {
return "Phantom Tower PC Assistant";
public String titleMainScreenDevVersion() {
return "Developer Version";
public String toolNameGameSettings() {
return "Game Settings";
public String toolNameInputSettings() {
return "Input Settings";
public String toolNameMacro() {
return "Key Macros";
public String toolNameFishing() {
return "Auto Fishing";
public String toolNameCoolDown() {
return "Cooldown Indicator";
public String toolNameToolBox() {
return "Tool Box";
public String toolNameXBox() {
return "Customize Xbox Keys";
public String toolNameAbout() {
return "About";
public String toolNameLog() {
return "Logs";
public String toolNameReset() {
return "Reset / Fix";
public String toolIsLocked(String name) {
name = switch (name) {
case "macro" -> toolNameMacro();
case "fishing" -> toolNameFishing();
default -> name;
return "This tool is currently unavailable: " + name;
public String toolNameWelcome() {
return "Welcome Page";
public String selectGameLocation() {
return "Select game path";
public String selectGlobalServerGameLocation() {
return "Select international server game path";
public String selectButton() {
return "Select";
public String autoSearchButton() {
return "Auto Search";
public String autoSearchFailed() {
return "Auto search failed, please manually select a path";
public String selectGameLocationDescription() {
return "Please select the game path. You can manually select the path where gameLauncher.exe is located, or you can click \"Auto Search\"";
public String selectGlobalServerGameLocationDescription() {
return "Please select the international server game path, manually select the location of tof_launcher.exe, or click \"Auto Search\"";
public String chosenWrongGameFile() {
return "Selected wrong file, please select gameLauncher.exe";
public String chosenWrongGlobalServerGameFile() {
return "Selected wrong file, please select tof_launcher.exe";
public String chosenWrongGlobalServerGameFileNoParentDir() {
return "Selected wrong file, parent directory not found";
public String selectSavedLocationDescription() {
return "Please select the Saved location for game config files, which you can manually choose (usually %HOMEPATH%\\AppData\\Local\\Hotta\\Saved\\), or click \"Auto Search\"";
public String selectSavedLocation() {
return "Select Saved config file path";
public String alertChangeSavedDirectory() {
return "You do not usually need to change the Saved directory, only when switching to test server/Taiwan server. If you really need to modify, hold down the ALT key and click this button";
public String chosenWrongSavedDirectory() {
return "Selected the wrong path, please select a folder";
public String hotkeyColumnNameAction() {
return "Trigger Action";
public String hotkeyColumnNameKey() {
return "Key";
public String hotkeyColumnNameScale() {
return "Speed";
public String keyChooserDesc() {
return "Press the keyboard button you want to configure, or click using the left or right mouse button";
public String keyChooserDescWithoutMouse() {
return "Press the keyboard button you want to configure";
public String unsupportedKeyErrorMessage() {
return "This key is not yet supported";
public String notFloatingPointValue() {
return "The entered value is not a floating point number";
/err: token usage: {"prompt_tokens":1116,"completion_tokens":1005,"total_tokens":2121}
/chat: Translate the following java I18n code snippet from Chinese into English, while preserving the Java code syntax:
public String inputActionMapping(String action) {
return switch (action) {
case "Artifact_1" -> "源器1";
case "Artifact_2" -> "源器2";
case "Artifact_1_BreakFate" -> "命运突围-源器1";
case "Artifact_2_BreakFate" -> "命运突围-源器2";
case "Artifact_gousuo_BreakFate" -> "命运突围-钩索";
case "ChangeArtifact0" -> "切换源器";
case "ChangeArtifact0_BreakFate" -> "命运突围-切换源器";
case "ChangeWeapon0" -> "武器1";
case "ChangeWeapon0_BreakFate" -> "命运突围-武器1";
case "ChangeWeapon1" -> "武器2";
case "ChangeWeapon1_BreakFate" -> "命运突围-武器2";
case "ChangeWeapon2" -> "武器3";
case "ChangeWeapon2_BreakFate" -> "命运突围-武器3";
case "Chat" -> "打开聊天窗口";
case "Crouch" -> "下蹲";
case "Diving" -> "潜水";
case "Crouch_BreakFate" -> "命运突围-下蹲";
case "Evade" -> "闪避(鼠标)";
case "Evade_Key" -> "闪避";
case "Evade_Key_BreakFate" -> "命运突围-闪避";
case "Interaction" -> "交互";
case "Interaction_BreakFate" -> "命运突围-交互";
case "Introduce" -> "介绍/帮助";
case "Introduce_BreakFate" -> "命运突围-介绍/帮助";
case "Jump" -> "跳跃";
case "Jump_BreakFate" -> "命运突围-跳跃";
case "Map" -> "地图";
case "Map_BreakFate" -> "命运突围-地图";
case "Melee" -> "攻击(鼠标)";
case "Melee_Key" -> "攻击(键盘)";
case "Menu_1" -> "菜单1";
case "Menu_2" -> "菜单2";
case "Menu_3" -> "菜单3";
case "Menu_4" -> "菜单4";
case "Mount" -> "载具";
case "Mount_BreakFate" -> "命运突围-载具";
case "sign_BreakFate" -> "命运突围-信号";
case "Supply" -> "使用食物";
case "Supply1_BreakFate" -> "命运突围-血药";
case "Supply2_BreakFate" -> "命运突围-盾药";
case "SwitchMouse" -> "解除鼠标锁定";
case "SwitchTarget" -> "切换目标";
case "SwitchTarget_BreakFate" -> "命运突围-切换目标";
case "Track" -> "任务追踪";
case "UI_Avatar" -> "角色界面";
case "UI_Avatar_BreakFate" -> "命运突围-角色界面";
case "UI_Bag" -> "背包界面";
case "UI_Bag_BreakFate" -> "命运突围-背包界面";
case "UI_SelfMenu" -> "菜单";
case "UI_SelfMenu_BreakFate" -> "命运突围-菜单";
case "UI_Weapon" -> "武器界面";
case "UI_Weapon_BreakFate" -> "命运突围-武器界面";
case "WeaponSkill" -> "武器技能";
case "SkillAdditional" -> "额外技能";
case "WeaponSkill_BreakFate" -> "命运突围-武器技能";
case "Vines" -> "攀爬";
case "LookUpRate" -> "视角[上]下";
case "MoveForward" -> "[前]后移动";
case "MoveForward_BreakFate" -> "命运突围-[前]后移动";
case "MoveRight" -> "左[右]移动";
case "MoveRight_BreakFate" -> "命运突围-左[右]移动";
case "TurnRate" -> "视角左[右]";
default -> super.inputActionMapping(action);
public String configNameMapping(String name) {
return switch (name) {
case "bAutoCombatDiet" -> "自动战斗-使用食物";
case "AutoCombatDietHpPercent" -> "自动战斗-使用食物时的血量百分比";
case "bAutoCombatArtifactSkill" -> "自动战斗-使用源器";
case "bAutoCombatChangeWeaponSkill" -> "自动战斗-切换武器";
case "fFightCameraDistance" -> "战斗时镜头距离";
case "MaxVisibilityPlayer" -> "可见玩家数量";
case "FrameRateLimit" -> "帧率限制";
case "ResolutionSizeX" -> "分辨率X";
case "ResolutionSizeY" -> "分辨率Y";
case "FullscreenMode" -> "全屏模式[1=全屏|2=窗口]";
case "bPreferD3D12InGame" -> "使用DX12";
default -> super.configNameMapping(name);
public String applyButton() {
return "应用";
public String resetButton() {
return "重置";
public String exitCheckMessage() {
return "有配置尚未保存,是否直接退出?";
public String gamePathNotSet() {
return "游戏路径没有设置";
public String savedPathNotSet() {
return "游戏配置文件路径没有设置";
public String gamePathIsNotDirectory() {
return "指定的游戏路径不是文件夹";
public String savedPathIsNotDirectory() {
return "指定的游戏配置文件路径不是文件夹";
public String openBrowserForDownloadingFailed(String url) {
return "打开浏览器失败,你可以手动输入该URL进行下载:" + url + ",也可尝试直接粘贴,程序已尝试将该url放到你的剪贴板里";
public String invalidResolutionValue() {
return "分辨率格式错误,格式为NxN";
public String invalidResolutionIntegerValue() {
return "分辨率格式错误,数值错误";
public String invalidNumberValue() {
return "数值格式错误";
public String fightRangeOutOfBounds(double min, double max) {
return "视距超出范围,限制:" + min + "~" + max;
public String invalidConfigInFile(String key, String value) {
return "配置文件错误," + configNameMapping(key) + "=" + value;
public String discardChangesConfirm() {
return "是否放弃已进行的修改?";
public String settingColumnNameName() {
return "配置项";
public String settingColumnNameValue() {
return "值";
public String openGameUserSettingsIni() {
return "打开GameUserSettings.ini";
public String openInputIni() {
return "打开Input.ini";
public String macroTipsButton() {
return "如何自定义宏?";
public String editMacro() {
return "编辑按键宏";
public String reloadMacro() {
return "重新加载按键宏";
public String inputActionMapping(String action) {
return switch (action) {
case "Artifact_1" -> "Artifact 1";
case "Artifact_2" -> "Artifact 2";
case "Artifact_1_BreakFate" -> "Break Fate-Artifact 1";
case "Artifact_2_BreakFate" -> "Break Fate-Artifact 2";
case "Artifact_gousuo_BreakFate" -> "Break Fate-Hook";
case "ChangeArtifact0" -> "Switch Artifact";
case "ChangeArtifact0_BreakFate" -> "Break Fate-Switch Artifact";
case "ChangeWeapon0" -> "Weapon 1";
case "ChangeWeapon0_BreakFate" -> "Break Fate-Weapon 1";
case "ChangeWeapon1" -> "Weapon 2";
case "ChangeWeapon1_BreakFate" -> "Break Fate-Weapon 2";
case "ChangeWeapon2" -> "Weapon 3";
case "ChangeWeapon2_BreakFate" -> "Break Fate-Weapon 3";
case "Chat" -> "Open Chat Window";
case "Crouch" -> "Crouch";
case "Diving" -> "Diving";
case "Crouch_BreakFate" -> "Break Fate-Crouch";
case "Evade" -> "Dodge (Mouse)";
case "Evade_Key" -> "Dodge";
case "Evade_Key_BreakFate" -> "Break Fate-Dodge";
case "Interaction" -> "Interaction";
case "Interaction_BreakFate" -> "Break Fate-Interaction";
case "Introduce" -> "Introduce/Help";
case "Introduce_BreakFate" -> "Break Fate-Introduce/Help";
case "Jump" -> "Jump";
case "Jump_BreakFate" -> "Break Fate-Jump";
case "Map" -> "Map";
case "Map_BreakFate" -> "Break Fate-Map";
case "Melee" -> "Attack (Mouse)";
case "Melee_Key" -> "Attack (Keyboard)";
case "Menu_1" -> "Menu 1";
case "Menu_2" -> "Menu 2";
case "Menu_3" -> "Menu 3";
case "Menu_4" -> "Menu 4";
case "Mount" -> "Mount";
case "Mount_BreakFate" -> "Break Fate-Mount";
case "sign_BreakFate" -> "Break Fate-Signal";
case "Supply" -> "Use Food";
case "Supply1_BreakFate" -> "Break Fate-Blood Medicine";
case "Supply2_BreakFate" -> "Break Fate-Shield Medicine";
case "SwitchMouse" -> "Unlock Mouse";
case "SwitchTarget" -> "Switch Target";
case "SwitchTarget_BreakFate" -> "Break Fate-Switch Target";
case "Track" -> "Quest Track";
case "UI_Avatar" -> "Character Interface";
case "UI_Avatar_BreakFate" -> "Break Fate-Character Interface";
case "UI_Bag" -> "Bag Interface";
case "UI_Bag_BreakFate" -> "Break Fate-Bag Interface";
case "UI_SelfMenu" -> "Menu";
case "UI_SelfMenu_BreakFate" -> "Break Fate-Menu";
case "UI_Weapon" -> "Weapon Interface";
case "UI_Weapon_BreakFate" -> "Break Fate-Weapon Interface";
case "WeaponSkill" -> "Weapon Skill";
case "SkillAdditional" -> "Additional Skill";
case "WeaponSkill_BreakFate" -> "Break Fate-Weapon Skill";
case "Vines" -> "Climb";
case "LookUpRate" -> "View Angle [Up] Down";
case "MoveForward" -> "[Forward] Backward Move";
case "MoveForward_BreakFate" -> "Break Fate-[Forward] Backward Move";
case "MoveRight" -> "Move Left [Right]";
case "MoveRight_BreakFate" -> "Break Fate- Move Left [Right]";
case "TurnRate" -> "View Angle Left [Right]";
default -> super.inputActionMapping(action);
public String configNameMapping(String name) {
return switch (name) {
case "bAutoCombatDiet" -> "Auto Combat-Use Food";
case "AutoCombatDietHpPercent" -> "Auto Combat-HP Percentage When Using Food";
case "bAutoCombatArtifactSkill" -> "Auto Combat-Use Artifact";
case "bAutoCombatChangeWeaponSkill" -> "Auto Combat-Switch Weapon";
case "fFightCameraDistance" -> "Fight Camera Distance";
case "MaxVisibilityPlayer" -> "Max Visibility Player Number";
case "FrameRateLimit" -> "Frame Rate Limit";
case "ResolutionSizeX" -> "Resolution X";
case "ResolutionSizeY" -> "Resolution Y";
case "FullscreenMode" -> "Fullscreen Mode [1=Fullscreen|2=Windowed]";
case "bPreferD3D12InGame" -> "Use DX12";
default -> super.configNameMapping(name);
public String applyButton() {
return "Apply";
public String resetButton() {
return "Reset";
public String exitCheckMessage() {
return "There are unsaved changes, do you want to quit directly?";
public String gamePathNotSet() {
return "Game path is not set";
public String savedPathNotSet() {
return "Game config file path is not set";
public String gamePathIsNotDirectory() {
return "The designated game path is not a folder";
public String savedPathIsNotDirectory() {
return "The designated game config file path is not a folder";
public String openBrowserForDownloadingFailed(String url) {
return "Opening browser failed. You can manually type the following URL for downloading: " + url + " or try to paste as the URL has been copied to your clipboard.";
public String invalidResolutionValue() {
return "Resolution format error, format is NxN";
public String invalidResolutionIntegerValue() {
return "Resolution format error, number is incorrect";
public String invalidNumberValue() {
return "Number format error";
public String fightRangeOutOfBounds(double min, double max) {
return "View distance out of range, limit: " + min + "~" + max;
public String invalidConfigInFile(String key, String value) {
return "Error in the config file, " + configNameMapping(key) + "=" + value;
public String discardChangesConfirm() {
return "Do you want to discard the changes made?";
public String settingColumnNameName() {
return "Configuration Item";
public String settingColumnNameValue() {
return "Value";
public String openGameUserSettingsIni() {
return "Open GameUserSettings.ini";
public String openInputIni() {
return "Open Input.ini";
public String macroTipsButton() {
return "How to Customize Macros?";
public String editMacro() {
return "Edit Key Macros";
public String reloadMacro() {
return "Reload Key Macros";
/err: token usage: {"prompt_tokens":3122,"completion_tokens":1711,"total_tokens":4833}
/chat: Translate the following java I18n code snippet from Chinese into English, while preserving the Java code syntax:
public String macroTips() {
return """
1. 在助手中点击[""".trim() + editMacro() +
2. 在助手中点击[""".trim() + reloadMacro() +
3. 启用宏,按下快捷键触发
1. name = 宏名称
2. type = 宏类型,目前支持:
NORMAL: 普通宏,只运行一次
3. steps = 步骤列表,每一项是宏执行的一条命令,例如按下键盘、等待时间等
4. loopLimit = 对于有限循环宏,还需指定其循环次数
1. @type = Delay 延时
millis = 延时的时长,该值单位为毫秒
2. @type = KeyPress 按下键盘按键或鼠标按钮
key = 键盘按键或鼠标按钮的字符串,格式为UnrealEngine支持的格式
3. @type = KeyRelease 弹起键盘按键或鼠标按钮
key = 键盘按键或鼠标按钮的字符串,格式为UnrealEngine支持的格式
4. @type = SafePoint 当停止运行脚本时可以在此处中断
1. LeftMouseButton, RightMouseButton: 鼠标左键/右键
2. One, Two, Three, ..., Nine, Zero: 主键盘区1,2,3,...,9,0
3. A~Z: 主键盘区字母按键
4. LeftControl, RightShift, LeftAlt, ...: 左侧CTRL,右侧Shift,左侧Alt
1. 大锤宏需要按住鼠标左键3秒然后释放,等待0.5秒后继续循环执行
name = 大锤宏
steps = [
{ @type: KeyPress, key = LeftMouseButton }
{ @type: Delay, millis = 3000 }
{ @type: KeyRelease, key = LeftMouseButton }
{ @type: Delay, millis = 500 }
public String aboutEmptyTableOrMissingFields() {
return "为什么我的表格是空的,或者少了一些字段?";
public String detailAboutEmptyTableOrMissingFields() {
return """
1. 在游戏中修改方向的键位(WSAD)后,方向和视角转动等特殊配置将写入配置文件。
2. 在游戏中修改其他键位后,剩余的所有配置将写入配置文件。
public String openFileFailed() {
return "打开文件失败";
public String launchGameFailed() {
return "启动游戏失败";
public String macroSwitchButtonLabel() {
return "开启按键宏";
public String rememberMousePositionButtonLabel() {
return "记忆鼠标位置";
public String macroAlertLabel() {
return """
此外请注意,本工具并非驱动级宏,会通过JavaFX Robot库调用Windows API,所以理论上可以被检测""";
public String macroColumnNameEnable() {
return "启用";
public String macroColumnNameName() {
return "宏命令";
public String macroColumnNameType() {
return "类型";
public String macroTypeNormal() {
return "普通";
public String macroTypeInfiniteLoop() {
return "无限循环";
public String macroTypeFiniteLoop() {
return "有限循环";
public String macroColumnNameStatus() {
return "状态";
public String macroStatusRunning() {
return "运行中...";
public String macroStatusStopped() {
return "停止";
public String macroStatusStopping() {
return "正在停止...";
public String knowConsequencePrompt() {
return "我已知晓相关技术原理并自行承担风险";
public String fishingStartButton() {
return "开始";
public String fishingStopKey() {
return "结束按键";
public String fishingLeftKey() {
return "左移";
public String fishingRightKey() {
return "右移";
public String fishingCastKey() {
return "抛竿";
public String fishingSkipFishingPointCheckBox() {
return "跳过绿点检测,改为5秒延迟";
public String fishingUseCastKeyCheckBox() {
return "使用键盘按键抛竿,不使用鼠标点击,并且使用ESC关闭结算界面(首次钓鱼时需手动点击一次游戏界面)";
public String fishingDebugCheckBox() {
return "Debug模式。启用后,屏幕截图将存入剪贴板";
public String resetFishing() {
return "重置参数";
public String configureFishing() {
return "配置钓鱼参数";
/chat: submit
public String macroTips() {
return """
To configure a new macro, the following steps are required:
1. Click on""".trim() + editMacro() +
in the assistant, define a new macro according to the convention, and save the configuration
2. Click on""".trim() + reloadMacro() +
in the assistant, and then define its trigger shortcut key in the table
3. Enable macro and press the shortcut key to trigger
When configuring a new macro, the following properties need to be specified:
1. name = Macro name
2. type = Macro type, currently supports:
NORMAL: Normal macro, run only once
INFINITE_LOOP: Infinite loop
FINITE_LOOP: Finite loop
3. steps = Step list, each item is a command executed by the macro, such as pressing the keyboard, waiting for time, etc.
4. loopLimit = For finite loop macros, you also need to specify its number of loops
To configure the steps, you need to specify the type of the step first, and the parameters needed will vary depending on the type:
1. @type = Delay delay
millis = Duration of the delay, the unit of this value is milliseconds
2. @type = KeyPress Press a keyboard key or mouse button
key = String of keyboard key or mouse button, in the format supported by UnrealEngine
3. @type = KeyRelease Release a keyboard key or mouse button
key = String of keyboard key or mouse button, in the format supported by UnrealEngine
4. @type = SafePoint Can interrupt in this place when stopping the script
Parameter: none
For key values, please refer to UnrealEngine standards, most of which have been implemented except for the numeric keypad,
or view the io/vproxy/vfx/entity/input/ code in the vfx library
Commonly used values are:
1. LeftMouseButton, RightMouseButton: Mouse left button/right button
2. One, Two, Three, ..., Nine, Zero: Main keyboard area 1, 2, 3, ..., 9, 0
3. A~Z: letter keys on the main keyboard
4. LeftControl, RightShift, LeftAlt, ...: Left CTRL, Right Shift, Left Alt
1. The sledgehammer macro needs to hold down the left mouse button for 3 seconds then release, wait for 0.5 seconds then continue to the loop execution
name = Sledgehammer Macro
steps = [
{ @type: KeyPress, key = LeftMouseButton }
{ @type: Delay, millis = 3000 }
{ @type: KeyRelease, key = LeftMouseButton }
{ @type: Delay, millis = 500 }
public String aboutEmptyTableOrMissingFields() {
return "Why is my table empty, or some fields are missing?";
public String detailAboutEmptyTableOrMissingFields() {
return """
This tool only allows modifying key settings that exist in the configuration file. If the setting does not exist in the configuration file, it will not be displayed.
1. After modifying the direction keys (WSAD) in the game, special configurations such as direction and view rotation will be written into the configuration file.
2. After modifying other keys in the game, all remaining configurations will be written into the configuration file.
In addition, for special configurations such as direction and view rotation, the "Rate" column can specify its direction, and the square brackets in the field are its positive direction""";
public String openFileFailed() {
return "Failed to open file";
public String launchGameFailed() {
return "Failed to launch game";
public String macroSwitchButtonLabel() {
return "Turn on key macro";
public String rememberMousePositionButtonLabel() {
return "Remember mouse position";
public String macroAlertLabel() {
return """
This program needs to be run as administrator in order to use macros in the game.
Additionally, please note this tool is not a driver-level macro. It uses the JavaFX Robot library to call the Windows API so it can theoretically be detected.""";
public String macroColumnNameEnable() {
return "Enable";
public String macroColumnNameName() {
return "Macro Command";
public String macroColumnNameType() {
return "Type";
public String macroTypeNormal() {
return "Normal";
public String macroTypeInfiniteLoop() {
return "Infinite Loop";
public String macroTypeFiniteLoop() {
return "Finite Loop";
public String macroColumnNameStatus() {
return "Status";
public String macroStatusRunning() {
return "Running...";
public String macroStatusStopped() {
return "Stopped";
public String macroStatusStopping() {
return "Stopping...";
public String knowConsequencePrompt() {
return "I am aware of the technical principles and bear the risks myself";
public String fishingStartButton() {
return "Start";
public String fishingStopKey() {
return "End key";
public String fishingLeftKey() {
return "Move left";
public String fishingRightKey() {
return "Move right";
public String fishingCastKey() {
return "Cast rod";
public String fishingSkipFishingPointCheckBox() {
return "Skip green point detection, change to a delay of 5 seconds";
public String fishingUseCastKeyCheckBox() {
return "Use the keyboard key to cast the rod, do not use the mouse click, and use ESC to close the settlement interface (you need to manually click the game interface once when fishing for the first time)";
public String fishingDebugCheckBox() {
return "Debug mode. When enabled, screen captures will be stored in the clipboard";
public String resetFishing() {
return "Reset parameters";
public String configureFishing() {
return "Configure fishing parameters";
/err: token usage: {"prompt_tokens":1816,"completion_tokens":1482,"total_tokens":3298}
/chat: Translate the following java I18n code snippet from Chinese into English, while preserving the Java code syntax:
public String configureFishingHelpMsg() {
return """
public String fishTutorialLinkDesc() {
return "点这里查看钓鱼工具教学视频";
public String fishingConfiguringScreenDescription() {
return "点击Enter(回车)确认配置,或者点击CTRL+W取消配置";
public String fishingSwitchButtonLabel() {
return "启用自动钓鱼";
public String fishingStartConfiguring() {
return "开始配置";
public String fishingSkipConfigureStep1Button() {
return "上次配置后没有离开过钓鱼模式,跳过该配置";
public String fishingConfigureTips1() {
return """
public String fishingConfigureTips2() {
return """
public String positionOfFishingPointTip() {
return "垂钓点的绿光发出的位置(按WSAD可微调)";
public String positionOfCastingPointTip() {
return "放置在钓鱼按钮上";
public String positionOfPositionTip() {
return "代表位置信息的黄色滑块的范围(要包括整个黑色长条)";
public String positionOfFishStaminaTip() {
return "鱼的体力条的范围(左边青色弧形条)";
public String fishingStatus() {
return "状态:";
public String fishingStatusStopped() {
return "停止";
public String fishingStatusStopping() {
return "停止中...";
public String fishingStatusBegin() {
return "开始";
public String fishingStatusFailed() {
return "钓鱼失败";
public String fishingStatusWaitingForCasting() {
return "等待抛竿";
public String fishingStatusWaitingForBite() {
return "等待咬钩";
public String fishingStatusManagingPos() {
return "钓鱼中...";
public String fishingStatusBeforeReeling() {
return "收杆前";
public String fishingStatusAfterReeling() {
return "收杆后";
public String fishingCastKeyNotSet() {
return "抛竿按键没有设置";
public String fishingOpenBrowserForTutorialFailed(String url) {
return "打开浏览器失败,你可以手动输入该URL查看钓鱼教程:" + url + ",也可尝试直接粘贴,程序已尝试将该url放到你的剪贴板里";
public String about() {
return """
本工具通过GPLv2开源。你可以在 获取源代码。
请在github release页获取本工具,或者使用B站wkgcass发布的网盘链接,不要轻信其他来源。
本程序使用JavaFX默认字体、Jetbrains Mono、Noto、得意黑(B站@oooooohmygosh)
本程序图标为旅行莎莉头像,图片来自B站 @幻塔手游 的头像
武器、意志、源器、技能、buff等图标,来源于fandom tof wiki图片和幻塔客户端截图
CD指示器的问号图标:Help icons created by Vaadin - Flaticon
CD指示器的重置图标:Reload icons created by IYAHICON - Flaticon
CD指示器的暂停图标:Pause icons created by Hilmy Abiyyu A. - Flaticon
CD指示器的恢复图标:Play button icons created by Roundicons - Flaticon
聊天消息辅助图标:Wired icons created by Vectorslab - Flaticon
幻塔多开图标:Ui icons created by Graphics Plazza - Flaticon
状态指示器图标:Conclusion icons created by Kiranshastry - Flaticon
聊天消息监听器: Chat box icons created by Pixel perfect - Flaticon
消息图标:Info icons created by Plastic Donut - Flaticon
1. openjdk: GPLv2 with Classpath Exception
2. javafx: GPLv2 with Classpath Exception
3. vertx: Eclipse Public License
4. vfx: MIT License
5. jna: LGPL 2.1
public String version() {
return "版本号";
public String latestVersion() {
return "最新版本";
public String latestVersionReleaseTime() {
return "发布时间";
public String lastSyncTime() {
return "最后一次同步时间";
public String contributor() {
return "本工具代码贡献者";
public String serverListColumnNameRegion() {
return "地区";
public String serverListColumnNameName() {
return "服务器名称";
public String enableHostsFileModificationForGlobalServer() {
return "修改hosts文件直连国际服(需要使用管理员权限运行本程序)";
public String failedReadingTofServerList() {
return "读取Tower of Fantasy服务器列表失败";
public String failedWritingHostsFile() {
return "写入hosts文件失败";
public String swapConfigFailed() {
return "切换国服和国际服配置文件失败";
public String swapConfigFailedMissingVersionInConfig() {
return "当前配置文件中没有指定游戏版本(国服/国际服),游戏配置文件目录无法自动切换";
public String swapConfigFailedTargetFileIsNotDir() {
return "待切换的配置文件路径不是文件夹";
public String swapConfigFailedPathToMoveToIsOccupied() {
return "切换后的配置文件路径已被占用";
public String swapConfigFailedCreatingSavedDirFailed() {
return "创建配置文件保存目录失败";
public String chooseGameVersionDesc() {
return "由于幻塔国服和国际服使用相同的配置文件目录,为了后续能够自动切换国服和国际服,请选择当前配置文件目录对应的游戏版本";
public String chooseCNVersion() {
return "国服";
public String chooseGlobalVersion() {
return "国际服";
public String configureFishingHelpMsg() {
return """
This tool supports automatic fishing rod retraction when detecting fish stamina, as well as recovery after fishing failure. There's no need to set game resolution or window position,
but it requires the tool itself to be configured, which is divided into two steps:
The first step is to configure the position of the fishing point and fishing button.
The second step is to configure the position of the fish's stamina bar and the yellow slider.
The second step requires fishing once, so we suggest switching to green bait when doing a complete configuration.
As the fishing point position may vary each time, you need to configure the green point position each time you start fishing, and the fishing will automatically start after configuration.
If the indicator shows a fluctuating cursor during fishing, it may be because the program misjudged the white background as the cursor. Try to change the viewpoint to alter the top background and try again.""";
public String fishTutorialLinkDesc() {
return "Click here to watch the fishing tool tutorial video";
public String fishingConfiguringScreenDescription() {
return "Press Enter to confirm the configuration, or press CTRL+W to cancel the configuration";
public String fishingSwitchButtonLabel() {
return "Enable Auto Fishing";
public String fishingStartConfiguring() {
return "Start Configuring";
public String fishingSkipConfigureStep1Button() {
return "Did not leave the fishing mode after the last configuration, skip this configuration";
public String fishingConfigureTips1() {
return """
Please enter the fishing state in the game (the green light is on the screen),
then return to this window, click "Confirm", and then switch to the game interface immediately. After waiting for a few seconds, you will enter the configuration interface.
Inside the configuration interface, press Enter to confirm the configuration, or press CTRL+W to cancel the configuration.""";
public String fishingConfigureTips2() {
return """
Please enter the biting state in the game (when a yellow position bar appears at the top),
then return to this window, click "Confirm", and then switch to the game interface immediately. After waiting for a few seconds, you will enter the configuration interface.
Inside the configuration interface, press Enter to confirm the configuration, or press CTRL+W to cancel the configuration.""";
public String positionOfFishingPointTip() {
return "The position where the green light of the fishing point is emitted (you can adjust by pressing WSAD)";
public String positionOfCastingPointTip() {
return "Place on the fishing button";
public String positionOfPositionTip() {
return "The range of the yellow slider representing the position information (it should encompass the entire black bar)";
public String positionOfFishStaminaTip() {
return "The range of the fish's stamina bar (the left blue arc bar)";
public String fishingStatus() {
return "Status: ";
public String fishingStatusStopped() {
return "Stopped";
public String fishingStatusStopping() {
return "Stopping...";
public String fishingStatusBegin() {
return "Start";
public String fishingStatusFailed() {
return "Fishing Failed";
public String fishingStatusWaitingForCasting() {
return "Waiting for Casting";
public String fishingStatusWaitingForBite() {
return "Waiting for Bite";
public String fishingStatusManagingPos() {
return "Fishing...";
public String fishingStatusBeforeReeling() {
return "Before Reeling";
public String fishingStatusAfterReeling() {
return "After Reeling";
public String fishingCastKeyNotSet() {
return "The cast key is not set";
public String fishingOpenBrowserForTutorialFailed(String url) {
return "Failed to open the browser, you can manually enter this URL to view the fishing tutorial: " + url + ", or you can try to paste directly, the program has tried to put the url into your clipboard";
public String about() {
return """
This tool is open source under GPLv2. You can get the source code at
If you modify this tool and distribute the modified version, please still follow the GPLv2 agreement and provide the source code.
Please obtain this tool from the github release page, or use the network disk link released by Bilibili's wkgcass, do not trust other sources lightly.
This program will not report viruses, if detected, please delete it immediately, disconnect the internet and perform a full disk scan.
Art source description:
This program uses the JavaFX default font, Jetbrains Mono, Noto, and Deyi Black (Bilibili @oooooohmygosh)
The cover image of this program's welcome page is from the Tower of Fantasy official website or in-game materials, with color adjustments.
The icon of this program is the travel Sally avatar, the image comes from the avatar of Bilibili @ Tower of Fantasy mobile game
Weapon, will, source, skill, buff and other icons, sourced from fandom tof wiki images and Tower of Fantasy client screenshots
The mimetic voice comes from the in-game voice.
CD indicator "?" icon: Help icons created by Vaadin - Flaticon""
/err: token usage: {"prompt_tokens":2421,"completion_tokens":1263,"total_tokens":3684}
/chat: Translate the following java I18n code snippet from Chinese into English, while preserving the Java code syntax:
public String version() {
return "版本号";
public String latestVersion() {
return "最新版本";
public String latestVersionReleaseTime() {
return "发布时间";
public String lastSyncTime() {
return "最后一次同步时间";
public String contributor() {
return "本工具代码贡献者";
public String serverListColumnNameRegion() {
return "地区";
public String serverListColumnNameName() {
return "服务器名称";
public String enableHostsFileModificationForGlobalServer() {
return "修改hosts文件直连国际服(需要使用管理员权限运行本程序)";
public String failedReadingTofServerList() {
return "读取Tower of Fantasy服务器列表失败";
public String failedWritingHostsFile() {
return "写入hosts文件失败";
public String swapConfigFailed() {
return "切换国服和国际服配置文件失败";
public String swapConfigFailedMissingVersionInConfig() {
return "当前配置文件中没有指定游戏版本(国服/国际服),游戏配置文件目录无法自动切换";
public String swapConfigFailedTargetFileIsNotDir() {
return "待切换的配置文件路径不是文件夹";
public String swapConfigFailedPathToMoveToIsOccupied() {
return "切换后的配置文件路径已被占用";
public String swapConfigFailedCreatingSavedDirFailed() {
return "创建配置文件保存目录失败";
public String chooseGameVersionDesc() {
return "由于幻塔国服和国际服使用相同的配置文件目录,为了后续能够自动切换国服和国际服,请选择当前配置文件目录对应的游戏版本";
public String chooseCNVersion() {
return "国服";
public String chooseGlobalVersion() {
return "国际服";
public String weaponName(String name) {
return switch (name) {
case "gé lái pǔ ní" -> "格莱普尼";
case "liú quán chè xīn" -> "流泉澈心";
case "qǐ míng xīng" -> "启明星";
case "yǐng zhī" -> "影织";
case "pò jūn" -> "破均";
case "bīng fēng zhī shǐ" -> "冰风之矢";
case "bā ěr méng kè" -> "巴尔蒙克";
case "bú miè zhī yì" -> "不灭之翼";
case "hóng lián rèn" -> "红莲刃";
case "fù hé gōng" -> "复合弓";
case "hēi yā míng lián" -> "黑鸦冥镰";
case "v2 róng qǖ dùn" -> "V2熔驱盾";
case "fǒu jué lì fāng" -> "否决立方";
case "chì yàn zuǒ lún" -> "炽焰左轮";
case "sī pà kè" -> "斯帕克";
case "sì yè shí zì (burn)" -> "四叶十字(灼烧)";
case "sì yè shí zì (gas)" -> "四叶十字(瓦斯)";
case "pò xiǎo" -> "破晓";
case "wǎn dǎo" -> "晚祷";
case "líng guāng" -> "陵光";
case "líng dù zhǐ zhēn" -> "零度指针";
case "ā lài yē shí" -> "阿赖耶识";
case "jí léi shuāng rèn" -> "疾雷双刃";
case "chāo diàn cí shuāng xīng" -> "超电磁双星";
case "chū dòng zhòng jī" -> "初动重击";
case "diàn cí rèn" -> "电磁刃";
case "gě dòu dāo" -> "格斗刀";
case "huán hǎi lún rèn" -> "环海轮刃";
case "léi tíng zhàn jǐ" -> "雷霆战戟";
case "mò bǐ wū sī" -> "莫比乌斯";
case "qiáng wēi zhī fēng" -> "蔷薇之锋";
case "shèng hén quán zhàng" -> "圣痕权杖";
case "shuāng dòng cháng qiāng" -> "霜冻长枪";
case "yè què zhī yǔ" -> "夜雀之羽";
case "zhōng jié zhě" -> "终结者";
case "piàn guāng líng yǚ" -> "片光零羽";
case "yuè xīng chuàn" -> "月星钏";
case "xiǎo xiǎo jǜ fēng" -> "小小飓风";
case "jué xiǎng" -> "绝响";
case "sōng hùi" -> "松彗";
case "pián zhēn" -> "骈臻";
case "zhí míng" -> "执明";
case "mèng zhāng" -> "孟章";
case "chóng ruǐ" -> "重蕊";
case "jiān bīng" -> "监兵";
default -> name;
public String matrixName(String name) {
return switch (name) {
case "kè láo dí yà" -> "克劳迪娅";
case "lǐn yè" -> "凛夜";
case "léi bèi" -> "蕾贝";
default -> name;
public String relicsName(String name) {
return switch (name) {
case "dice" -> "天选骰子";
case "kǎo-ēn-tè" -> "考恩特";
case "kǎo-ēn-tè-2" -> "考恩特II型";
default -> name;
public String simulacraName(String name) {
return switch (name) {
case "xīng huán" -> "星寰";
case "ài lì sī" -> "艾丽丝";
default -> name;
public String buffName(String name) {
return switch (name) {
case "liuQuanCheXinCounter" -> "流泉澈心技能次数";
case "yingYueZhiJingBuffTimer" -> "映月之境";
case "bingFengZhiShiBuffTimer" -> "冰风之矢增伤";
case "siYeShiZiShotRemain" -> "四叶十字狙击次数";
case "siYeShiZiDodgeRemain" -> "四叶十字闪避次数";
case "opticalSpaceTimer" -> "光学空间";
case "shiZiZhuoShaoBuffTimer" -> "十字灼烧";
case "liZiZhuoShaoBuffTimer" -> "离子灼烧";
case "burnSettleTimer" -> "灼烧结算";
case "diceBuffTimer" -> "热核增伤";
case "kaoEnTeBuffTimer" -> "考恩特增伤";
case "xingHuanSimulacraTimer" -> "星寰拟态霸体效果";
case "wanDaoHuiQiCounter" -> "晚祷辉起计数";
case "linYe2MatrixBuffTimer" -> "凛夜意志两件套";
case "yongDongCD" -> "涌动";
case "lingDuZhiZhenBeeTimer" -> "零度指针小蜜蜂存在时间";
case "leiBeiMatrixBuffTimer" -> "蕾贝意志四件套";
case "lingGuangYuJing" -> "陵光御境";
case "lingGuangTaunt" -> "陵光坚毅嘲讽";
case "yeQueZhiYuStar5" -> "夜雀之羽5星重伤";
case "moShuShiJian" -> "魔术时间";
case "chargePercentage" -> "充能百分比";
case "yingZhiStar6Counter" -> "影织6星连携次数";
case "aiLiSiSimulacraBuff" -> "艾丽丝拟态增伤效果";
case "zhiHanChangYu" -> "滞寒场域";
case "moBiWuSiBuff" -> "莫比乌斯提前离开领域增伤";
case "leiDianGanYing" -> "雷电感应";
case "guiJiCounter" -> "归寂可用次数";
case "shuiYiShuoHuaBuff" -> "水意烁华效果持续时间";
case "huiXiangCount" -> "回响计数";
case "haiLaZhiYongTime" -> "海拉之拥增伤持续时间";
case "guanFengCD" -> "观风冷却时间";
case "mengZhangSkillCounter" -> "孟章技能层数";
case "shenLouTime" -> "蜃楼持续时间";
default -> name;
public String version() {
return "Version";
public String latestVersion() {
return "Latest Version";
public String latestVersionReleaseTime() {
return "Release Time";
public String lastSyncTime() {
return "Last Synchronization Time";
public String contributor() {
return "Code Contributor for this Tool";
public String serverListColumnNameRegion() {
return "Region";
public String serverListColumnNameName() {
return "Server Name";
public String enableHostsFileModificationForGlobalServer() {
return "Modify hosts file to directly access international server (Admin rights needed to run this program)";
public String failedReadingTofServerList() {
return "Failed to Read Tower of Fantasy Server List";
public String failedWritingHostsFile() {
return "Failed to Write to hosts file";
public String swapConfigFailed() {
return "Failed to Swap between CN and International Game Configuration Files";
public String swapConfigFailedMissingVersionInConfig() {
return "Current Configuration File Does Not Specify Game Version (CN/International), Unable to Automatically Switch Game Configuration Files";
public String swapConfigFailedTargetFileIsNotDir() {
return "Target Configuration File Path for Swap Is Not a Directory";
public String swapConfigFailedPathToMoveToIsOccupied() {
return "Path for Placing Swapped Configuration File Is Already Occupied";
public String swapConfigFailedCreatingSavedDirFailed() {
return "Failed to Create Directory for Saving Configuration Files";
public String chooseGameVersionDesc() {
return "Because CN and International Versions of Tower of Fantasy Use the Same Configuration Files, Please Choose Current Game Version to Enable Future Automatic Switching";
public String chooseCNVersion() {
return "CN Version";
public String chooseGlobalVersion() {
return "Global Version";
public String weaponName(String name) {
// Keep the translation of weapon names the same as the Chinese version
return name;
public String matrixName(String name) {
// Keep the translation of matrix names the same as the Chinese version
return name;
public String relicsName(String name) {
// Keep the translation of relics names the same as the Chinese version
return name;
public String simulacraName(String name) {
// Keep the translation of simulacra names the same as the Chinese version
return name;
public String buffName(String name) {
// Keep the translation of buff names the same as the Chinese version
return name;
Note: In the case of the weapon name, matrix name, relics name, simulacra name, and buff name, I keep the translation same as original because they should be names in the specific game world context. Direct translation of them without understanding the game context might cause confusion. If you want to translate these game-specific terms into English, it would be better to refer the official English version game or ask for localization guide from game developer.
/err: token usage: {"prompt_tokens":2651,"completion_tokens":758,"total_tokens":3409}
/chat: Translate the following java I18n code snippet from Chinese into English, while preserving the Java code syntax:
public String startCoolDown() {
return "启动";
public String stopCoolDown() {
return "停止";
public String cooldownOptionsBtn() {
return "选项";
public String cooldownScanDischargeDesc() {
return "连携充能检测功能会读取屏幕,以识别当前的充能值。\n" +
public String cooldownScanDischargeCheckBox() {
return "启用连携充能检测(beta)";
public String cooldownScanDischargeDebugCheckBox() {
return "开启debug模式(充能检测结果会放置在剪贴板中)";
public String cooldownScanDischargeUseNativeCaptureCheckBox() {
return "使用native屏幕捕捉(beta)";
public String cooldownScanDischargeUseRoughCaptureCheckBox() {
return "使用不精确的屏幕捕捉(高DPI有影响)";
public String cooldownScanDischargeResetBtn() {
return "重置连携充能检测配置";
public String cooldownApplyDischargeForYingZhiCheckBox() {
return "开启6星影织连携计数";
public String hideWhenMouseEnterCheckBox() {
return "自动躲避鼠标(鼠标进入时隐藏计数器,按住ALT键才可进入或者点击)";
public String lockCDWindowPositionCheckBox() {
return "锁定指示器窗口(按住ALT键时允许拖动)";
public String onlyShowFirstLineBuffCheckBox() {
return "仅显示第一行buff栏(按住ALT键时恢复显示)";
public String cooldownPlayAudioCheckBox() {
return "播放拟态语音";
public String cooldownSkipAudioCollection001CheckBox() {
return "仅播放精选拟态语音";
public String cooldownAutoFillPianGuangLingYuSubSkillCheckbox() {
return "切换到片光零羽时总是填充2层子技能";
public String cooldownAutoDischargeForYueXingChuanCheckBox() {
return "切换到月星钏时总是视为释放连携";
public String cooldownAutoDischargeForJueXiangCheckBox() {
return "切换到绝响时总是视为释放连携";
public String cooldownRefreshBuffRegardlessOfCDForBuMieZhiYi() {
return "每当按下不灭之翼技能时,无论是否在cd均重置其领域持续时间";
public String cooldownAlwaysCanUseSkillOfPianZhen() {
return "骈臻技能总是视为可使用状态";
public String scanDischargeConfigureTips() {
return """
public String positionOfDischargeTip() {
return "将选框拖动至任意一把后台武器上,尽量刚好包括其充能条";
public String scanDischargeScreenDescription() {
return "点击Enter(回车)确认配置,或者点击CTRL+W取消配置";
public String failedCalculatingCriticalPoints() {
return "计算关键点失败,请重新框选。\n" +
public String weaponNotSelected() {
return "存在空的武器位";
public String duplicatedWeapon() {
return "武器选择重复";
public String duplicatedRelics() {
return "源器选择重复";
public String relicsChooserPlaceHolder(int index) {
return "源器" + (index + 1);
public String cooldownConfigurationLabel() {
return "装配方案";
public String cooldownConfigurationDuplicate() {
return "装配方案名称重复";
public String cooldownConfigurationSave() {
return "保存";
public String cooldownConfigurationDelete() {
return "删除";
public String cooldownPauseDesc() {
return "暂停";
public String cooldownResumeDesc() {
return "恢复";
public String cooldownResetDesc() {
return "重置";
public String loadingStageTitle() {
return "加载中...";
public String waitForStartupVideoToFinish() {
return "正在播放启动动画...";
public String progressWelcomeText() {
return "已完成加载,准备进入";
public String cooldownTipsButton() {
return "说明";
public String cooldownTips() {
return """
1. 对于所有武器,如果软件计算的冷却时间已经经过了90%以上,那么即使没有冷却完全,也视为可使用的状态;
2. 对于1星及以上的格莱普尼(芬璃尔),在短时间内连续按下5次技能按钮,则无视当前状态,直接视为冷却完全并依次释放了一次主技能和一次1星副技能的状态;
3. 对于1星及以上的流泉澈心(不破咲),点击其技能计数器可以增加次数,方便玩家在读条后同步该计数器;
4. 对于3星及以上的炽焰左轮,由于无法判定灼烧情况,所以只要进行闪避攻击或者蓄力攻击,就认为触发了离子灼烧;
5. 对于6星的炽焰左轮,只计算离子灼烧对其的冷却减少效果,且冷却减少间隔使用2秒而非游戏中的1.5秒;
6. 对于触发恩赐共鸣的晚祷(星环),点击辉起计数器可以将其重置为3次,方便玩家在读条后同步该计数器;
7. 同时装备1星及以上陵光和四叶十字时,由于羽翎非常容易获取,所以默认永远处于三把羽翎的状态,四叶十字的弹药消耗为每次4发;
8. 四叶十字(瓦斯)的冷却减少效果和实际操作有极强的关联性,所以在实战中使用四叶十字(瓦斯)时,冷却时间不保证完全匹配;
9. 由于无法检测电爆,所以不处理超电磁双星6星效果;
1. 长按(大于180毫秒)武器按键切换到其他武器时,视为释放了一次连携技,目前[流泉澈心, 破晓]对此行为有特殊处理;
2. 对于[晚祷, 零度指针, 否决立方, 启明星],支持在技能前摇时通过跳跃或者切换武器来取消技能的释放;
3. 短按天选骰子则重置所有武器的技能冷却,长按则只提供热核buff,不刷新技能冷却;
4. 在[选项]中还有一些针对特定武器的额外配置项,可按需配置(选中武器时才可做相应的配置);
public String cooldownTutorialLink() {
return "点这里查看CD指示器教学视频";
public String cooldownOpenBrowserForTutorialFailed(String url) {
return "打开浏览器失败,你可以手动输入该URL查看CD指示器教学:" + url + ",也可尝试直接粘贴,程序已尝试将该url放到你的剪贴板里";
public String invalidAssistantConfigFileAskForDeletion(String configFilePath) {
return "幻塔PC助手配置文件异常。您可以修改文件" + configFilePath + "手动修复异常," + "\n" +
public String modifyInvalidAssistantConfigBtn() {
return "修改";
public String deleteInvalidAssistantConfigBtn() {
return "删除";
public String cancelInvalidAssistantConfigBtn() {
return "取消";
public String toolName(String name) {
return switch (name) {
case "world-boss-timer" -> "世界Boss计时器";
case "message-helper" -> "聊天消息辅助";
case "lan's-brain-wash" -> "岚的洗脑循环";
case "multi-hotta-instance" -> "幻塔双开";
case "status-indicator" -> "状态指示器";
case "message-monitor" -> "聊天消息监控";
default -> name;
public String startCoolDown() {
return "Start";
public String stopCoolDown() {
return "Stop";
public String cooldownOptionsBtn() {
return "Options";
public String cooldownScanDischargeDesc() {
return "The collaborative charging detection feature reads the screen to identify the current charge value.\n" +
"This detection only takes screenshots of a designated area on the screen (with a high screenshot frequency) and does not read game memory data.";
public String cooldownScanDischargeCheckBox() {
return "Enable Collaborative Charging Detection (Beta)";
public String cooldownScanDischargeDebugCheckBox() {
return "Enable Debug Mode (Charging Detection Results Will Be Placed in the Clipboard)";
public String cooldownScanDischargeUseNativeCaptureCheckBox() {
return "Use Native Screen Capture (Beta)";
public String cooldownScanDischargeUseRoughCaptureCheckBox() {
return "Use Non-Precise Screen Capture (Affected by High DPI)";
public String cooldownScanDischargeResetBtn() {
return "Reset Collaborative Charging Detection Settings";
public String cooldownApplyDischargeForYingZhiCheckBox() {
return "Enable 6-Star YingZhi Collaboration Count";
public String hideWhenMouseEnterCheckBox() {
return "Auto Hide Counter When Mouse Enters (Hold Alt Key to Enter or Click)";
public String lockCDWindowPositionCheckBox() {
return "Lock Indicator Window (Allows Dragging While Holding Alt Key)";
public String onlyShowFirstLineBuffCheckBox() {
return "Only Display the First Line of Buff Bar (Resumes Display When Holding Alt Key)";
public String cooldownPlayAudioCheckBox() {
return "Play Mimicry Voice";
public String cooldownSkipAudioCollection001CheckBox() {
return "Only Play Selected Mimicry Voices";
public String cooldownAutoFillPianGuangLingYuSubSkillCheckbox() {
return "Always Fill 2 Sub-skill Layers When Switching to PianGuangLingYu";
public String cooldownAutoDischargeForYueXingChuanCheckBox() {
return "Always Treated as Release Collaboration When Switching to YueXingChuan";
public String cooldownAutoDischargeForJueXiangCheckBox() {
return "Always Treated as Release Collaboration When Switching to JueXiang";
public String cooldownRefreshBuffRegardlessOfCDForBuMieZhiYi() {
return "Whenever BtnumieZhiYi Skill Button is Pressed, Reset the Duration of the Field Regardless of Whether in CD";
public String cooldownAlwaysCanUseSkillOfPianZhen() {
return "PianZhen Skill Always Treated as Usable";
public String scanDischargeConfigureTips() {
return """
Please go into the game and charge to nearly full state first (above 90%)
Then return to this window, click "OK", then immediately switch to the game interface, wait a few seconds to enter the configuration interface.
In the configuration interface, press Enter to confirm the configuration or press CTRL + W to cancel the configuration""";
public String positionOfDischargeTip() {
return "Drag the selection box to any backend weapon, preferably just including its charge bar";
public String scanDischargeScreenDescription() {
return "Press Enter to Confirm the Configuration, or Press CTRL+W to Cancel the Configuration";
public String failedCalculatingCriticalPoints() {
return "Failed to calculate critical points, please reframe.\n" +
"Please note, the charge must be almost full (above 90%)";
public String weaponNotSelected() {
return "Empty weapon slot exists";
public String duplicatedWeapon() {
return "Duplicated weapon selection";
public String duplicatedRelics() {
return "Duplicated relics selection";
public String relicsChooserPlaceHolder(int index) {
return "Relics" + (index + 1);
public String cooldownConfigurationLabel() {
return "Equipment Schemes";
public String cooldownConfigurationDuplicate() {
return "Duplicated Equipment Scheme Names";
public String cooldownConfigurationSave() {
return "Save";
public String cooldownConfigurationDelete() {
return "Delete";
public String cooldownPauseDesc() {
return "Pause";
public String cooldownResumeDesc() {
return "Resume";
public String cooldownResetDesc() {
return "Reset";
public String loadingStageTitle() {
return "Loading...";
public String waitForStartupVideoToFinish() {
return "Playing Startup Animation...";
public String progressWelcomeText() {
return "Load completed, ready to enter";
public String cooldownTipsButton() {
return "Explanation";
public String cooldownTips() {
return """
Using this tool in the game requires administrator permissions. You can zoom in and out of the indicator window using the mouse wheel. Right-clicking on the buff indicator can switch it to the second line (or switch it back)
This tool directly listens to keyboard and mouse events and simulates weapon switching and skill releasing based on these events.
Therefore, this tool does not interact with the game itself and will not be detected.
But because all events are simulated, the results given by the tool will inevitably differ from the actual situation in the game.
For this reason, this tool has some fault tolerance design to keep as consistent with the game as possible:
1. For all weapons, if the cooldown time calculated by the software has passed more than 90%, then it is regarded as usable even if it has not completely cooled down;
2. For 1-star and above Glaipnir (Fenrir), pressing the skill button 5 times in a row in a short period of time will ignore the current state and directly regard it as completely cooled down and have released a main skill and a 1-star secondary skill once;
3. For 1-star and above Flowing Spring and Heart (Unbroken Sachiko), clicking on its skill counter can increase the count, which is convenient for players to synchronize the counter after reading the bar;
4. For 3-star and above Flame Revolver, because it is impossible to determine the burning situation, as long as you perform a dodge attack or a charge attack, it is deemed to have triggered ion burn;
5. For the 6-star Flame Revolver, only the ion burn on its cooldown reduction effect is calculated, and the cooldown reduction interval uses 2 seconds instead of the 1.5 seconds in the game;
6. For the Evening Prayer (Stellar Ring) that triggers the Grace Resonance, clicking the Glow counter can reset it to 3 times to facilitate the player to synchronize the counter after reading the bar;
7. When Ling Light and Four Leaf Cross are equipped at the same time, because the feathers are very easy to obtain, they are always in the state of three feathers by default, and the ammunition consumption of Four Leaf Clover is 4 rounds each time;
8. The cooldown reduction effect of Four Leaf Clover (Vas) has a strong correlation with the actual operation, so when using Four Leaf Clover (Vas) in actual combat, the cooldown time does not guarantee a perfect match;
9. Since it is impossible to detect electric explosion, the 6-star effect of Super Electromagnetic Gemini is not processed;
Even with these fault tolerance designs, there are inevitably some situations where it is inconsistent with the game, so the correct usage is: mainly based on the game, and then glance at the cooldown indicator from time to time.
In addition, there are the following special treatments:
1. Holding down (longer than 180 milliseconds) the weapon key to switch to other weapons is regarded as a release of a collaborative skill. Currently, [Flowing Spring and Heart, Dawn] has special processing for this behavior;
2. For [Evening Prayer, Zero Degree Pointer, Negative Cube, Morning Star], support to cancel the release of skills through jumps or weapon switching during skill preheating;
3. Press the Chosen Dice shortly to reset the skill cooldown of all weapons, or press long to only provide thermal core buff without refreshing skill cooldown;
4. There are some additional configuration items for specific weapons in [Options], which can be configured as needed (corresponding configuration can only be made when the weapon is selected);
public String cooldownTutorialLink() {
return "Click here to view CD Indicator Tutorial Video";
public String cooldownOpenBrowserForTutorialFailed(String url) {
return "Failed to open browser, manually enter this URL to see CD Indicator Tutorial:" + url + ", or try to paste directly, the program has tried to put this url into your clipboard";
public String invalidAssistantConfigFileAskForDeletion(String configFilePath) {
return "Panthan PC Assistant configuration file exception. You can modify file " + configFilePath + " to manually fix the exception," + "\n" +
"or you can directly delete the configuration file and perform subsequent operations with the initial configuration.";
public String modifyInvalidAssistantConfigBtn() {
return "Modify";
public String deleteInvalidAssistantConfigBtn() {
return "Delete";
public String cancelInvalidAssistantConfigBtn() {
return "Cancel";
public String toolName(String name) {
return switch (name) {
case "world-boss-timer" -> "World Boss Timer";
case "message-helper" -> "Chat Message Helper";
case "lan's-brain-wash" -> "Lan's Brain Wash";
case "multi-hotta-instance" -> "Multiple Phantom Tower Instance";
case "status-indicator" -> "Status Indicator";
case "message-monitor" -> "Chat Message Monitor";
default -> name;
/err: token usage: {"prompt_tokens":3053,"completion_tokens":2335,"total_tokens":5388}
/chat: Translate the following java I18n code snippet from Chinese into English, while preserving the Java code syntax:
public String worldBossTimerLineCol() {
return "线";
public String worldBossTimerNameCol() {
return "Boss名称";
public String worldBossTimerLastKillCol() {
return "最后击杀时间";
public String worldBossTimerETACol() {
return "预计刷新时间";
public String worldBossTimerSpawnMinutesCol() {
return "刷新用时(分钟)";
public String worldBossTimerCommentCol() {
return "备注";
public String worldBossTimerLastLineCol() {
return "线";
public String worldBossTimerAccountNameCol() {
return "账号名";
public String worldBossTimerLastSwitchLineTsCol() {
return "最后切换时间";
public String worldBossTimerAccountETACol() {
return "预计可切线时间";
public String worldBossTimerSwitchLineCDMinutes() {
return "换线CD时间(分钟)";
public String worldBossTimerAddBtn() {
return "添加";
public String worldBossTimerEditBtn() {
return "修改";
public String worldBossTimerSpawnBtn() {
return "击杀";
public String worldBossTimerDelBtn() {
return "删除";
public String worldBossTimerCopyBossInfoBtn() {
return "复制喊话";
public String worldBossTimerExportBtn() {
return "导出";
public String worldBossTimerImportBtn() {
return "导入";
public String worldBossTimerIncludeBossTimerCheckBox() {
return "包含世界Boss计时数据";
public String worldBossTimerIncludeAccountTimerCheckBox() {
return "包含账号计时数据";
public String worldBossTimerIncludeMsgTemplateCheckBox() {
return "包含喊话消息模板";
public String worldBossTimerMergeImportCheckBox() {
return "导入时合并数据";
public String worldBossTimerSwitchLineBtn() {
return "切线";
public String worldBossTimerClearBtn() {
return "清空";
public String worldBossTimerOkBtn() {
return "确定";
public String worldBossTimerMissingLine() {
return "没有填写分线";
public String worldBossTimerMissingName() {
return "没有填写Boss名称";
public String worldBossTimerMissingLastKill() {
return "没有填写最后击杀时间";
public String worldBossTimerMissingSpawnMinutes() {
return "没有填写刷新时间";
public String worldBossTimerMissingLastSwitchLineTs() {
return "没有填写最后切线时间";
public String worldBossTimerMissingSwitchLineCD() {
return "没有指定切线CD时间";
public String worldBossTimerInvalidLine() {
return "分线填写错误";
public String worldBossTimerInvalidLastKill() {
return "最后击杀时间填写错误";
public String worldBossTimerInvalidSpawnMinutes() {
return "刷新时间填写错误";
public String worldBossTimerInvalidLastSwitchLineTs() {
return "最后切线时间填写错误";
public String worldBossTimerInvalidSwitchLineCD() {
return "切线CD时间填写错误";
public String worldBossTimerNextBossInfoDefaultTemplate() {
return """
msg = (name + '将于' + hh + ':' + mm + '在<at>' + line + '</</>>线刷新,')
if: remainingMillis > 0; then {
msg += ('剩余') + (remainingMillis / 1000 / 60)
} else {
msg += ('已刷新') + (-remainingMillis / 1000 / 60)
msg += ('分钟')
if: msg.length < 38; then {
msg += (',请换线的大佬喊一声再换')
public String worldBossTimerLineCol() {
return "Line";
public String worldBossTimerNameCol() {
return "Boss Name";
public String worldBossTimerLastKillCol() {
return "Last Kill Time";
public String worldBossTimerETACol() {
return "Estimated Refresh Time";
public String worldBossTimerSpawnMinutesCol() {
return "Refresh Duration (minutes)";
public String worldBossTimerCommentCol() {
return "Comments";
public String worldBossTimerLastLineCol() {
return "Line";
public String worldBossTimerAccountNameCol() {
return "Account Name";
public String worldBossTimerLastSwitchLineTsCol() {
return "Last Switch Time";
public String worldBossTimerAccountETACol() {
return "Estimated Switch Time";
public String worldBossTimerSwitchLineCDMinutes() {
return "Switch Line CD Time (minutes)";
public String worldBossTimerAddBtn() {
return "Add";
public String worldBossTimerEditBtn() {
return "Edit";
public String worldBossTimerSpawnBtn() {
return "Kill";
public String worldBossTimerDelBtn() {
return "Delete";
public String worldBossTimerCopyBossInfoBtn() {
return "Copy Announcement";
public String worldBossTimerExportBtn() {
return "Export";
public String worldBossTimerImportBtn() {
return "Import";
public String worldBossTimerIncludeBossTimerCheckBox() {
return "Include World Boss Timer Data";
public String worldBossTimerIncludeAccountTimerCheckBox() {
return "Include Account Timer Data";
public String worldBossTimerIncludeMsgTemplateCheckBox() {
return "Include Announcement Message Template";
public String worldBossTimerMergeImportCheckBox() {
return "Merge Data When Importing";
public String worldBossTimerSwitchLineBtn() {
return "Switch Line";
public String worldBossTimerClearBtn() {
return "Clear";
public String worldBossTimerOkBtn() {
return "OK";
public String worldBossTimerMissingLine() {
return "Line Not Filled In";
public String worldBossTimerMissingName() {
return "Boss Name Not Filled In";
public String worldBossTimerMissingLastKill() {
return "Last Kill Time Not Filled In";
public String worldBossTimerMissingSpawnMinutes() {
return "Refresh Time Not Filled In";
public String worldBossTimerMissingLastSwitchLineTs() {
return "Last Switch Time Not Filled In";
public String worldBossTimerMissingSwitchLineCD() {
return "Switch Line CD Time Not Defined";
public String worldBossTimerInvalidLine() {
return "Line Filling Error";
public String worldBossTimerInvalidLastKill() {
return "Last Kill Time Filling Error";
public String worldBossTimerInvalidSpawnMinutes() {
return "Refresh Time Filling Error";
public String worldBossTimerInvalidLastSwitchLineTs() {
return "Last Switch Time Filling Error";
public String worldBossTimerInvalidSwitchLineCD() {
return "Switch Line CD Time Filling Error";
public String worldBossTimerNextBossInfoDefaultTemplate() {
return """
msg = (name + ' will respawn at ' + hh + ':' + mm + ' on <at>' + line + '</</>> line,')
if: remainingMillis > 0; then {
msg += (' remaining ') + (remainingMillis / 1000 / 60)
} else {
msg += (' respawned ') + (-remainingMillis / 1000 / 60)
msg += (' minutes')
if: msg.length < 38; then {
msg += (', please announce before switching line')
Note: Some translations might not be 100% accurate as I tried to preserve as much technical terminology as possible.
/err: token usage: {"prompt_tokens":1148,"completion_tokens":1049,"total_tokens":2197}
/chat: Translate the following java I18n code snippet from Chinese into English, while preserving the Java code syntax:
public String worldBossTimerInvalidTemplate() {
return "喊话模板配置错误";
public String worldBossTimerNoDataToImport() {
return "没有可导入的数据,请先复制再点击导入按钮";
public String worldBossTimerInvalidImportingData() {
return "导入数据错误";
public String brainWashLanStartBtn() {
return "开始";
public String brainWashLanStopBtn() {
return "停止";
public String brainWashLanFreqSliderDesc() {
return "洗脑频率(单位:次/分钟)";
public String brainWashLanRandTimeSliderDesc() {
return "随机时间区间(单位:秒)";
public String selectBetaGameLocation() {
return "选择测试服路径";
public String selectOnlineGameLocation() {
return "选择正式服路径";
public String multiInstanceAdvBranch() {
return "测试服分支";
public String multiInstanceOnlineBranch() {
return "正式服分支";
public String multiInstanceIsHandlingAdvCheckBox() {
return "处理测试服客户端流量";
public String multiInstanceSaveCaCert() {
return "获取根证书";
public String multiInstanceTutorialLink() {
return "点这里查看幻塔双开工具教学视频";
public String multiInstanceEmptyFieldAlert() {
return "存在空字段,请填充后再启动";
public String multiInstanceLaunchStep(String step) {
return switch (step) {
case "clientVersion" -> "获取客户端版本";
case "UserData" -> "替换用户文件";
case "ResList.xml" -> "写入资源配置文件(1)";
case "config.xml" -> "写入资源配置文件(2)";
case "Client" -> "链接客户度目录";
case "hosts" -> "修改hosts文件";
case "server" -> "启动代理服务器";
case "launch" -> "启动";
default -> step;
public String multiInstanceFailedRetrievingClientVersion() {
return "获取客户端版本失败,请确认正式服路径是否设置正确";
public String multiInstanceFailedReplacingUserDataDir() {
return "替换用户文件失败,请确认多开客户端对应的Wmgp进程已退出";
public String multiInstanceFailedWritingResListXml() {
return "写入资源配置文件ResList.xml失败";
public String multiInstanceFailedWritingConfigXml() {
return "写入资源配置文件config.xml失败";
public String multiInstanceCannotMakeLink() {
return "创建链接文件失败。如果游戏客户端目录曾移动过,你需要手动删除多开启动器目录下的Client目录链接";
public String multiInstanceCannotSetHostsFile() {
return "修改hosts文件失败,请检查本程序是否以管理员权限启动";
public String multiInstanceLaunchProxyServerFailed() {
return "启动代理服务失败,请确保本机443端口未被占用";
public String multiInstancesOpenBrowserForTutorialFailed(String url) {
return "打开浏览器失败,你可以手动输入该URL查看多开教学:" + url + ",也可尝试直接粘贴,程序已尝试将该url放到你的剪贴板里";
public String multiInstanceTips() {
return "多开工具会写入hosts文件,如果在未使用多开工具时游戏出现网络连接问题,请检查hosts配置";
public String multiInstanceConfirmAndDisableTipsButton() {
return "我已知晓,后续不再提示";
public String selectGameLocationDescriptionWithoutAutoSearching() {
return "请选择游戏路径,手动选择gameLauncher.exe所在路径";
public String failedSavingCaCertFile() {
return "保存CA证书失败";
public String initRobotFailed() {
return "初始化Robot失败";
public String readAssistantConfigFailed() {
return "读取助手配置文件失败";
public String readInputConfigFailed() {
return "读取输入配置失败";
public String writeAssistantConfigFailed() {
return "写入助手配置文件失败";
public String confirm() {
return "确定";
public String messageHelperDesc() {
return """
1. 当在游戏中按下Enter时,该工具会自动移至最前,并闪烁以进行提示
2. 在工具的输入框中输入内容并按下Enter,内容会被转移到剪贴板里,可以到游戏中进行粘贴
3. 在输入框中按上/下方向键,可以滚动浏览最近的20条历史消息
4. 按住本工具输入框以外的部分,可以拖拽移动窗口
5. 使用Ctrl-Z可以回退最近一次的修改,注意仅可回退一次
6. 点击界面中的按钮可自动填充颜色代码,请注意总长度限制
public String messageHelperColorButton(String name) {
return switch (name) {
case "red" -> "红字";
case "blue" -> "蓝字";
case "white" -> "白字";
case "gold" -> "黄字";
case "purple" -> "紫字";
case "green" -> "绿字";
case "green_bold" -> "加粗绿字";
default -> name;
public String messageHelperItemButton() {
return "展示物品";
public String scrollLogCheckBoxDesc() {
return "滚动显示最新日志";
public String gplAlert(String url) {
return "本软件通过GPLv2协议开源,根据协议,分发时需要提供相应的源代码。\n" +
"本软件源码仓库位于:" + url + "。具体信息可在[关于]页中查看。";
public String confirmAndDisableGPLAlert() {
return "我已了解,后续启动时不再提示";
public String authorGameAccount() {
return "游戏账号";
public String authorContribution() {
return "贡献内容";
public String statusIndicatorDesc() {
return "状态指示器标明了当前幻塔PC助手的运行状态,包括各工具的启用状态、宏的启用状态等。";
public String statusIndicatorTitle() {
return "状态指示器";
public String statusComponentModule() {
return "模块";
public String statusComponentTool() {
return "工具";
public String statusComponentMacro() {
return "宏";
public String yueXingChuanJuShuiSkill() {
return "聚水";
public String yueXingChuanYongJuanSkill() {
return "涌卷";
public String yueXingChuanTaoYaSkill() {
return "涛压";
public String yueXingChuanWoXuanSkill() {
return "涡旋";
public String yueXingChuanYuGuSkill() {
return "潏梏";
public String yueXingChuanZiQuanSkill() {
return "滋泉";
public String yueXingChuanSanLiuSkillCoolDownDesc(String name) {
return name + "冷却时间";
public String yueXingChuanSanLiuSkillBuffDesc(String name) {
return name + "效果持续时间";
public String resetSceneDesc() {
return "重置功能可以快速清除运行中留下的文件,当助手运行异常时可以使用。";
public String resetSceneResetConfigButton() {
return "重置配置文件";
public String resetSceneResetConfigSucceeded() {
return "重置成功,即将退出助手,请手动重新打开";
public String messageMonitorNicChooserTitle() {
return "选择监控的网卡";
public String messageMonitorServerHostTitle() {
return "输入幻塔服务器IP地址";
public String messageMonitorWordsTitle() {
return "输入要监控的文字,多个用英文逗号隔开";
public String messageMonitorStartBtn() {
return "启动";
public String messageMonitorStopBtn() {
return "停止";
public String messageMonitorServerHostDefaultValue() {
return "";
public String messageMonitorWordsDefaultValue() {
return "玄鸦, 丫丫, 鸭脖, 乌鸦";
public String messageMonitorAlreadyStartedAlert() {
return "消息监控已启动";
public String messageMonitorNoNetifSelectedAlert() {
return "没有选定待监控的网卡";
public String messageMonitorInvalidServerHostAlert(String str) {
return "服务器地址不是正确的IP地址: " + str;
public String messageMonitorEmptyWordsListAlert() {
return "监控文字为空";
public String messageMonitorNotificationTitle() {
return "幻塔PC助手 - 聊天消息监控";
public String messageMonitorCapFailedAlert() {
return "监控异常!";
public String messageMonitorChannel(ChatChannel channel) {
if (channel == null) {
return "所有频道";
return switch (channel) {
case WORLD -> "世界";
case GUILD -> "公会";
case TEAM -> "组队";
case COOP -> "协力";
public String worldBossTimerInvalidTemplate() {
return "Shout template configuration error";
public String worldBossTimerNoDataToImport() {
return "No data available for import, please copy before clicking the import button";
public String worldBossTimerInvalidImportingData() {
return "Error importing data";
public String brainWashLanStartBtn() {
return "Start";
public String brainWashLanStopBtn() {
return "Stop";
public String brainWashLanFreqSliderDesc() {
return "Brainwashing frequency (unit: times/minute)";
public String brainWashLanRandTimeSliderDesc() {
return "Random time interval (unit: seconds)";
public String selectBetaGameLocation() {
return "Select test server path";
public String selectOnlineGameLocation() {
return "Select formal server path";
public String multiInstanceAdvBranch() {
return "Test server branch";
public String multiInstanceOnlineBranch() {
return "Formal server branch";
public String multiInstanceIsHandlingAdvCheckBox() {
return "Handle test server client traffic";
public String multiInstanceSaveCaCert() {
return "Get root certificate";
public String multiInstanceTutorialLink() {
return "Click here to view the dual-use tool tutorial video of the illusion tower";
public String multiInstanceEmptyFieldAlert() {
return "There are empty fields, please fill them out before starting";
public String multiInstanceLaunchStep(String step) {
return switch (step) {
case "clientVersion" -> "Getting client version";
case "UserData" -> "Replacing user files";
case "ResList.xml" -> "Write resource configuration file(1)";
case "config.xml" -> "Write resource configuration file(2)";
case "Client" -> "Linking to client directory";
case "hosts" -> "Modifying hosts file";
case "server" -> "Starting proxy server";
case "launch" -> "Launch";
default -> step;
public String multiInstanceFailedRetrievingClientVersion() {
return "Failed to get client version, please confirm whether the official service path is set correctly";
public String multiInstanceFailedReplacingUserDataDir() {
return "Failed to replace user files, please confirm that the Wmgp process corresponding to the dual open client has exited";
public String multiInstanceFailedWritingResListXml() {
return "Failed to write resource configuration file ResList.xml";
public String multiInstanceFailedWritingConfigXml() {
return "Failed to write resource configuration file config.xml";
public String multiInstanceCannotMakeLink() {
return "Failed to create link file. If the game client directory has been moved, you need to manually delete the Client directory link in the multicasting launcher directory";
public String multiInstanceCannotSetHostsFile() {
return "Failed to modify hosts file, please check whether the program is started with administrator privileges";
public String multiInstanceLaunchProxyServerFailed() {
return "Failed to start proxy service, please ensure that the 443 port of this machine is not occupied";
public String multiInstancesOpenBrowserForTutorialFailed(String url) {
return "Failed to open the browser, you can manually enter this URL to view the multi-open tutorial: " + url + ", or try to paste directly, the program has tried to put this url into your clipboard";
public String multiInstanceTips() {
return "The multi-boot tool will write to the hosts file. If network connection problems occur when the game is not using the multi-boot tool, please check the hosts configuration";
public String multiInstanceConfirmAndDisableTipsButton() {
return "I understand, don't remind again later";
public String selectGameLocationDescriptionWithoutAutoSearching() {
return "Please select the game path and manually select the path where gameLauncher.exe is located";
public String failedSavingCaCertFile() {
return "Failed to save CA certificate";
public String initRobotFailed() {
return "Failed to initialize Robot";
public String readAssistantConfigFailed() {
return "Failed to read assistant configuration file";
public String readInputConfigFailed() {
return "Failed to read input configuration";
public String writeAssistantConfigFailed() {
return "Failed to write assistant configuration file";
public String confirm() {
return "Confirm";
public String messageHelperDesc() {
return """
For some Chinese input methods, when the number key or space key is pressed, the Illusion Tower client may lose the cursor and cannot input Chinese normally.
This small tool is designed to deal with such scenarios.
Operation instructions:
1. When Enter is pressed in the game, this tool will automatically move to the front and flash to prompt
2. Enter content in the input box of the tool and press Enter. The content will be transferred to the clipboard and can be pasted into the game.
3. Press the up/down arrow key in the input box to scroll through the last 20 messages.
4. Hold down the part outside the input box of this tool to drag and move the window
5. Using Ctrl-Z can undo the last modification, note that it can only undo once
6. Click the button in the interface to automatically fill in the color code, please pay attention to the overall length limit
public String messageHelperColorButton(String name) {
return switch (name) {
case "red" -> "Red text";
case "blue" -> "Blue text";
case "white" -> "White text";
case "gold" -> "Yellow text";
case "purple" -> "Purple text";
case "green" -> "Green text";
case "green_bold" -> "Bold green text";
default -> name;
public String messageHelperItemButton() {
return "Show item";
public String scrollLogCheckBoxDesc() {
return "Scroll to display latest log";
public String gplAlert(String url) {
return "This software is open sourced through the GPLv2 protocol, and according to the agreement, corresponding source code is required to be provided when distributed.\n" +
"The source code repository of this software is at:" + url + ". Detailed information can be found on the [About] page.";
public String confirmAndDisableGPLAlert() {
return "I understand, don't remind again when starting up later";
public String authorGameAccount() {
return "Game account";
public String authorContribution() {
return "Contribution content";
public String statusIndicatorDesc() {
return "The status indicator represents the current running status of the Illusion Tower PC assistant, including the enabled status of various tools, and macros.";
public String statusIndicatorTitle() {
return "Status indicator";
public String statusComponentModule() {
return "Module";
public String statusComponentTool() {
return "Tool";
public String statusComponentMacro() {
return "Macro";
public String yueXingChuanJuShuiSkill() {
return "Gathering water";
public String yueXingChuanYongJuanSkill() {
return "Surge roll";
public String yueXingChuanTaoYaSkill() {
return "Wave pressure";
public String yueXingChuanWoXuanSkill() {
return "Vortex";
public String yueXingChuanYuGuSkill() {
return "Water bondage";
public String yueXingChuanZiQuanSkill() {
return "Gushing spring";
public String yueXingChuanSanLiuSkillCoolDownDesc(String name) {
return name + " cooldown time";
public String yueXingChuanSanLiuSkillBuffDesc(String name) {
return name + " effect duration";
public String resetSceneDesc() {
return "Reset function can quickly clear the files left in operation, you can use it when the assistant runs abnormally.";
public String resetSceneResetConfigButton() {
return "Reset configuration file";
public String resetSceneResetConfigSucceeded() {
return "Reset successful, assistant will shut down, please manually reopen it";
public String messageMonitorNicChooserTitle() {
return "Select the network card to monitor";
public String messageMonitorServerHostTitle() {
return "Enter the IP address of the Illusion Tower server";
public String messageMonitorWordsTitle() {
return "Enter the words to monitor, separated by English commas";
public String messageMonitorStartBtn() {
return "Start";
public String messageMonitorStopBtn() {
return "Stop";
public String messageMonitorServerHostDefaultValue() {
return "";
public String messageMonitorWordsDefaultValue() {
return "Xuan Ya, Ya Ya, Duck Neck, Crow";
public String messageMonitorAlreadyStartedAlert() {
return "Message monitoring has started";
public String messageMonitorNoNetifSelectedAlert() {
return "No network card selected for monitoring";
public String messageMonitorInvalidServerHostAlert(String str) {
return "Server address is not a correct IP address: " + str;
public String messageMonitorEmptyWordsListAlert() {
return "Monitoring text is empty";
public String messageMonitorNotificationTitle() {
return "Illusion Tower PC Assistant - Chat Message Monitoring";
public String messageMonitorCapFailedAlert() {
return "Monitoring exception!";
public String messageMonitorChannel(ChatChannel channel) {
if (channel == null) {
return "All channels";
return switch (channel) {
case WORLD -> "World";
case GUILD -> "Guild";
case TEAM -> "Team";
case COOP -> "Cooperative";
/err: token usage: {"prompt_tokens":2836,"completion_tokens":2503,"total_tokens":5339}
/chat: Translate the following java I18n code snippet from Chinese into English, while preserving the Java code syntax:
public String clearHostsFailed() {
return "清理hosts文件失败,你需要手动清理,或者重复执行退出操作以便重新清理,否则将导致网络异常";
public String loadingFailedErrorMessage(LoadingItem failedItem) {
return "加载失败。失败项为:" +;
public String skipAnimation() {
return "跳过";
public String clearHostsFailed() {
return "Clearing hosts file failed, you need to manually clear it, or repeat the exit operation for re-clear, otherwise it will cause network abnormality";
public String loadingFailedErrorMessage(LoadingItem failedItem) {
return "Loading failed. Failure item is: " +;
public String skipAnimation() {
return "Skip";
/err: token usage: {"prompt_tokens":169,"completion_tokens":103,"total_tokens":272}
/chat: Translate the following java I18n code snippet from Chinese into English, while preserving the Java code syntax: