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BUFR edition 4
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New BUFR Template for Snow Surface Temperature #198

Open rzhangwmo opened 2 months ago

rzhangwmo commented 2 months ago

Initial request

I'm submitting the request expressed by the Expert Team on Snow Watch of AG-GCW, for the generation of a new BUFR Template for Snow Surface Temperature (or expansion of an existing sequence, as the case may be). The scientific lead of the issue is Dr Charles Fierz (fierz@slf.ch), who will connect with MeteoSwiss on the data exchange aspects. Ran Zhang (rzhang@wmo.int) will support Charles, from the Secretariat. Thank you.

Amendment details

1. Add a new elements in table B F X Y ELEMENT NAME UNIT SCALE REFERENCE VALUE DATA WITH (bits)
0-12-133 Ice temperature Numeric 2 0 16

2. Add a new BUFR template in table D

Table reference Table references Element name Description / comments
3-07 - 104 Snow temperature profile
3 01 150 WIGOS identifier    
0 01 019 Long station or site name   
0 02 001 Type of station
3 01 011 Year, month, day   
3 01 013 Hour, minute, second    
3 01 021 Latitude/longitude (high accuracy)  
0 07 030 Height of station ground above mean sea level
0 02 177 Method of snow depth measurement
0 20 062 State of the ground (with or without snow)
0 13 013 Total snow depth
0 08 029 Surface type
0 12 161 Skin temperature
0 08 029 Surface type Cancel
1 04 000 Delayed replication of 4 descriptors
0 31 001 Delayed replication factor
0 07 032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform)
0 12 101 Temperature/air temperature
0 12 131 Snow temperature
0 12 133 Ice temperature New
1 02 000 Delayed replication of 2 descriptors
0 31 001 Delayed replication factor
0 07 061 Depth below land surface
0 12 133 Soil temperature
1 03 000 Delayed replication of 2 descriptors
0 31 001 Delayed replication factor
0 07 062 Depth below sea/water surface
0 13 082 Water temperature
0 12 133 Ice temperature New


No response


Ran Zhang, rzhang@wmo.int Rodica Nitu, rnitu@wmo.int


Charles Fierz (fierz@slf.ch)


Manual on Codes (WMO-No. 306), Volume I.2

Expected impact of change



No response


No response


No response

amilan17 commented 2 months ago

2024-05-02 notes:

Team to look at snow surface temperature template as well as the generic profile template: @antoinemerle, @jbathegit, @marijanacrepulja, and @SibylleK

jbathegit commented 2 months ago

It would also be good to consider how or whether this proposed new template and content would relate to existing GTS snow reports which use the templates 3-07-103, 3-07-101, etc, since I know that Switzerland in particular is already reporting such data.

fierz commented 2 months ago

It would also be good to consider how or whether this proposed new template and content would relate to existing GTS snow reports which use the templates 3-07-103, 3-07-101, etc, since I know that Switzerland in particular is already reporting such data.

@jbathegit @antoinemerle @marijanacrepulja @SibylleK @rzhangwmo: The two templates above refer to properties of the snow cover (as a whole): snow depth, water equivalent of snow cover, and bulk snow density. Snow surface temperature could or can also be considered as a property of the snow cover (its skin temperature) while snow temperature is measured at multiple levels within the snow cover. Note that the GIMO terminology, used in WMDR, differs sometime a little bit from that of BUFR4 😇

From Antoine's comment above, I think I start to vaguely understand how a template could look like and why it may be difficult to include air in it. Looking forward to our next meeting to learn more.

fierz commented 2 months ago

@all I contacted MeteoSwiss but did not get an answer yet. I also contacted K. Isaksen, with whom you worked on issue#157 about permafrost temperatures. Great work!

I also attachj a few slides that may help better describe the problem from my side. ttTDCF-20240507_issue198-CF.pdf

amilan17 commented 2 months ago

https://github.com/wmo-im/CCT/wiki/Teleconference.14.May.2024 notes: Marijana reported out on the outputs from the meeting last week and presented the updated proposal details; the team discussed the details; points vs profiles; what category/sub-category would this fall under? @fierz @rzhangwmo check with providers/users to see if the generic profile is sufficient;

fierz commented 1 month ago

I did contact some possible players and discussions were very helpful and valuable. I'll report on those in more details (see also attached PDF) but below are the main results.

  1. I would propose to rename the template to "Cryo station temperature profile";
  2. I realised the descriptor Surface qualifier (temperature data) (0 08 010 ) is better appropriate to define the surface as Surface type (0 08 029); on the other hand Surface type can be used to better describe the "ground" on which the station stands;
  3. Total snow depth (0 13 013) would need a change in reference value from -2 to 0 because real negative values could occur, for example on ice sheets;
  4. In addition to snow depth, it may be useful to be able to indicate (sea) ice thickness. A problem arises with the repeated use of Surface type though;
  5. From the discussions with my MeteoSwiss colleague M. Musa and P. Leibersperger, a colleague at SLF, I would now propose the following template ( additions; new elements ):
Table reference Table references Element name Description / comment
3-07-104 Cryo station temperature profile
3 01 150 WIGOS identifier
0 01 019 Long station or site name
0 02 0011 Type of station
3 01 011 Year, month, day
3 01 013 Hour, minute, second
3 01 021 Latitude/longitude (high accuracy)
0 07 030 Height of station ground above mean sea level
0 08 029 Surface type / Defines on what 'ground' the station stands
0 02 177 Method of snow depth measurement / Not necesssarily needed
0 20 062 State of the ground (with or without snow)
2 03 YYY Change reference values / to allow negative values for snow depth
0 13 013 Total snow depth
2 03 255 Change reference values
0 08 029 Surface type Conflicting w/ definition above / See WMO-No. 306, Vol. I.2, I.2 – BUFR/CREX Table B/13 — 5, note 9 : shall be set to set to 11, 12, 13 or 14 to specify river, lake, sea or glacier, respectively.
0 13 115 Ice thickness / Nice to have
0 08 029 Surface type Cancel
0 08 010 Surface qualifier (for temperature data)
0 12 161 Skin temperature
0 08 010 Surface qualifier (for temperature data) Cancel / Is cancelling necessary?
1 07 000 Delayed replication of 7 descriptors
0 31 001 Delayed replication factor
0 07 034 Height of sensor relative to local ground (or deck of marine platform)
0 12 101 Temperature/air temperature
0 12 131 Snow temperature
0 12 130 Soil temperature
0 12 133 Ice temperature New / Needed for sea ice etc.
0 12 082 Water temperature
0 12 134 Temperature kelvin New / Temperature in kelvin as 0 12 023 is in degree Celsius
0 07 034 Height of sensor relative to local ground (or deck of marine platform) m 2 0 16
0 12 133 Ice temperature K 2 0 16
0 12 134 Temperature kelvin K 2 0 16
  1. MeteoSwiss would need some time to provide BUFR messages with the new templates as BUFR encoding is outsourced (DWD etc.) This would require an agreed upon template;
  2. SLF could provide BUFR messages for cryo stations but not before End July 2024.


amilan17 commented 1 month ago

https://github.com/wmo-im/CCT/wiki/Teleconference.2024.June.4and5 notes: Charles presented some revisions to the proposal for generic temperature profile for cryosphere stations; there were discussions about "height of sensor relative to local ground", "Temperature Kelvin" descriptor; It was noted that temperature/air temperature == generic temperature OR air temperature;

TO DO: set up an ad hoc meeting to continue discussions in the first week of July; Change to FT2025-1

fierz commented 2 weeks ago

@jbathegit @antoinemerle @marijanacrepulja @SibylleK @rzhangwmo: (and further interested members of TT-TDCF)

Dear all Here is a refined proposal to be discussed next week on 2024-07-01. I added 4 question marks '? N' to elements that I think will need clarification. I also attach a spreadsheet that contains some more info and examples of data mapped to this new template. bufr4-202405_templateSnowTempProfile-v03.xlsx ttTDCF-20240701_issue198-CF.pdf

Table reference Table references Element name Element description comment
3-07-104 Cryo station temperature profile
3 01 150 WIGOS identifier
0 01 019 Long station or site name
0 02 001 Type of station
3 01 011 Year, month, day
3 01 013 Hour, minute, second
3 01 021 Latitude/longitude (high accuracy)
0 07 030 Height of station ground above mean sea level
0 08 029 Surface type Defines on what 'ground' the station stands
0 13 115 Ice thickness ? 3 -> See WMO-No. 306. Note to be adapted!
0 20 062 State of the ground (with or without snow)
2 03 YYY Change reference values ? 2 -> How to get rid of -2 ref value
2 01 131 Change data width Add 3 bits, see issue https://github.com/wmo-im/BUFR4/issues/157
2 02 129 Change scale to allow for mm precision
0 13 013 Total snow depth
2 01 000 Change data width Cancel
2 02 000 Change scale Cancel
2 03 255 Change reference values Cancel
0 08 010 Surface qualifier (for temperature data)
0 12 161 Skin temperature
0 08 010 Surface qualifier (for temperature data) Cancel Is cancelling necessary?
1 10 000 Delayed replication of 10 descriptors ? 4 -> Is a Time period or displacement (0 04 025) set to zero needed here? See issue #157.
0 31 001 Delayed replication factor
0 07 034 Vertical distance of sensor New ? 1 -> From WIGOS Metadata Standard ID 5-05, Vertical distance of the sensor from a (specified) reference level
0 12 101 Temperature/air temperature Generic temperature OR(==/) air temperature
0 12 131 Snow temperature
2 01 131 Change data width Add 3 bits, see issue https://github.com/wmo-im/BUFR4/issues/157
2 02 129 Change scale to allow for mK precision
0 12 130 Soil temperature
2 01 000 Change data width Cancel
2 02 000 Change scale Cancel
0 12 133 Ice temperature New Needed for sea ice etc.
0 12 082 Water temperature
0 07 034 Vertical distance of sensor m 2 -65000 17
0 12 133 Ice temperature K 2 0 16
amilan17 commented 2 weeks ago

https://github.com/wmo-im/CCT/wiki/Teleconference.24and26.June.2024 notes: Proposal is updated and meeting on Monday to discuss further

marijanacrepulja commented 1 week ago

Meeting on 1 July 2024 Decisions:

amilan17 commented 1 week ago

https://github.com/wmo-im/CCT/wiki/Teleconference.2.July.2024 notes Marijana explained the decisions from meeting yesterday

fierz commented 6 days ago

Following the decisions taken on 2024-07-01, please find below the final proposal for the Cryo station temperature profile template. I'll work with MeteoSwiss and my colleagues at SLF/WSL to provide sample BUFR files for validation the latest by end of October 2024.


Table reference Table references Element name Element description comment
3-07-104 Cryo station temperature profile
3 01 150 WIGOS identifier
0 01 019 Long station or site name
0 02 001 Type of station
3 01 011 Year, month, day
3 01 013 Hour, minute, second
3 01 021 Latitude/longitude (high accuracy)
0 07 030 Height of station ground above mean sea level
0 08 029 Surface type Defines on what 'ground' the station stands
0 13 115 Ice thickness Adapt note 9 to Class 13
0 20 062 State of the ground (with or without snow)
0 13 119 Snow depth New Add note X to Class 13; millimetre precision is needed
0 02 177 Method of snow depth measurement
0 08 010 Surface qualifier (for temperature data)
0 12 161 Skin temperature
0 08 010 Surface qualifier (for temperature data) Cancel
1 10 000 Delayed replication of 11 descriptors
0 31 001 Delayed replication factor
0 07 034 Vertical distance of sensor New Positive values are above, negative values below the specified reference level 0 07 030; corresponds to WIGOS Metadata Standard, see added note X to Class 13 below
0 02 096 Type of temperature sensor Add three types of sensors to Code Table (see below)
0 12 101 Temperature/air temperature Generic temperature OR air temperature
0 12 131 Snow temperature
2 01 131 Change data width Add 3 bits, see issue https://github.com/wmo-im/BUFR4/issues/157
2 02 129 Change scale to allow for mK precision
0 12 130 Soil temperature
2 01 000 Change data width Cancel
2 02 000 Change scale Cancel
0 12 133 Ice temperature New Needed for temperature of ice bodies
0 12 082 Water temperature

New elements in table B

0 07 034 Vertical distance of sensor (see Note X) m 2 -65000 17
0 12 133 Ice temperature K 2 0 16
0 13 119 Snow depth (see Note X) m 3 -10000 15
