wmboyles / Math-Summaries

Medium length summaries of math subjects like multivariable calculus. Longer than a formula sheet, shorter than a textbook.
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Avoid using "i" in discrete sums #9

Closed pcopissa closed 3 years ago

pcopissa commented 3 years ago

I strongly suggest not to use "i" as an index in discrete sums. "i" should be reserved for √-1. For your discrete sum index, use "k" instead.

I do know that context is sufficient to tell the difference, but remember that your target audience is learning about all this stuff. Do them a favor and avoid confusing notations.

wmboyles commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the suggestion. Going through the document, I realized there were several mistakes involving using the wrong variable with sums that are now also fixed.

pcopissa commented 3 years ago

Searching the PDF for "i=" yields a single occurrence, in 8.4.5, closing example p130.

Also, there is apparently no way to reopen the issue as you suggested in your commit message ?