Allowing comments to be posted on reports would allow people to post links to newspaper (and other) reports of the incidents. It would also allow people to post first hand accounts and other commentary. A way to distinguish comments that are pure commentary from comments that link to source material would be useful.
Allow a way to cross-reference and save these references.
Allow people to flag a cable as interesting/non interesting
Allow people to find cables related to a news article they know about, i.e.: the ability to narrow the potential cables down based on information provided by news articles (date, location, ?)
Allow people to submit stories/additional info/images/video related to a cable
Allow people to relate one cable to another with a reason why they are related
I18n: allow people to translate the fields of a war_event
Allowing comments to be posted on reports would allow people to post links to newspaper (and other) reports of the incidents. It would also allow people to post first hand accounts and other commentary. A way to distinguish comments that are pure commentary from comments that link to source material would be useful.
Allow a way to cross-reference and save these references.