wlauer3 / componentTracking

Tracks the current prices of all modern GPUs and does some analysis
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Flask webserver & Shell Script #3

Closed Logan-Fouts closed 2 months ago

Logan-Fouts commented 2 months ago


This project could now easily be run and hosted on a server, EIther I can set it up on my own, you can set it up on yours, or we can use github pages. If we do pages we can make a github actions file that builds it on merge and runs the website. Only annoying thing about that is that some logic for the server would change since pages only really hosts static pages I believe.


wlauer3 commented 2 months ago

I think a lot of the benenfits come from it being in excel, because you do a lot of conditional formatting. but i really like the ui you made. I think we can still use it because the csv can still be downloaded in loaded into excel if desired

Logan-Fouts commented 2 months ago

Ah ok I don't really use excel so I'm not aware. 👍

wlauer3 commented 2 months ago

We could export to an xlsx file instead of csv, then all the calculations would be done outside of our code, if we wanted. and it could be all nice and formatted. I have an example of what it could be like. lemme find it. gpu_info.xlsx

You can put in your current card and it highlights slower/faster cards and you can set limits on how much better you would want and it highlights those cards

Logan-Fouts commented 2 months ago

Oh ok looks fancy and useful