wkjarosz / hdrview

A simple research-oriented image viewer with an emphasis on examining and comparing high-dynamic range (HDR) images, and including minimalistic editing and tonemapping capabilities.
279 stars 11 forks source link

Yang: Fixed win32 build problems #78

Closed GhostatSpirit closed 3 years ago

GhostatSpirit commented 3 years ago


[build] LINK : warning LNK4098: defaultlib 'MSVCRT' conflicts with use of other libs; use /NODEFAULTLIB:library [C:\Ghost\repos\hdrview-jarosz\build\hdrbatch.vcxproj]
[build] LINK : warning LNK4217: symbol 'free' defined in 'libucrt.lib(free.obj)' is imported by 'zlibstatic.lib(zutil.obj)' in function 'zcfree' [C:\Ghost\repos\hdrview-jarosz\build\hdrbatch.vcxproj]
[build] LINK : warning LNK4217: symbol 'malloc' defined in 'libucrt.lib(malloc.obj)' is imported by 'zlibstatic.lib(zutil.obj)' in function 'zcalloc' [C:\Ghost\repos\hdrview-jarosz\build\hdrbatch.vcxproj]

Testing: Built hdrview, hdrbatch on Windows via VSCode.

wkjarosz commented 3 years ago
