wlwardiary / cable2graph

WikiLeaks Cablegate Reference Network Visualization : cables.csv to graph to svg/html5
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Edge Prediction #26

Open wlwardiary opened 11 years ago

wlwardiary commented 11 years ago

Currently 80666 isolated cables are not included into any graph or sub-graph.

Edge Prediction could create addition links to merge existing clusters and/or include isolated nodes.

The existing reference network could be used to train a classifier based on different cable features.

Possible features for a model:

Different Edge prediction methods explained by Jure Leskovec around Minute 73:54. http://videolectures.net/icml09_leskovec_msain/

wlwardiary commented 11 years ago

More here: https://github.com/wlwardiary/cable2graph/wiki/prediction