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code table 4.0 and templates 4.92 - 4.98: Extend local time template to ensembles, postprocessed forecasts and average, accumulated or other statistically processed values #84

Closed sebvi closed 2 years ago

sebvi commented 3 years ago



Summary and purpose

ECMWF is proposing a new set of templates to extend existing templates for use with local time


Sebastien Villaume (ECMWF)

Action proposed

The team is kindly asked to review and approve the contents for inclusion within the next update to the WMO Manual on Codes.


Following the recent validation of the new local time template (4.88), issue https://github.com/wmo-im/GRIB2/issues/6 , we would like to extend the concept to be used in EPS and in postprocessing models. WE also extend the local time to be be used with statistically processed parameters.


Detailed proposal

add in code Table 4.0 the entries for the new templates Code Meaning
92 Individual ensemble forecast, control and perturbed at a horizontal level or in a horizontal layer at a local Time
93 Post-processing analysis or forecast at a horizontal level or in a horizontal layer at a local Time
94 Post-processing individual ensemble forecast, control and perturbed, at a horizontal level or in a horizontal layer at a local Time
95 Average, accumulation, extreme values or other statistically processed values at a horizontal level or in a horizontal layer at a local Time
96 Average, accumulation, extreme values or other statistically processed values of an individual ensemble forecast, control and perturbed at a horizontal level or in a horizontal layer at a local Time
97 Average, accumulation, extreme values or other statistically processed values of a post-processing analysis or forecast at a horizontal level or in a horizontal layer at a local Time
98 Average, accumulation, extreme values or other statistically processed values of a post-processing individual ensemble forecast, control and perturbed, at a horizontal level or in a horizontal layer at a local Time

Template 4.92 Individual ensemble forecast, control and perturbed at a horizontal level or in a horizontal layer at a local Time

Octet No. Contents
10 Parameter category (see Code table 4.1)
11 Parameter number (see Code table 4.2)
12 Type of generating process (see Code table 4.3)
13 Background generating process identifier (defined by originating centre)
14 Analysis or forecast generating process identifier (defined by originating centre)
15 Type of first fixed surface (see Code table 4.5)
16 Scale factor of first fixed surface
17-20 Scaled value of first fixed surface
21 Type of second fixed surface (see Code table 4.5)
22 Scale factor of second fixed surface
23-26 Scaled value of second fixed surface
27 Type of ensemble forecast (see Code table 4.6)
28 Perturbation number
29 Number of forecasts in ensemble
30 Method used to derive the data field values at the local time specified in section 1 (see code Table 2.248)
31 n - number of analysis or forecast used to create the composite data field at the local time specified in section 1 (n>=1)
Octet 32-49 Specification of the analysis or forecast used in the processing (n=1)
32-33 Year of the analysis or forecast used in the processing
34 Month of the analysis or forecast used in the processing
35 Day of the analysis or forecast used in the processing
36 Hour of the analysis or forecast used in the processing
37 Minute of the analysis or forecast used in the processing
38 Second of the analysis or forecast used in the processing
39 Indicator of units of forecast time (see code Table 4.4, set to missing if analysis)
40-43 Forecast time (set to missing if analysis)
44 Number of time increments of the forecast used in the processing
45 Indicator of units of time for the time increments
46-49 Time increments between successive forecast time
Octet 50-nn are included only if n>1 where nn=31+18*n
50-nn (n-1) repetitions of sequence of octet 32-49, describing the next analyses or forecasts used in the processing

Template 4.93 Post-processing analysis or forecast at a horizontal level or in a horizontal layer at a local Time

Octet No. Contents
10 Parameter category (see Code table 4.1)
11 Parameter number (see Code table 4.2)
12-13 Input process identifier
14-15 Input originating centre
16 Type of post-processing
17 Type of generating process (see Code table 4.3)
18 Background generating process identifier (defined by originating centre)
19 Analysis or forecast generating process identifier (defined by originating centre)
20 Type of first fixed surface (see Code table 4.5)
21 Scale factor of first fixed surface
22-25 Scaled value of first fixed surface
26 Type of second fixed surface (see Code table 4.5)
27 Scale factor of second fixed surface
28-31 Scaled value of second fixed surface
32 Method used to derive the data field values at the local time specified in section 1 (see code Table 2.248)
33 n - number of analysis or forecast used to create the composite data field at the local time specified in section 1 (n>=1)
Octet 34-51 Specification of the analysis or forecast used in the processing (n=1)
34-35 Year of the analysis or forecast used in the processing
36 Month of the analysis or forecast used in the processing
37 Day of the analysis or forecast used in the processing
38 Hour of the analysis or forecast used in the processing
39 Minute of the analysis or forecast used in the processing
40 Second of the analysis or forecast used in the processing
41 Indicator of units of forecast time (see code Table 4.4, set to missing if analysis)
42-45 Forecast time (set to missing if analysis)
46 Number of time increments of the forecast used in the processing
47 Indicator of units of time for the time increments
48-51 Time increments between successive forecast time
Octet 52-nn are included only if n>1 where nn=33+18*n
52-nn (n-1) repetitions of sequence of octet 34-51, describing the next analyses or forecasts used in the processing

Template 4.94 Post-processing individual ensemble forecast, control and perturbed, at a horizontal level or in a horizontal layer at a local Time

Octet No. Contents
10 Parameter category (see Code table 4.1)
11 Parameter number (see Code table 4.2)
12-13 Input process identifier
14-15 Input originating centre
16 Type of post-processing
17 Type of generating process (see Code table 4.3)
18 Background generating process identifier (defined by originating centre)
19 Analysis or forecast generating process identifier (defined by originating centre)
20 Type of first fixed surface (see Code table 4.5)
21 Scale factor of first fixed surface
22-25 Scaled value of first fixed surface
26 Type of second fixed surface (see Code table 4.5)
27 Scale factor of second fixed surface
28-31 Scaled value of second fixed surface
32 Type of ensemble forecast (see Code table 4.6)
33 Perturbation number
34 Number of forecasts in ensemble
35 Method used to derive the data field values at the local time specified in section 1 (see code Table 2.248)
36 n - number of analysis or forecast used to create the composite data field at the local time specified in section 1 (n>=1)
Octet 37-54 Specification of the analysis or forecast used in the processing (n=1)
37-38 Year of the analysis or forecast used in the processing
39 Month of the analysis or forecast used in the processing
40 Day of the analysis or forecast used in the processing
41 Hour of the analysis or forecast used in the processing
42 Minute of the analysis or forecast used in the processing
43 Second of the analysis or forecast used in the processing
44 Indicator of units of forecast time (see code Table 4.4, set to missing if analysis)
45-48 Forecast time (set to missing if analysis)
49 Number of time increments of the forecast used in the processing
50 Indicator of units of time for the time increments
51-54 Time increments between successive forecast time
Octet 55-nn are included only if n>1 where nn=36+18*n
55-nn (n-1) repetitions of sequence of octet 37-54, describing the next analyses or forecasts used in the processing

TEMPLATE 4.95 Average, accumulation, extreme values or other statistically processed values at a horizontal level or in a horizontal layer at a local Time

Octet No. Contents
10 Parameter category (see Code table 4.1)
11 Parameter number (see Code table 4.2)
12 Type of generating process (see Code table 4.3)
13 Background generating process identifier (defined by originating centre)
14 Forecast generating process identifier (defined by originating centre)
15 Type of first fixed surface (see Code table 4.5)
16 Scale factor of first fixed surface
17–20 Scaled value of first fixed surface
21 Type of second fixed surface (see Code table 4.5)
22 Scale factor of second fixed surface
23–26 Scaled value of second fixed surface
27 Statistical process used to calculate the fields that will be used in the local time processing (see Code table 4.10)
28 Indicator of unit of time for time range over which statistical processing is done. (see Code table 4.4)
29-32 Length of the time range over which statistical processing is done, in units defined by the previous octet. (see note 1)
33 Number of statistically processed fields used in the local time composite field (see Note 2)
34 Method used to calculate the field value at the local time specified in section 1 (see Code table 4.248)
35 n - number of forecasts used in the local time processing (see Note 3)
n/a 36-53 Specification of the first (or only) forecast
36-37 Year of the reference date for the first (or only) forecast
38 Month of the reference date for the first (or only) forecast
39 Day of the reference date for the first (or only) forecast
40 Hour of the reference time for the first (or only) forecast
41 Minute of the reference time for the first (or only) forecast
42 Second of the reference time for the first (or only) forecast
43 Indicator of units of forecast time (see Code table 4.4)
44-47 Forecast time in units defined by the previous octet
48 Number of increments for the successive forecast times
49 Indicator of unit of time for the time increment between the successive forecast times (see Code table 4.4)
50-53 Time increment between successive forecast times, in units defined by the previous octet (see Note 4)
n/a 54-nn These octets are included only if n>1 where nn=35+18*n
54-nn (n-1) repetitions of sequence of octet 36-53, describing the next forecasts (reference date, reference time and forecast time increments)

Notes: (1) This represents the length of time over which the statistical processing was applied. The local time defined in section 1 represents the end of this processing. For instance, a value of 24h corresponds to a statistical processing between the previous day at local time and this day at local time. (2) This represents the number of statistically processed fields (or stripes) used to create the composite local time field. For instance a value of 8 means that 8 statistically processed fields have been used in the processing, each of them representing a section of 45 degrees of longitude (360/8) centered around the UTC time corresponding to the local time. (3) This is the number of forecasts and time steps used to create the statistically processed fields. These implicitly have the same statistical process as defined in octet 27. If a forecast has 2 time increments (3 hourly day 1 to 5 then 6 hourly), it should be encoded as 2 forecasts with the same reference time, using the appropriate starting forecast time and time increments. (4) This also represents the length of time range of the statistical processed fields. For instance, to create a 24h accumulation (encoded in octet 29-32), we could use several 3h accumulations, or 6h accumulation, a mixture of the two, etc.

TEMPLATE 4.96 Average, accumulation, extreme values or other statistically processed values of an individual ensemble forecast, control and perturbed at a horizontal level or in a horizontal layer at a local Time

Octet No. Contents
10 Parameter category (see Code table 4.1)
11 Parameter number (see Code table 4.2)
12 Type of generating process (see Code table 4.3)
13 Background generating process identifier (defined by originating centre)
14 Forecast generating process identifier (defined by originating centre)
15 Type of first fixed surface (see Code table 4.5)
16 Scale factor of first fixed surface
17–20 Scaled value of first fixed surface
21 Type of second fixed surface (see Code table 4.5)
22 Scale factor of second fixed surface
23–26 Scaled value of second fixed surface
27 Type of ensemble forecast (see Code table 4.6)
28 Perturbation number
29 Number of forecasts in ensemble
30 Statistical process used to calculate the fields that will be used in the local time processing (see Code table 4.10)
31 Indicator of unit of time for time range over which statistical processing is done. (see Code table 4.4)
32-35 Length of the time range over which statistical processing is done, in units defined by the previous octet. (see note 1)
36 Number of statistically processed fields used in the local time composite field (see Note 2)
37 Method used to calculate the field value at the local time specified in section 1 (see Code table 4.248)
38 n - number of forecasts used in the local time processing (see Note 3)
n/a 39-56 Specification of the first (or only) forecast
39-40 Year of the reference date for the first (or only) forecast
41 Month of the reference date for the first (or only) forecast
42 Day of the reference date for the first (or only) forecast
43 Hour of the reference time for the first (or only) forecast
44 Minute of the reference time for the first (or only) forecast
45 Second of the reference time for the first (or only) forecast
46 Indicator of units of forecast time (see Code table 4.4)
47-50 Forecast time in units defined by the previous octet
51 Number of increments for the successive forecast times
52 Indicator of unit of time for the time increment between the successive forecast times (see Code table 4.4)
53-56 Time increment between successive forecast times, in units defined by the previous octet (see Note 4)
n/a 57-nn These octets are included only if n>1 where nn=38+18*n
57-nn (n-1) repetitions of sequence of octet 39-56, describing the next forecasts (reference date, reference time and forecast time increments)

Notes: (1) This represents the length of time over which the statistical processing was applied. The local time defined in section 1 represents the end of this processing. For instance, a value of 24h corresponds to a statistical processing between the previous day at local time and this day at local time. (2) This represents the number of statistically processed fields (or stripes) used to create the composite local time field. For instance a value of 8 means that 8 statistically processed fields have been used in the processing, each of them representing a section of 45 degrees of longitude (360/8) centered around the UTC time corresponding to the local time. (3) This is the number of forecasts and time steps used to create the statistically processed fields. These implicitly have the same statistical process as defined in octet 30. If a forecast has 2 time increments (3 hourly day 1 to 5 then 6 hourly), it should be encoded as 2 forecasts with the same reference time, using the appropriate starting forecast time and time increments. (4) This also represents the length of time range of the statistical processed fields. For instance, to create a 24h accumulation (encoded in octet 32-35), we could use several 3h accumulations, or 6h accumulation, a mixture of the two, etc.

TEMPLATE 4.97 Average, accumulation, extreme values or other statistically processed values of a post-processing analysis or forecast at a horizontal level or in a horizontal layer at a local Time

Octet No. Contents
10 Parameter category (see Code table 4.1)
11 Parameter number (see Code table 4.2)
12-13 Input process identifier
14-15 Input originating centre
16 Type of post-processing
17 Type of generating process (see Code table 4.3)
18 Background generating process identifier (defined by originating centre)
19 Forecast generating process identifier (defined by originating centre)
20 Type of first fixed surface (see Code table 4.5)
21 Scale factor of first fixed surface
22–25 Scaled value of first fixed surface
26 Type of second fixed surface (see Code table 4.5)
27 Scale factor of second fixed surface
28–31 Scaled value of second fixed surface
32 Statistical process used to calculate the fields that will be used in the local time processing (see Code table 4.10)
33 Indicator of unit of time for time range over which statistical processing is done. (see Code table 4.4)
34-37 Length of the time range over which statistical processing is done, in units defined by the previous octet. (see note 1)
38 Number of statistically processed fields used in the local time composite field (see Note 2)
39 Method used to calculate the field value at the local time specified in section 1 (see Code table 4.248)
40 n - number of forecasts used in the local time processing (see Note 3)
n/a 41-58 Specification of the first (or only) forecast
41-42 Year of the reference date for the first (or only) forecast
43 Month of the reference date for the first (or only) forecast
44 Day of the reference date for the first (or only) forecast
45 Hour of the reference time for the first (or only) forecast
46 Minute of the reference time for the first (or only) forecast
47 Second of the reference time for the first (or only) forecast
48 Indicator of units of forecast time (see Code table 4.4)
49-52 Forecast time in units defined by the previous octet
53 Number of increments for the successive forecast times
54 Indicator of unit of time for the time increment between the successive forecast times (see Code table 4.4)
55-58 Time increment between successive forecast times, in units defined by the previous octet (see Note 4)
n/a 59-nn These octets are included only if n>1 where nn=40+18*n
59-nn (n-1) repetitions of sequence of octet 41-58, describing the next forecasts (reference date, reference time and forecast time increments)

Notes: (1) This represents the length of time over which the statistical processing was applied. The local time defined in section 1 represents the end of this processing. For instance, a value of 24h corresponds to a statistical processing between the previous day at local time and this day at local time. (2) This represents the number of statistically processed fields (or stripes) used to create the composite local time field. For instance a value of 8 means that 8 statistically processed fields have been used in the processing, each of them representing a section of 45 degrees of longitude (360/8) centered around the UTC time corresponding to the local time. (3) This is the number of forecasts and time steps used to create the statistically processed fields. These implicitly have the same statistical process as defined in octet 32. If a forecast has 2 time increments (3 hourly day 1 to 5 then 6 hourly), it should be encoded as 2 forecasts with the same reference time, using the appropriate starting forecast time and time increments. (4) This also represents the length of time range of the statistical processed fields. For instance, to create a 24h accumulation (encoded in octet 34-37), we could use several 3h accumulations, or 6h accumulation, a mixture of the two, etc.

TEMPLATE 4.98 Average, accumulation, extreme values or other statistically processed values of a post-processing individual ensemble forecast, control and perturbed, at a horizontal level or in a horizontal layer at a local Time

Octet No. Contents
10 Parameter category (see Code table 4.1)
11 Parameter number (see Code table 4.2)
12-13 Input process identifier
14-15 Input originating centre
16 Type of post-processing
17 Type of generating process (see Code table 4.3)
18 Background generating process identifier (defined by originating centre)
19 Forecast generating process identifier (defined by originating centre)
20 Type of first fixed surface (see Code table 4.5)
21 Scale factor of first fixed surface
22–25 Scaled value of first fixed surface
26 Type of second fixed surface (see Code table 4.5)
27 Scale factor of second fixed surface
28–31 Scaled value of second fixed surface
32 Type of ensemble forecast (see Code table 4.6)
33 Perturbation number
34 Number of forecasts in ensemble
35 Statistical process used to calculate the fields that will be used in the local time processing (see Code table 4.10)
36 Indicator of unit of time for time range over which statistical processing is done. (see Code table 4.4)
37-40 Length of the time range over which statistical processing is done, in units defined by the previous octet. (see note 1)
41 Number of statistically processed fields used in the local time composite field (see Note 2)
42 Method used to calculate the field value at the local time specified in section 1 (see Code table 4.248)
43 n - number of forecasts used in the local time processing (see Note 3)
n/a 44-61 Specification of the first (or only) forecast
44-45 Year of the reference date for the first (or only) forecast
46 Month of the reference date for the first (or only) forecast
47 Day of the reference date for the first (or only) forecast
48 Hour of the reference time for the first (or only) forecast
49 Minute of the reference time for the first (or only) forecast
50 Second of the reference time for the first (or only) forecast
51 Indicator of units of forecast time (see Code table 4.4)
52-55 Forecast time in units defined by the previous octet
56 Number of increments for the successive forecast times
57 Indicator of unit of time for the time increment between the successive forecast times (see Code table 4.4)
58-61 Time increment between successive forecast times, in units defined by the previous octet (see Note 4)
n/a 62-nn These octets are included only if n>1 where nn=43+18*n
62-nn (n-1) repetitions of sequence of octet 44-61, describing the next forecasts (reference date, reference time and forecast time increments)

Notes: (1) This represents the length of time over which the statistical processing was applied. The local time defined in section 1 represents the end of this processing. For instance, a value of 24h corresponds to a statistical processing between the previous day at local time and this day at local time. (2) This represents the number of statistically processed fields (or stripes) used to create the composite local time field. For instance a value of 8 means that 8 statistically processed fields have been used in the processing, each of them representing a section of 45 degrees of longitude (360/8) centered around the UTC time corresponding to the local time. (3) This is the number of forecasts and time steps used to create the statistically processed fields. These implicitly have the same statistical process as defined in octet 35. If a forecast has 2 time increments (3 hourly day 1 to 5 then 6 hourly), it should be encoded as 2 forecasts with the same reference time, using the appropriate starting forecast time and time increments. (4) This also represents the length of time range of the statistical processed fields. For instance, to create a 24h accumulation (encoded in octet 37-40), we could use several 3h accumulations, or 6h accumulation, a mixture of the two, etc.

amilan17 commented 3 years ago

@sebvi  -- we have a new approach for managing notes for GRIB templates. I will present it at the next meeting, however, I can speak with you before then if needed.

sebvi commented 3 years ago

@amilan17 : saw it, it looks good. I see how you implemented it, should I created a noteID in the new table and then use that noteID in the relevant columnb of my templates?

amilan17 commented 3 years ago

@sebvi , Yes exactly, but first review the existing notes and reference ones that are already established as applicable. For example, note 33 (Hours greater than 65534 will be coded as 65534.), is a common one and is already referenced 63 times in the templates.

sebvi commented 3 years ago

I have updated the proposal to move the local time method closer to the other keys it belongs to in proposed templates 4.95 to 4.98

I will provide sample GRIB either tomorrow or on Monday

sebvi commented 3 years ago

Having problem to upload as usual :S

sebvi commented 3 years ago

trying again templates.zip

sebvi commented 3 years ago

I have updated the branch.

@amilan17 During the process I noted that template 4.88 refers to table 2.248 instead of 4.248. Should I open a separate issue for an editorial change?

amilan17 commented 3 years ago

@sebvi -- yes, please open a separate issue and tag me.  If we do this quickly, we can include in FT2021-2.

sebvi commented 3 years ago

@amilan17 I have already done so, it is issue #107

jitsukoh commented 3 years ago

@sebvi in the branch, I found misspelling in the name of PDT 4.95.

In GRIB2_CodeFlag_4_0_CodeTable_en.csv

Product definition template number,,95,,"Average, accumulation extreme values or other statiscally processed value at a horizontal level or in a horizontal layer at a specified local time",,,Operational

should be

Product definition template number,,95,,"Average, accumulation, extreme values or other statistically processed value at a horizontal level or in a horizontal layer at a specified local time",,,Operational

(added comma after accumulation and corrected the spelling of statistically)

And then all the Title_en in GRIB2_Template_4_95_ProductDefinitionTemplate_en.csv need to be corrected accordingly.

amilan17 commented 3 years ago

@jitsukoh @sebvi 

I updated the branch

jitsukoh commented 3 years ago

@amilan17 thank you. I think the comma after "accumulation" in GRIB2_CodeFlag_4_0_CodeTable_en.csv is still missing.

amilan17 commented 3 years ago

@sebvi  In the following templates, there are references to notes in the notes_en column, but no associated number in the noteIDs column

amilan17 commented 3 years ago

@jitsukoh - thanks, I think I added all the necessary commas now.

sebvi commented 3 years ago

@amilan17 @jitsukoh I have updated the branch with whatever was missing, please have a look

amilan17 commented 3 years ago

@sebvi -- Thank you very much for updating the notes. I merged your branch into FT21-2, but we are having difficulty verifying the content, because now the issue summary (at the top of this issue) does not match the content. Can you please update the issue summary? @chenxiaoxia2019 is double/triple checking everything and we need to get this done this week.

amilan17 commented 3 years ago

Templates 4.93 and 4.94 in issue summary are inconsistent with content in FT21-2 branch.

sebvi commented 3 years ago

@amilan17 and @chenxiaoxia2019 : if you could point out what is not matching, that would help

chenxiaoxia2019 commented 3 years ago

@sebvi Hi, Sebastien, it is about the added notes in Templates 4.93, 4.94. In the "Detailed Proposal", in these templates, there are no notes. Yet in the GitHub branch, there are notes.