After installation of version 1.2.0 all the "Force charge discharge battery Services" have disappeared from Home Assisstant.
My night automation to charge battery from the grid based on the solar forecast production and energy prices have stop working due to the missed services. I was using "huawei_solar.forcible_charge_soc" already for a couple of months.
Bescribe your Huawei Solar Setup
Inverter Type: SUN2000-5KTL-L1 + SUN2000-3.68KTL-L1
Inverter Firmware version: V200R001C00SPC125 for both
SDongle present: yes
SDongle Firmware version: V100R001C00SPC127
Power meter present: single phase
Battery: LUNA2000 10kWh
Battery Firmware version: V100R002C00SPC116
Describe the issue
After installation of version 1.2.0 all the "Force charge discharge battery Services" have disappeared from Home Assisstant.
My night automation to charge battery from the grid based on the solar forecast production and energy prices have stop working due to the missed services. I was using "huawei_solar.forcible_charge_soc" already for a couple of months.
Bescribe your Huawei Solar Setup
Inverter Type: SUN2000-5KTL-L1 + SUN2000-3.68KTL-L1 Inverter Firmware version: V200R001C00SPC125 for both SDongle present: yes SDongle Firmware version: V100R001C00SPC127 Power meter present: single phase Battery: LUNA2000 10kWh Battery Firmware version: V100R002C00SPC116
How do you connect to the inverter?
Via the SDongle, wired connection
Upload your Diagnostics File
{ "home_assistant": { "installation_type": "Home Assistant OS", "version": "2023.1.6", "dev": false, "hassio": true, "virtualenv": false, "python_version": "3.10.7", "docker": true, "arch": "aarch64", "timezone": "Europe/Madrid", "os_name": "Linux", "os_version": "5.15.80", "supervisor": "2022.12.1", "host_os": "Home Assistant OS 9.4", "docker_version": "20.10.19", "chassis": "embedded", "run_as_root": true }, "custom_components": { "huawei_solar": { "version": "1.2.0", "requirements": [ "huawei-solar==2.2.0" ] }, "pyscript": { "version": "1.3.3", "requirements": [ "croniter==1.3.4", "watchdog==2.1.6" ] }, "aarlo": { "version": "0.7.2b13", "requirements": [ "unidecode", "cloudscraper>=1.2.64", "paho-mqtt" ] }, "nuki_ng": { "version": "0.2.1", "requirements": [] }, "esios": { "version": "1.0.0", "requirements": [] }, "miele": { "version": "0.1.4", "requirements": [ "flatdict==4.0.1", "pymiele==0.1.6" ] }, "wundergroundpws": { "version": "0.8.1", "requirements": [] }, "home_connect_alt": { "version": "0.5.9", "requirements": [ "home-connect-async==0.7.5" ] }, "sonoff": { "version": "3.3.1", "requirements": [ "pycryptodome>=3.6.6" ] }, "alexa_media": { "version": "4.5.3", "requirements": [ "alexapy==1.26.4", "packaging>=20.3", "wrapt>=1.12.1" ] }, "ble_monitor": { "version": "11.4.1", "requirements": [ "pycryptodomex>=3.14.1", "janus>=1.0.0", "aioblescan>=0.2.14", "btsocket>=0.2.0", "pyric>=" ] }, "porscheconnect": { "version": "0.0.11", "requirements": [ "pyporscheconnectapi==0.0.24" ] }, "hacs": { "version": "1.29.1", "requirements": [ "aiogithubapi>=22.10.1" ] }, "attributes": { "version": "1.2.0", "requirements": [] }, "irrigation_unlimited": { "version": "2022.12.0", "requirements": [ "crontab" ] } }, "integration_manifest": { "domain": "huawei_solar", "name": "Huawei Solar", "config_flow": true, "documentation": "", "issue_tracker": "", "requirements": [ "huawei-solar==2.2.0" ], "codeowners": [ "@wlcrs" ], "iot_class": "local_polling", "version": "1.2.0", "loggers": [ "huawei_solar", "pymodbus" ], "is_built_in": false }, "data": { "config_entry_data": { "host": "", "port": 502, "slave_ids": [ 1, 16 ], "enable_parameter_configuration": true, "username": null, "password": null }, "slave_0": { "model_name": "SUN2000-3.68KTL-L1", "pv_string_count": 2, "has_optimizers": 0, "battery_type": 0, "battery_1_type": 0, "battery_2_type": 0, "power_meter_type": null, "supports_capacity_control": false }, "slave_0_data": { "input_power": [ 0, "W" ], "line_voltage_A_B": [ 0.0, "V" ], "line_voltage_B_C": [ 0.0, "V" ], "line_voltage_C_A": [ 0.0, "V" ], "phase_A_voltage": [ 0.0, "V" ], "phase_B_voltage": [ 0.0, "V" ], "phase_C_voltage": [ 0.0, "V" ], "phase_A_current": [ 0.0, "A" ], "phase_B_current": [ 0.0, "A" ], "phase_C_current": [ 0.0, "A" ], "day_active_power_peak": [ 2611, "W" ], "active_power": [ 0, "W" ], "reactive_power": [ 0, "VA" ], "power_factor": [ 0.0, null ], "grid_frequency": [ 0.0, "Hz" ], "efficiency": [ 0.0, "%" ], "internal_temperature": [ 0.0, "\u00b0C" ], "insulation_resistance": [ 30.0, "MOhm" ], "device_status": [ "Standby: detecting irradiation", null ], "fault_code": [ 0, null ], "startup_time": [ "2023-01-21T07:30:24+00:00", null ], "shutdown_time": [ "2023-01-21T17:38:41+00:00", null ], "accumulated_yield_energy": [ 5644.56, "kWh" ], "daily_yield_energy": [ 14.41, "kWh" ], "state_1": [ [ "Standby" ], null ], "state_2": [ [ "Locked", "PV disconnected", "DSP data collection" ], null ], "state_3": [ [ "On-grid", "Off-grid switch disabled" ], null ], "alarm_1": [ [], null ], "alarm_2": [ [], null ], "alarm_3": [ [], null ], "pv_01_voltage": [ 0.0, "V" ], "pv_01_current": [ 0.0, "A" ], "pv_02_voltage": [ 0.0, "V" ], "pv_02_current": [ 0.0, "A" ] }, "slave_0_config_data": {}, "slave_16": { "model_name": "SUN2000-5KTL-L1", "pv_string_count": 2, "has_optimizers": 0, "battery_type": 2, "battery_1_type": 2, "battery_2_type": 0, "power_meter_type": 0, "supports_capacity_control": true }, "slave_16_data": { "input_power": [ 1, "W" ], "line_voltage_A_B": [ 231.6, "V" ], "line_voltage_B_C": [ 0.0, "V" ], "line_voltage_C_A": [ 0.0, "V" ], "phase_A_voltage": [ 111.3, "V" ], "phase_B_voltage": [ 0.3, "V" ], "phase_C_voltage": [ 0.0, "V" ], "phase_A_current": [ 2.982, "A" ], "phase_B_current": [ 0.0, "A" ], "phase_C_current": [ 0.0, "A" ], "day_active_power_peak": [ 5224, "W" ], "active_power": [ 676, "W" ], "reactive_power": [ 1, "VA" ], "power_factor": [ 1.0, null ], "grid_frequency": [ 50.0, "Hz" ], "efficiency": [ 100.0, "%" ], "internal_temperature": [ 27.3, "\u00b0C" ], "insulation_resistance": [ 30.0, "MOhm" ], "device_status": [ "On-grid", null ], "fault_code": [ 0, null ], "startup_time": [ "2023-01-21T07:58:52+00:00", null ], "shutdown_time": [ null, null ], "accumulated_yield_energy": [ 6525.3, "kWh" ], "daily_yield_energy": [ 14.29, "kWh" ], "state_1": [ [ "Grid-Connected", "Grid-Connected normally" ], null ], "state_2": [ [ "Unlocked", "PV connected", "DSP data collection" ], null ], "state_3": [ [ "On-grid", "Off-grid switch disabled" ], null ], "alarm_1": [ [], null ], "alarm_2": [ [], null ], "alarm_3": [ [], null ], "pv_01_voltage": [ 145.9, "V" ], "pv_01_current": [ 0.01, "A" ], "pv_02_voltage": [ 0.0, "V" ], "pv_02_current": [ 0.0, "A" ], "grid_A_voltage": [ 231.3, "V" ], "grid_B_voltage": [ null, "V" ], "grid_C_voltage": [ null, "V" ], "active_grid_A_current": [ -0.93, "I" ], "active_grid_B_current": [ null, "I" ], "active_grid_C_current": [ null, "I" ], "power_meter_active_power": [ -8, "W" ], "power_meter_reactive_power": [ 214, "Var" ], "active_grid_power_factor": [ -0.072, null ], "active_grid_frequency": [ 50.0, "Hz" ], "grid_exported_energy": [ 8332.54, "kWh" ], "grid_accumulated_energy": [ 3747.13, "kWh" ], "grid_accumulated_reactive_power": [ 0.0, "kVarh" ], "meter_type": [ 0, null ], "active_grid_A_B_voltage": [ null, "V" ], "active_grid_B_C_voltage": [ null, "V" ], "active_grid_C_A_voltage": [ null, "V" ], "active_grid_A_power": [ null, "W" ], "active_grid_B_power": [ null, "W" ], "active_grid_C_power": [ null, "W" ], "storage_state_of_capacity": [ 94.0, "%" ], "storage_running_status": [ 2, null ], "storage_bus_voltage": [ 448.8, "V" ], "storage_bus_current": [ -1.6, "A" ], "storage_charge_discharge_power": [ -675, "W" ], "storage_total_charge": [ 542.05, "kWh" ], "storage_total_discharge": [ 526.63, "kWh" ], "storage_current_day_charge_capacity": [ 10.32, "kWh" ], "storage_current_day_discharge_capacity": [ 6.03, "kWh" ] }, "slave_16_config_data": { "storage_maximum_charging_power": [ 5000, "W" ], "storage_maximum_discharging_power": [ 5000, "W" ], "storage_charging_cutoff_capacity": [ 100.0, "%" ], "storage_discharging_cutoff_capacity": [ 5.0, "%" ], "storage_working_mode_settings": [ 2, null ], "storage_charge_from_grid_function": [ true, null ], "storage_grid_charge_cutoff_state_of_charge": [ 100.0, "%" ], "storage_fixed_charging_and_discharging_periods": [ [], null ], "storage_power_of_charge_from_grid": [ 2000, "W" ], "storage_maximum_power_of_charge_from_grid": [ 3000, "W" ], "storage_time_of_use_charging_and_discharging_periods": [ { "__type": "<class 'huawei_solar.exceptions.DecodeError'>", "repr": "DecodeError('Invalid model to decode TOU Registers for: 0')" }, null ], "storage_excess_pv_energy_use_in_tou": [ 0, null ], "storage_capacity_control_mode": [ 0, null ], "storage_capacity_control_soc_peak_shaving": [ 50.0, "%" ], "storage_capacity_control_periods": [ [], null ] } } }
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