Closed mayeulk closed 4 years ago
Also, summarized (and edited) from []
install.packages("/home/trendwise/Downloads/R packages/RSPython_0.7-1.tar.gz",repos=NULL,lib=.libPaths()[1])
# installing biocLite
# required for downloading & installing Bioconductor packages
biocLite() # installs automatically 'Biobase' 'IRanges' 'AnnotationDbi' ‘BiocGenerics’ ‘RSQLite’
biocLite(c("GenomicFeatures", "AnnotationDbi"))
Note: does it make sense to allow to execute some code in the DesktopDeployR if some conditions is met, for eg installing something?
[ ] Omegahat
install.packages("RCurl", repos = "")
# For some packages, there are binaries for Windows.
# For most others, you will need to specify to download the source package
install.packages(packageName, repos = "", type = "source")
[ ] Github
library(devtools) # see []
install_github("rplos", "rOpenSci")
install.packages('knitr', repos = c('', ''),type = 'source')
These are great ideas. Package "ensure"-ing could potentially incorporate all of these options and handled by a small DSL in the packages.txt file.
For instance allow something like:
devtools::install_github(repo = "garthtarr/pairsD3")