wkjarosz / hdrview

A simple research-oriented image viewer with an emphasis on examining and comparing high-dynamic range (HDR) images, and including minimalistic editing and tonemapping capabilities.
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Color3/Color4::min()/max() conflict with macros in <windows.h> on Windows #79

Closed MangoSister closed 3 years ago

MangoSister commented 3 years ago


The latest build seems to be broken on windows because the min()/max() member of Color3/Color4 conflicts with the macros in <windows.h>. One simple fix could be to define NOMINMAX for windows, e.g.

  target_compile_definitions(HDRView PRIVATE -DNOMINMAX)


wkjarosz commented 3 years ago

Thanks. Yes, I'm working on it. I already have a pull request that hopefully also fixes the windows GitHub actions for continuous integration. Hopefully will be pushed to master in the next couple days.

MangoSister commented 3 years ago

Ok. good to know. I will use the above fix for my local build at the meantime.