wladwm / ban2bgp

BGP Intrusion prevention system
MIT License
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Issue with connection with #1

Closed ResearchIntern98 closed 11 months ago

ResearchIntern98 commented 1 year ago

Hi, We were trying to run ban2bgp! On doing cargo run only this gets printed: Listening on A process to port 179 also opens! But Connecting to does not print? We made point to point to a route with ubuntu machine keeping ip addresses as mentioned!

Earlier we had to change tokio-util = "0.6.6" to tokio-util = { version = "0.6.6", features = ["full"] } to overcome build error in Cargo.toml

wladwm commented 1 year ago


It should connect to your BGP router specified in ban2bgp.ini as peers= AS65535 Listen port was specified as listen= - port 1179, not 179! Because you can not listen at port below 1024 if you're not root.

ResearchIntern98 commented 1 year ago

With or without sudo with 1179 or 179, it is not connecting to

wladwm commented 1 year ago

Could you please show your ban2bgp.ini ? I will try to test

ResearchIntern98 commented 1 year ago

[main] httplisten= listen= nexthop= communities=666:666 peers= AS65535 duration=3600 skiplist=

wladwm commented 1 year ago

Could you please replace content by following and try again?

[main] httplisten= listen= nexthop= communities=666:666 peers=peer_r1 duration=3600 skiplist=

[peer_r1] peer= as=65535 mode=blackhole

ResearchIntern98 commented 1 year ago

Doing this change in ban2bgp.ini solved the issue! Advertised routes are added, but not getting removed after duration defined! Why?

wladwm commented 1 year ago

Please update ban2bgp and rebuild. When routes should expire please check on main page (http://...:8080) presence of these routes.

wladwm commented 11 months ago

Seems that problem was solved any way...