wkh237 / rn-firebase-storage-upload-sample

React Native sample code for upload blob data to Firebase using Firebase SDK with RNFetchBlob.
57 stars 13 forks source link

Thanks and need your help #9

Open ajonno opened 7 years ago

ajonno commented 7 years ago

hi there, thanks for this sample it was super helpful for us.

Reason being, we've got a blocker in trying to upload images taken from the camera, on Android (only) up to Firebase. I took the lib we are using to generate the photo - react-native-image-picker and amended your test project here, to use it's image file (ie. the one taken from the camera).

This worked ! What I noticed, is that when using your test project on RN 0.42.3 the output file from react-native-image-picker had this path: RNFetchBlob-file://file:///storage/emulated/0/DCIM/image-1cf87708-4c39-4042-a67d-1e89a147212d.jpg

whereas from our existing project on RN 0.41.1 the file generated by react-native-image-picker is this: RNFetchBlob-file://content://com.cleverbean.provider/app_images/Android/data/com.cleverbean/files/Pictures/image-cf654736-e1ed-4a09-99bf-c078ff6478d1.jpg

Do you happen to know why the image source directory path would be different ? Is there for example a param or setting you used somewhere in your test project's config ? My assumption at the moment is that it's just down to the version of react native - ie. 0.41.1 is broken (for this use case) whereas 0.42.3 is ok) but i still wanted to ask/check.