Closed kurianjerin closed 4 months ago
Hello kurianjerin,
Thank you for questions! Please see hereby our answers:
Hopefully this will help you to resolve your issue!
Kind regards, Worldline Support
@worldline-direct-support-team @worldline-dev-team Thank you for the reply :) The error has gone after providing the "cardHolderName".
We are using the test data from here.
We get the following error on calling the create payment.
com.onlinepayments.DeclinedPaymentException: declined payment '4235923286_0' with status 'REJECTED'; statusCode=500; responseBody='{"errorId":"56f20960-8dfe-4c9b-aeec-39029fbea40c","errors":[{"errorCode":"60001057","category":"DIRECT_PLATFORM_ERROR","code":"9999","httpStatusCode":500,"id":"UNKNOWN_SERVER_ERROR","message":"UNKNOWN_SERVER_ERROR","retriable":false}],"paymentResult":{"creationOutput":{},"payment":{"paymentOutput":{"amountOfMoney":{"amount":1302,"currencyCode":"EUR"},"references":{"merchantReference":"fjgdfjgldfgdfklgdfg"},"acquiredAmount":{"amount":0,"currencyCode":"EUR"},"customer":{"device":{"ipAddressCountryCode":"99"}},"cardPaymentMethodSpecificOutput":{"paymentProductId":1,"card":{"cardNumber":"12313123123","expiryDate":"1125","bin":"13123123","countryCode":"IN"},"fraudResults":{"fraudServiceResult":"no-advice","cvvResult":"P"},"threeDSecureResults":{"eci":"7","xid":"sadasdasdasd"},"acquirerInformation":{"name":"ACQUIRER"}},"paymentMethod":"card"},"status":"REJECTED","statusOutput":{"errors":[{"errorCode":"60001057","category":"DIRECT_PLATFORM_ERROR","code":"9999","httpStatusCode":500,"id":"UNKNOWN_SERVER_ERROR","message":"UNKNOWN_SERVER_ERROR","retriable":false}],"isCancellable":false,"statusCategory":"UNSUCCESSFUL","statusCode":2,"isAuthorized":false,"isRefundable":false},"id":"4235923286_0"}}}'
From the above response we had a look at the following "payment" object. It is saying that status "REJECTED" with "statusCategory" as "UNSUCCESSFUL" and "statusCode" as "2". With these information if we look at the page it is found that the issue relies on "Authorization declined" . As per our reading from this page if the create-payment requires a 3D secure and SCA it will return an "merchantAction" in CreatePaymentResponse. But unfortunately we are getting exception instead of the response. Could you please help with this?
"status": "REJECTED",
"statusOutput": {
"errors": [
"errorCode": "60001057",
"code": "9999",
"httpStatusCode": 500,
"retriable": false
"isCancellable": false,
"statusCategory": "UNSUCCESSFUL",
"statusCode": 2,
"isAuthorized": false,
"isRefundable": false
Hello kurianjerin,
Happy to hear that your initial issue was resolved!
As for the issue with rejected authorization we would kindly ask you to submit a request through our contact form on the Documentation Portal. Our support team there is readily available to assist you in resolving the issue and answer any questions you may have specifically related to rejected transactions.
Kind regards, Worldline Support Team
@worldline-direct-support-team Thanks. I did that.
We are using the JavaScript SDK and Java SDK together in our solution. In the client we use JavaScript SDK( and in our server application we use Java SDK(
If you look at the JavaScript sdk page at number "6. finalise Transaction" it is mentioned that we need to send encrypted data to our server and call the "Create Payment" request. For this "Create Payment" request we used the Java sdk to implement since it is readily available with the JAVA sdk.
Here is how we created the paymentRequest. Please see the mocked code below.
This call is returning the following exception
We were following the "Create Payment" api documentation here(
Can you please help with this issue and the following queries?