wmgeolab / geoBoundaries

geoBoundaries : A Political Administrative Boundaries Dataset (www.geoboundaries.org)
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[BOUNDARY ERRATA] Update GADM data #4135

Open zygoballus opened 3 weeks ago

zygoballus commented 3 weeks ago

All the GADM data on geoboundaries.org is from GADM v4.0.4. The current (and probably final) version of GADM is v4.1, which was released on 16 July 2022. Although it sounds like a minor version change, it includes a lot of major corrections to the v4.0.4 dataset.

DanRunfola commented 3 weeks ago

I'm guessing you mean the boundary comparison tool GADM data?

The Ph.D. student who maintained that has since moved on, but we have a new student coming online interested in very similar topics. I'll see what can be done, especially if GADM is moving into maintenance mode.