wkjarosz / hdrview

A simple research-oriented image viewer with an emphasis on examining and comparing high-dynamic range (HDR) images, and including minimalistic editing and tonemapping capabilities.
279 stars 11 forks source link

GLFW error 65545: GLX: Failed to find a suitable GLXFBConfig #103

Open oliver-batchelor opened 1 year ago

oliver-batchelor commented 1 year ago

Compiled on Linux Ubuntu 20.04, Nvidia GPU (Cuda 11.8 driver - if relevant!)

> HDRView                                                                                                                                                                       
[info] Reading configuration from file /home/oliver/.config/HDRView/settings.json
[info] Welcome to HDRView!
[info] Verbosity threshold set to level 2.
[info] Setting intensity scale to 1.000000
[info] Using sRGB response curve.
[info] Dithering
[info] Launching GUI with 8 bit color and LDR display support.
GLFW error 65545: GLX: Failed to find a suitable GLXFBConfig
Could not allocate floating point framebuffer, retrying without..
[info] Reading configuration from file /home/oliver/.config/HDRView/settings.json
[warning] Error while reading settings file: Cannot open settings file: "/home/oliver/.config/HDRView/settings.json".
[info] Using default settings.
[1]    211331 segmentation fault (core dumped)  HDRView
wkjarosz commented 1 year ago

Thanks for reporting this.

Could you please check if this issue is specific to v1.7.0, or if it also appears in earlier releases?


wkjarosz commented 1 year ago

Also, if you are able to compile in debug mode and run through a debugger to identify more precisely where the issue comes from, that would be really helpful.

Thanks, -w

jparr721 commented 1 year ago


Just built version 1.6.1 and can confirm that this issue is still present. I have seen this issue building my own GL apps before and it seems to be related to GL driver issues.


Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description:    Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS
Release:    22.04
Codename:   jammy