wlandau / crew

A distributed worker launcher
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Error in Tutorial for Shiny? #92

Closed ekianjo closed 1 year ago

ekianjo commented 1 year ago


The example given your shiny tutorial gives the following error when run:

Error in status_message: attempt to apply non-function


ekianjo commented 1 year ago

It seems like issue comes from the this line:

reactive_status(status_message(n = sum(controller$schedule$summary())))

as in, the schedule object does not appear to exist as expected

wlandau commented 1 year ago

crew is still a new package, and I needed to refactor it recently: #87. I hope to have the changes on CRAN next week, but for now the app should work if you install the development version using remotes::install_github("wlandau/crew").

ekianjo commented 1 year ago
