wlandau / crew

A distributed worker launcher
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Do the required arguments include "name"? #160

Closed billdenney closed 6 months ago

billdenney commented 6 months ago

This line has 4 required arguments, but the bulleted list below has 5 arguments, including name:


Is the name argument required? If not, it may help to make that explicit by adding "(optional)" in the bulleted list, or if it is required, it would help to include it on the above line.

(I'm working on an ssh launcher now.)

wlandau commented 6 months ago

Is the name argument required?

Yes, but this argument and others like it are automatically supplied to launch_worker() via the core launch() method. In other words, plugin developers don't have a reason to call launch_worker() manually, the call is already performed in methods that the plugin developer is not responsible for.

(I'm working on an ssh launcher now.)

Neat. One thing I have had trouble wrapping my head around is how to establish an SSH connection in the context of crew. In crew, the worker initiates the connection to the client, whereas I think SSH usually expects this to happen the other way around. At least that's how I have seen it and how I think it currently works in mirai (backend of crew).