wmgeolab / geoBoundaries

geoBoundaries : A Political Administrative Boundaries Dataset (www.geoboundaries.org)
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NER ADM3 gbOpen #458

Closed github-actions[bot] closed 3 years ago

github-actions[bot] commented 4 years ago

Hi! I am the geoBoundary bot, here with a some details on what I need. I'll print out my logs for you below so you know what's happening!

{ "GEOM_Projection": true, "GEOM_Topology": true, "GEOM_boundaryISOColumnExists": false, "GEOM_boundaryISOsFilledIn": false, "GEOM_boundaryNamesColumnExists": true, "GEOM_boundaryNamesFilledIn": true, "GEOM_requiredChecksPassing": true, "META_boundaryTypeValid": true, "META_canonicalNameInMeta": false, "META_dataSourceExists": true, "META_isoValid": true, "META_licenseImageInZip": false, "META_licenseSourceExists": true, "META_licenseValid": true, "META_releaseTypeCorrectFolder": true, "META_releaseTypeValid": true, "META_requiredChecksPassing": false, "META_sourceExists": true, "META_yearValid": true, "boundaryCanonical": "", "boundaryID": "NER-ADM3-dev", "boundaryISO": "NER", "boundaryLicense": "Other - Direct Permission", "boundarySourceURL": "http//www.fews.net/fews-data/334?tid=19&field_data_portal_date_start%5Bvalue%5D%5Byear%5D=&field_data_portal_date_start%5Bvalue%5D%5Bmonth%5D=&field_data_portal_date_end%5Bvalue%5D%5Byear%5D=&field_data_portal_date_end%5Bvalue%5D%5Bmonth%5D=", "boundarySource_1": "FEWS NET", "boundarySource_2": "nan", "boundaryType": "ADM3", "boundaryYear": "2012.0", "downloadURL": "https://github.com/wmgeolab/gbRelease/raw/master/releaseData/gbOpen/NER_ADM3.zip", "licenseDetail": "Granted to redistribute in email", "licenseSource": "https//twitter.com/WMgeoLab/status/1196508772291743746/photo/1", "status": "FAIL" }


charliealtman commented 3 years ago


^^Link to NER ADM3 from MIT via Columbia but no metadata and from 1996, so we'll see if there's some more recent stuff. EDIT 1: must be affiliated with Columbia to access. EDIT 2: I take it back you just have to go to the dropdown menu to access it. EDIT 3: Shapefile from 1996 only has 129 objects (communes); however, there are over 200 communes as of 2012. EDIT 4: Looked at UN data for NER ADM3, which has 268 objects (communes) EDIT 5: http://www.citypopulation.de/en/niger/admin/ -> link to website showing all communes, data from OSM EDIT 6: https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/handle/10986/31162 -> link to world bank report with multiple maps showing NER ADM3. Can be digitized if desired. Figures showing NER ADM3 are from 2012 census. EDIT 7: http://anado.ins.ne/index.php/catalog/61 -> link to data from Niger 2012 census used by the Global Health Data Exchange