wmbusmeters / wmbusmeters

Read the wired or wireless mbus protocol to acquire utility meter readings.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Heitland Qalcosonic W1 YEAR:2024 #1267

Open extern-joerg opened 1 month ago

extern-joerg commented 1 month ago

Type of request


OS version

raspi p4 docker

wmbusmeters version

(wmbusmeters) version: 1.16.1-29-g1a4169e

Your message goes here

First of all: Please help me

Problem: Heitland Qalcosonic W1 YEAR:2024 Does not provide decoded data. The telegram is also not displayed in the list of telegrams collected every x seconds. In debug mode without key I find the counter with this information and with a telegram (meter) cold water meter-07022303-q400 07022303.M=AXI.V=10.T=07 "434409070323020710078C20A4900F002C252C1C0000237887F628D82AFC7AA41020071004A6E981CDD9BA11B4AF6F1441D3EE2E41C49FA491024E55D0EBF3681BB1019F"

Is: So far I have used a water meter from Kampstrup multitical21. The Kamstrup and the decoding and mosquitto work perfectly. I use a Raspi with Docker with this version, see the excerpt from the log file in debug mode below.

Behave: I use 3 files in wmbusmeter.d. In debug mode without file 2#3 (see below), wmbusmeter.log gives me the information that it finds the homeland. It says, among other things, M=AXI and driver=q400. As a result, I created file 2#3 with key=0101… then the meter appears with this (config) template cold water meter-07022303-q400 07022303 q400 NO longer in the wmbusmeter.log file. If I create file 2#3 without a key and start debug mode, the following wmbusmeter.log file appears.

Header of the wmbusmeter.log in debug mode (wmbusmeters) version: 1.16.1-29-g1a4169e (config) number of meters: 3 (config) template cold water meter-25575311-multical21 25575311 multical21 (config) template cold water meter-07022303-q400 07022303 q400 (config) template unknown-iot-device * auto (shell) exec (capture output) "/bin/sh" (shell) arg "-c" (shell) arg "rtl_sdr < /dev/null" (shell) output: >>>rtl_sdr, an I/Q recorder for RTL2832 based DVB-T receivers

This is my wmbusmeters.conf (prod)

loglevel=oneshot device=auto donotprobe=/dev/ttyAMA0 listento=c1,t1,s1 logtelegrams=true format=json meterfilesaction=overwrite shell=/usr/bin/mosquitto_pub -h mosquitto -p 1883 -u pi -P 123456 -t wmbusmeters/$METER_ID -m "$METER_JSON"

3 files in wmbusmeter.d see the following

1#3 wmbusmeter.d/kamstrup (works perfectly)

name=cold water meter-25575311-multical21 id=25575311 key=010101010101010101010101010101010 driver=auto type=multical21

2#3 wmbusmeter.d/heitland (does not work)

name=cold water meter-07022303-q400 id=07022303 key=DD6087D76FEC9624DC2DCDFA678EOE8F driver=q400 type=q400

3#3wmbusmeter.d/unknown (works fine)

name=unknown-iot-device id=* driver=auto


weetmuts commented 1 month ago

Heh, replace the O (oooh) with a 0 (zero) in your aes key. :-)

weetmuts commented 1 month ago
